Also general armor appreciation thread
What type of Helmet is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
looks like a retarded cousin of the sallet
Fairly late kettle helmet with added eye slits.
late medieval kettle helm, quite popular in the german areas
Why are kettle helmets so aesthetically perfect?
Why do they go well with polearms?
it is that grunt look
who /rhodok/ here?
>Want to try a foot army
>Play blue
>Dick king never let me have the castles I conquer
>Decide this castle belong to me anyway
>While half of the kingdom besiege the castle with 10 guys in it I take a 5 villages towns and 3 castles around
>Go talk to Lady Isola
>Win the civil war
>The nords and Rodoks kingdoms are now part of Swadia
>tfw they aren't in bannerlord
Literally every M&B game turns out like this:
>Swadia lives in perpetual war due to being bordered with absolutely everyone. Forever fighting a desperate, losing battle.
>Sarranids fuck around in the desert, eventually losing their capital to Rhodoks.
>Nords stomp on Vaegirs over and over again.
>Khergit Khanate btfo's Vaegirs and Swadians by never ending village raids.
>Rhodoks kick back in the mountains watching entire world crumble, throwing bolts at anyone who tries to enter their valleys.
Rhodoks are literally the safest faction, no effort required. Motherfuckers. Also,
>Fuck Khanate horsefuckers
pith helmet
also this type of helmet is the predecessor to the sallet
>tfw all you want to do is wait until it's harvesting season.
>tfw your village gets burnt to the ground by horsefuckers
>AI Khergits
>Everything charges, spend 20 minutes trying to kill that last cunt horse archer who just won't stop and your troops are too retarded to catch
What fun
Who would win
That's a big guy
>King Harlus, I'm Rhodok Sergeant
>uh, you're not allowed to bring 200 Swadian Knights
>dual glaives
>pentagon shield
Is this the optimal loadout?
For you.
I was under the impression that Calradia is united as a Byzantine-esque faction and they're up against Calradia-sized countries who take up the archetypes of the previous factions.
Nah. Caldaria is too diverse to be united even in a federation. The Nords and the Muslims would never go along with Swadia.
Technically bannerlord has Mongol like invaders, but the factions hate each other so much they simply glee while others get wrecked by them.
Aren't they literally called the Calradian Empire, and their poster-boy is closely resembling a kind of Byzantine look with late-armor.
Then their enemies are sea raiders, I think some crossbow kikes, mongols, and sandcoons.
There used to be an empire but was long gone by the time of Warband.
Bannerlord is 200 years earlier than warband so the Empire is still around but its small and in decline (say like Byzantines in 1300)
Oddly enough. Swadians are actually faction in Bannerlord.
I'm not sure how they survived for 200 years, but maybe since King Harlaus wasn't around to do constant feasts during wars they were more successful.
According to Wiki:
>Still, the Empire has an army to be feared. They are masters of combined arms warfare with cataphracts, spear-formations and archers.
Okay so the cataphracts are a nod to the Byzaboos.
Some guy got a lady on the throne and captured all the forts of Caldaria all by himself.