Explain this.
Explain this
What point are you trying to support based on this evidence?
Belive it or not, i have no agenda
All I see is that black women, black men and asian men are undesirable for dating.
If you wanted to see some more relevant statistics you'd need to look for tinder data.
It'd show that black men were far more popular for just casual sex with all women and white men would be less popular.
Well suffice to read, but why are some races less desirable?
Got any link for tinder datas?
People hate black women. Why is that a shocker? You ever been around a black woman, you would understand.
Meaningless data concerning abstracta defined by arbitrarily drawn boundaries
This has nothing to do with real life
explain why this is on Veeky Forums
You would get more responses if you posted this on /int/
>Veeky Forums - /pol/ with dates and post whatever the fuck you want. Just call it "Humanities."
I don't care of the opinion of retarded children.
I don't care of the opinion of retarded children.
The sexual free market has been a disaster if you were smart you'd start agitating for a restoration of regulatory reforms.
Are you doing any of that? Nobody does it because one may as well say "i'm at the bottom of the sexual hierarchy"
>The sexual free market has been a disaster
Why? It's simply the natural order of things. Exceptional people find exceptional partners.
t. Uggo
In my experience attractive black people don't use apps like this, typically they date via DMing men or women on insta or Facebook or in person.
So you basically get a lot of below average black people on these apps arguably seeking to date average or slightly above average people and get squat.
Like most people I know who are black on these apps are nice/sweet/smart but kinda ugly or not the best looking
I always assumed everyone who used dating apps was ugly because they can't find love irl
1997 was 20 years ago online dating is a completely normalfag domain
Sad really. There was a golden age in the early oughts where chads were still tech illiterate to make use of it, but the girls were quite top tier, allowing an undue advantage to otherwise normal but tech literate non chads
Western media has a different sense of sexuality than Asian or African?
A match doesn't necessarily result in casual sex or even a meetup
How? White men are the most desirable race and sex