Helo im from Srbija lets talko about srbian history. Thank you
Serbia Thread
hello arent Serbs jus violent Croats? thanks
Serves are Sarmatian Aryans who came from Germany
Croats are Serbicized Avarian tribe.
ok but isnt Serbia rightful Greater Croatia clay?
>serbs are german
>serbs are """"""aryan"""""
No, Croatia is a part of Greter Servia and croats are catholic cocksuckers.
>this is what Slavs unironically believe
Ivan, pls.
Shut the fuck up catholicized mongo. Serves are the ancient ARYAN people who invaded IndIa from Hyperborea, ask any indian brahman and they will tell you that the Serves were in fact aryans and that they brought Vedes to India.
In Roman times Serves colonized entire eastern Euorpe all the way to Germany. From Germany they went to defeat the Avars to the Balkans and stayed there. Croatians are descendatntes of Avars and hostility betwen serve ARYIANS and Croatiana Avars lasts to this day.
t. someone who's not a serb pretending to be a retarded serb
4/10 bait, made me reply
shut the fuck up diaspora, you are not real serve, you are traitors to our country and people
>thread about Balkan history
>Serbs and Croats flinging shit at each other
who would have thought?
You know what, this behavior reminds me a lot of Ikibey. I haven't been on /int/ in a long time. Is it you? Have you migrated to this board to endlessly spam without the burden of a German flag?
Its croatian avarian blood speaking, they cannot help it.
Avarus, Avaria = GREED, this is why croatas embraced catholicism pope the mother of all evils...
I reckon there isn't a single person from the Balkans posted in this thread. At the very least not a single Serb.
I am not a german infidel crosucker
t. diaspora
Yup, i'm 100% sure you're Ikibey
No country so small has ever been such an asshole
I am a SERVE you diaspora asshole, i am more serve than you will ever be
avarian detected
>avarian detected
you catholics are all same to me, all sons of WHORE OF BAYBYLON her name is vatican mother of lies...Keeps ruining good servian name for thousand years, they slandered our good emperor trajan...
Protestant actually, i hate catholicucks as much as the next guy but i can see past my partisanship and realize that serbs are assholes.
Protestants are catholics without pope, if luther wanted to reform why not just go back to rothodox??
Also fuck partisans, those commies ruined Yugoslavia which was created by Servia to ensure peace in the balkans, tito was avarian fuck.
>Protestants are catholics without pope
From my point of view, orthodox are catholics without the pope.
>if luther wanted to reform why not just go back to rothodox??
My impression of orthodoxy is that they are very conservative and authouritarian, protestantism is progressive and libertarian so you can see how that clashes.
You do not seem to know what the word partisanship means.
protestants are catholic brother from another mother, they worshiop money and GREED avars, avaria, avarum = greed, avars looted the evropa before SERVES dealt with them. you all worship the whore of babylonia.. american bad country, much greed and little spirit
serbs are gypsies
get out of my thread disguisting gypsy
why brother
you stink
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when in war when we cannot comunicate we comunicate with body odors
got your back bro
shut the fuck up avarian gypsy menace
Aryan race wins yet again, catholic gypsies BTFO
nice one man
moronu ko je kog jebat htio devedesprve