I put $50k into ANS when it was $3.50

I put $50k into ANS when it was $3.50


Other urls found in this thread:


How much do you have now in terms of BTC and USD?

Prove it and we'll AYA.

Why have I not sold yet

What are your next steps? How much are you cashing out versus trading with?

Throw me some, just for the keks.


no questions for you, but good call or stupid luck, i'm happy for you


Current value of NEO holdings is $671k

how much do you have now (USD)? When do you plan to sell (or are you just farming GAS)?

What color Lambo did you get?

Hodling till $100/share fuck it yolo

user i think you should sell 1m USD at $100 and keep the rest of your shares because NEO is going to $200 in a year

Why would you ever want to sell unless you hate $

how old are you?

also good on you bud

was it stupid luck or did you have some insider knowledge? Can you please let me know next time you have an opportunity like this again?

im doing what says
im getting a douchey lifted truck


shitcoin buble will pop in 6-9 months

neo will be $0.01 a year from now

I literally did the opposite of what Veeky Forums said

I lurked for a week and looked at every coin being shilled and bought the only one being FUDed

Don't waste your money on stupid shit that will go down in value. Take a little bit out and go on a sweet vacation or something. That 50k you'll spend will be worth 500k in the future.

From 1000$ to 0.01$ next year ok. Which day?

>n-no technology behind it!
>n-no real use!

My long term plan is to buy a few house-size plots of land on the undeveloped outskirts of a major city whose population is rapidly increasing

Good/bad idea?

saying neo is a shitcoin is literally
>i didnt buy when it was literally $7 despite everyone spamming me to buy it


Lol r u new fag?
Just cuz it's a shit coin doesn't me people can't make money on it B4 the down in flames lmao

Why just not reinvest in crypto.
Thats not bad idea either but seems like lotta hassle.

good on you

buy some nice things and then reinvest

its good to take gains now and again

i'm so jealous.
I got into ETH @ $9 and but only put in $1,500.
It's netted me six figures so far but I LARP as this super successful day trader when I make $2-3k plays when in reality I always miss the next moon shots.

should i put some more into neo, also do you have OMG

>tfw I used to own 2400 ANS and sold because of the shit first conference

Gratz dude !
i went in at 4
then sold at 25
then rebought at 15
feels goooood

NEO holders = new crypto elite

you literally made the reddit thread into a shitty infographic to bait other idiots into selling? This has been disproven.



gratz. I only have 70 lol.
thats me and my fiances savings though so at least we have a bit more saved away for a wedding.

give it a fucking rest, OMG fags

OMG = eth token, used for payments (supposedly)
NEO = whole new platform for dapps and shit. stop comparing them

Proof else didn't happen, are you experienced trader or just luck?

tits or gtfo

Went in at .5$. Sold at $25. Could be better but I don't feel bad


i dont get why people larp so hard. must be a coping mechanism

ikr, probably depressed af and makes himself feel better by doing this.

do it, build it yourself. turn crypto into something physical. build accommodation, recording studios, have awesome musicians come in and hang
.... start a festival on your grounds. give people an experience will be worth more than any numbers ... cause you have the numbers already :0

I got in at 80k, a week or so before the first real pump.

Things are looking well on my investment.

Nice. Did you sell any? How much are you holding?

Initially I bought 250, sold 50 at around 450k, then bought 200 more at 247k
Currently holding 450.

fuuuck did you go all in on NEO or are you just loaded?

If I can make a significant stack from this 0x ICO, should I just dump all the gains into this "next NEO" holy grail that everyone is searching for?

Ive never really been one to dump more than .5 BTC into something, but I need to quit my job asap

My next tip for the top is AdEx

Shits going to boom soon.

I got into ETH at $1.35 but only put in $16

Got in BTC at 80$, ETH at 1$, NEO at .5$.

>at ATH

Watch where it is this time tomorrow.

Then cry.