How did racism come to be viewed as THE number one ideological sin one can commit? Yes, this is humanities related.
How did racism come to be viewed as THE number one ideological sin one can commit? Yes, this is humanities related
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Hitler and in a more general sense the absolute dominance of egalitarianism in political and moral language.
Sanctimonious marxist racial divide tactics weaponized by the Democrats, media, conglomerates and academia and we are just now realizing that this campaign only made "whites" non-racist but every other group is still racist.
cheap manual labor
Because of political correctness and the forced acceptation of egalitarianism in politics by the left.
But I think it has not been enforced by the soft, elite-obedient American left. It has been enforced by the outraging, violent, and bigoted European left.
Capitalists want cheap labor, lefties want equality for all, Jews want whitey to be completely gone out of the picture cause they're scared of pogrom
It's only a sin for white people really, other races can say/do all kinds of racist things and just get a slap on the wrist. For example (((Bill Maher))) said nigger on national television and all he had to do was get lectured by Ice Cube. Ironically the assumption seems to be that white people should "know better" than to be racist whereas when other races are racist they are just being "immature" which is itself racist because it's a double standard. When a white person says something racist there is no benefit of the doubt that they were just being "immature" and said something dumb but rather it's used as proof that they were a secret neo-Nazi KKK skinhead the whole time
First of all I reject your premise that there is a #1 ideological sin
Racism is just plain irrational and deserves to be spat on. Race, much like the concept of species, is abstracta constructed by arbitrarily drawn boundaries interpreted from a subjective experience. The difference between two individuals is greater than the difference between two races. Although many people hate racists for more naive purposes, using the same irrational mechanisms that racists use to hate other races.
You think that thinking of other ethnicities as subhumans is only shunned because of political correctness? Are you people that crazy?
1: because racism was pretty bad in the past
2: it is related to the "in-group" mentality and some very strong associated emotions
3: it have become a placeholder for the phenomena of 2
4: it is manipulated by politicians on both the right and the left
if you want a realistic view that about sums it up, but you're obviously from /pol/ and will call me a cuck
Are you aware that the contemporary definition of racism is simply having a preference for your own race over outsiders? You don't have to think blacks are subhumans to prefer being around white people but you will still be labeled a racist if you were to voice this preference publicly.
We are being preped to accept becoming part of a worldwide super-conscious.
That is the next step for humanity
Because it's antithetical to individualism and because racists sperging in the past has led to disaster.
Nah you're being prepped to die because you're the only one who's become self-hating, everyone else will keep on being racist.
This. Asians, latinos, arabs and blacks will continue hating each other regardless of whether white people are around to wag their finger at them.
Those that will be assimilated into the post humanist machine will naturally have a hand up compared to those who don't. It's inevitable.
If you've been (((assimilated))) then you've already been destroyed.
Resistance is futile
t. (((Borg)))
Because literally everyone is a racist. By making a universally held view into a publicly hated position to express, the political elite can convince the population to embrace absolute self-censorship. Each person is left believing he is the only person who feels as he does, and political collective action is effectively suppressed.
Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Why did you pick the least coherent point anybody here made, then strawman even that?
Whether or not certain races are sub-human, you certainly are. Holy fuck.
P. much this. You're a piece of clay for the bourgeoisie nao
And what would be the objective of this tactic ?
pretty sure cold murder is higher on the scale and its related to slavery in recent history
that is why its is considered "evil"
Why ask a question when you've already made your mind up about the answer?
Because our forebears realized that the /pol/ folks are the most obnoxious breed of degeneracy on the planet, and that, if left uncombated, they would spread like a cancer to every corner of the Earth and every board in the domain, and that inevitably and ultimately, there would be no place of refuge in which you could have a conversation that didn't revolve around Hitler or niggers.
I believe Mike Godwin wrote something on the subject to this effect.
The destruction of racial identity to make way for the global mono-culture.
>racial divide tactics
Doesn't that just suck that you choose to go to a place where there's almost unlimited freedom of speech within a society that tries to police speech? Nigger kike.
Every proper marxist was spewing identity politics and blind third worldism until like...last year.
You reap what you sow.
/pol/acks are the most contradictory people. They claim whites are the most superior race. They use IQ.
But IQ shows that asians and jews are smarter AND /pol/acks themselves claim that jewish people control the world.
Explain to me again how white people are the "master race" in face of all this.
Voting blocs.
The fact that some teenager somewhere thinks a boss can sustain an efficient business this way shows the failure of public education.
>some teenager
Why do you faggots come in screaming about Jews when someone says that political correctness only made "whites" non-racist?
Talking about you.
I'm not a teenager either but keep trying.
>I'm not a teenager
Now that's just sad.
These and the obvious view of OP are all incorrect.
this guy is just whining
these are all correct.
This is actually an interesting theory, but I believe you are just projecting your own experience of isolation due to your taboo beliefs.
It might be the case that it is natural for human beings to be afraid of "outsiders", but an outsider is not necessarily someone of a different race. However, if enough positive experiences with groups of outsiders occur this natural feeling is overcome.
Therefore, it is not "natural" for people to be racist, since racism is not a permanently embedded belief for everyone and is clearly not something that is hardwired.
wow, sick burn
IQ is a poor indicator of fitness because being a good test-taker has little real world utility. Also /pol/ is not one person.
>We want our race not to go extinct, and we think our history rules
>Oh, so you think your entire race is just superhuman?! Well did you know IQ is higher in other populations?! Take that, Nazi, now you HAVE to let us flood your country with browns.
Why do you even think this argument is anything at all?
>he's not a teenager and thinks bosses go around playing races against each other
So this is I suppose an example of the highly intellectual discipline of "marxist economics"
IQ correlates with all sorts of positive life outcomes.
I'm whining about an obvious double standard and if people don't complain it won't change. Squeaky wheel gets oiled and all that.
Correlation does not equal causation brainlet.
Do I really need to start blogging about my last job?
It looks like a cartoon strip to me, although I understand you probably got your education from infographics.
Keep whinning at imaginary conspiracies, I'm sure you'll change the world.
This pic is 100% proof that we need homogenous societies
Where do I say it does? Are you such a brainlet all you can do is spout phrases you learned in elementary school (before dropping out)?
You're the one who posted a cartoon, yet I'm the one accused of posting cartoons? This is some next level mental gymnastics.
>implying I was accusing you of posting the cartoon I posted
Did you forget to take your meds?
Your reading comprehension is terrible. Kill yourself to improve the gene pool.
>now you HAVE to let us flood your country with browns.
Why the fuck everyone from /pol/ always throw that strawman. I don't give a FUCK who goes to your country. YOUR politicians who were voted by YOUR people let those people in.
Everyone is free to do what they want your race will only go what you consider "extinct" if they by their own volition choose to have children with other races. Nobody is forcing them.
That's my line you're posting.
>i am objectively correct and can dismiss any views not aligned with my own
Leave this board
>>We want our race not to go extinct, and we think our history rules
Stop claiming other civilisations' successes.
No, you weren't Romans and shieet you dumb mutt.
>marxist racial divide tactics where they utilize marxist rhetoric to try to merge "people of color" together against predominately conservative voting blocs has no influence on any of this
This entire post is all incorrect.
In a job like my own, the corporate office mandates diversity training, hires people to fill diversity quotas, and hires others to make routine audits to assure that these goals are met.
Then, the racial division thing happens on the low level, with the actual workers. Nobody buys into the idiotic diversity propaganda, and you do essentially see what happens in that cartoon on the lowest level, save that the workers do it themselves, not the boss.
This leads to the workers going extra hard like cucks to their bourgeois oppressor, and has indeed been touted by diversity enthusiasts. They find that a workplace filled with diverse people is "more efficient", the cartoon demonstrates exactly why. Rather than build friendship with their fellow workers as they would in a homogenous society, they workers engage in small-scale ethnic conflict and become atomized, thus they work harder and question their conditions less.
When shit at work sucks it's "the blacks", "the spics", "the women", "that faggot", "those white boys", etc., not the shit conditions that boss is making you work.
Diversity is the murderer of class consciousness. The problem is not the fact that the races don't like each other, but that the racial super-majority's identity politics is repressed. If one race won out in the work place, they could then focus very clearly on class issues, as they of course did back in the early 20th century when labour movements were their most successful.
One must be neither a race cuck nor a class cuck.
You implied it otherwise you wouldn't have brought up the correlation in the first place. It is so simple to get inside the head of brainlets such as yourself.
But they're my ancestors tho
t. commie cuck
>Hitler's abuse of racist ideology
Everyone was racist during and shortly after Hitler. The problem of racism was highlighted in Hitler's methods. Racism taken to extreme just simply isn't healthy for the society. So people opted to tone down that.
>Civil Rights movements
With the US rhetorics against the racist Nazis in pace, the Blacks and other colored activists asks what makes Hitler so different from the US. What makes the racism against Jews different from racism against blacks/latins/asians/irish/etc. Equal liberty/protection under the law was meant to ensure the future of US society would not divide further and create the Nazi situation again.
>Civil language usage
Along with civil rights, the tone of the language has shifted as the racist ideologies were denounced by people.
If you're Italian maybe.
If you're mostly Irish or something then no.
I am. However, while I would think it silly for a Scandinavian to say he wuz, in fact, Rominz, I think it'd be ridiculous to say that the legacy of Rome didn't impact Northern Europe in such a way that they can claim a common civilizational germ with the rest of Western Europe.
Anybody that's not NazBol gang is 100% cucked and retarded
>NazBol gang
ah yes the most specialest of snowflakes
If we don't fight anti-racism, then such politicians will continue to rape our nations. Therefore, white power ideology is necessary.
You will never be so beautiful and perfect as the snowflake of racist communism
It's funny that an Italian is going for white power when other whites don't consider you white. If there were no brown or black people in Europe. You would be the target of supremacist hate.
>Therefore, it is not "natural" for people to be racist, since racism is not a permanently embedded belief for everyone and is clearly not something that is hardwired.
The implicit bias tests seem to suggest otherwise. The vast majority of people end up demonstrating signs of racial bias, even people who consider themselves to be tolerant, have minority friends, etc.
How do you "white power" autistic people explain all the wars between European countries if you're just one people with the same purpose?
racism is only bad when white people do it. no one cares that japan is 98 percent japanese and doesnt let a lot of foreigners in. luckily a lot of white people are starting to figure out that their status as the only group that racism is ever leveled against probably isnt going to go away even when they are a minority in every western nation
White people were the ones who brought slaves into their countries.
People talk about "dindus" but whites are the biggests "dindus" of all and pretend to be angels full of purity and good intention.
>we invaded this country because we wanted to give them FREEDUMBS
>we going to bomb this place because freedom
>we brought these people and worked them to death and their descendants want some rights. What a ingrateful bunch. They should be happy for being treated as non-humans for all this time just for being here
Try arguing in good faith, cunts. Groups have sub-groups. The word "taxonomy" exists for a reason.
are you actually implying that whites are somehow the only racial group thats guilty of the practice of slavery?
whites also ended the practice of slavery in their countries pretty early compared to other peoples.
Welcome to Veeky Forums. 99% of this board is sexually repressed racist white males
The better question, dear user, is who made it a sin in the first place?
Exactly my thoughts. It's pretty funny actually.
If Muslims were gone in Europe then it'd be Italians and other Southern Europeans sticking out like sore thumbs same as in the past.
No. I'm saying that you have black people in your country because you brought them in by force. Now all they know is your country and some people think it would be ethically right to send them back or treat them badly when it's obviously not.
>white people were the ones who brought slaves into their countries
I wish people purely "educated" by American public education would get the fuck off this board.
I'm talking about white americans. Don't get triggered.
The big dindu there is the niggers who sold whites the slaves. Everybody on earth had fucking slaves, why should whitey feel indebted to his former slaves when niggers in Africa are still selling each other?
Whites are the only group in the history of mankind that ever fought a war against themselves for the purpose of freeing another race from slavery. The closest thing to that you'll get anywhere else on earth is Arabs taking over black slave uprisings to enrich themselves, with no intention of abolishing slavery as a practice.
You want people to think of whitey as angels of purity and good intention? Bring up fucking slavery.
They wouldn't be sticking out anywhere if they stayed in Italy and Southern Europe.
They were not "selling each other". X tribe were selling people from Y tribe. Africans are the most diverse people genetically if I recall correctly.
>why should whitey feel indebted to his former slaves
This is like asking why should I feel responsible for using drugs if people were selling it to me.
>whites are the ones treating blacks badly
Believe it or not there was a time that whites did. Remember the great immigration flood of the early 1900's? Of course, if anyone bothers to look, the Italians responded BEAUTIFULLY
Slaves are captured in war. How truly fucking bananas.
As for the drug analogy, I'd say it works if it's a drug that literally every single human being on earth uses, so like maybe cigarettes back in the 20th century, I'd definitely say you can blame the tobacco companies for giving a lot of people cancer during that time.
According to these statistics, both races are violent towards approximately 0.145% of the opposing race, so they treat each other about the same. That's with blacks committing 5x more violence too, so if they were committing the same amount of violence as whites they'd have a smaller effect on the white population than the opposite. Who's behind this?
I heard that Racism didn't really exist in ancient europe, as there for example were no racial slurs for any particular race. Another example would be the countless Graffitis from roman times who are often very rude and explicit but none of them are racist. So the first question we should ask is how did Race become the determining identity factor, when it cleary wasn't in the past.
Italians really shouldn't have been let in in the volume they were. That whole situation really only solved itself with the sort of ultra-ghettoism that became the suburbs of New York.
There are swathes of hundreds of square miles where nobody you meet is from pre-Ellis Island stock. That and the fact they mostly mixed with other non-WASP whites kinda cuts down on the potential for inter-white conflict desu.
You remind me that I want to read this book
theres a lot more whites than blacks in america. this whole "whites commit more violence argument" is retarded because it doesnt take into account that 13 percent of the population commits about half the violent crime in america.
trust me, as a white person who lived in a black neighborhood growing up, they are subhumans
>be white and poor surrounded by white and poor people
>life sucks but everyone wants to be left alone
>have to drive through a ghetto
>niggers staring right through the windows angrily at you for being white because marxists fed them marxist rhetoric about being exploited by upper classes but switched "upper classes" with whites
Slavery was a mistake but not deporting them over 100 years ago was the biggest mistake of all.
No, the entire black race doesn't commit crime. It's an insignificant fraction of that 13% that actually commits crime.
Also there being more white people doesn't change the percentages. Percent literally means 'per 100' and the fact of the matter is both races effect the same percentage of the other population with violence.
The political left mixing class warfare with race warfare is definetely the main reason why there are so many tensions between whites and blacks.
Where are your statistics, you idiot cuck