So this is the power of Asian innovation
So this is the power of Asian innovation
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muh sticky rice
I always ask for a fork.
So this is the power of Byzantine innovation
>can stab, shovel, tenderize, and separate
>easy to use
>easy to produce
>can be utilized as a weapon in an emergency
is the fork, dare I say it, /ourutensil/?
Why are chopsticks even a thing. A spoon like utensil would be objectively better. Doesn't even have to be metal
Spoon doesn't have grip, so it has a completely different usage.
Chopstick skill is pretty intuitive once you learn it and has a vast amount of use, much more so than spoon.
Finger dexterity is trained as a result.
A fork doesn't work very well for eating rice, since there's nothing to stab. A spoon could work, but it's also not very effective for eating other kinds of foods, especially meat. Forks are best when used in conjunction with a knife, for cutting food into portions. In Chinese food, the chef already cuts the food, the portions are small enough to be easily picked up by the chopsticks, and an experienced user can pick up multiple food items at once. A fork can only stab one food item at a time, unless it is used like a shovel. Chopsticks are also seen as refined, stabbing the food is an inelegant way of eating.
Having eaten school cafeteria food for 12+ years of my life, I can say that sporks are definitely overrated, the prongs break easily and aren't long enough to really grab food, and the spoon part doesn't scoop the bottom of a yogurt cup because the yogurt goes through the prongs, it also scratches styrofoam plates which puts styrofoam into your food, making the spork a shittier version of both utensils.
It's said that they are responsible for Asians dominance in E-sports.
I dont think so.
E-sport dominance is training+culture+mental intuitions.
Anyone with these can dominate and do dominate. Euros/Americans lack the culture and training. Everyone has various mental intuitions.
It's directly responsible for APM though.
>spoon could work, but it's also not very effective for eating other kinds of foods, especially meat
>the chef already cuts the food
so it doesn't matter, spoons are best
Chopsticks are actually the superior utensil for a modern day lifestyle considering it limits your intake to piece by piece compared to shoveling heaps of food into your mouth
Then why aren't you using spoons for everything user? If they are so good, you will have no trouble using nothing but spoons for a year. We are all counting on you to prove this meritorious assertion!
Americans mostly eat by hand nowadays though.
Americans are literal animals.
>implying that's any better
>tfw always want to just ask for a spoon but feel embarrassed for being an unfiltered hick so I fumble with chopsticks for a while before using a spoon in an effort to not look like an uncultured hick even though I am an uncultured hick
I fucking hate this shit culture where I can't just be who I am without constantly having to live up to some faux post national idea of worldliness.
I think it's time for white Sjws to complain about how white people using chopsticks is cultural appropriation so I can just go back to proudly using a spoon and brow beating others who use chop sticks instead of the other way around.
Nope. That's through training. APM skill can be increased by anyone with or without chopstick.
yes, a true patrician eats his potato chips with a knife and fork
>Potato chips
Amerifats, everyone.
You're vastly overestimating how much anyone cares. Only white people think it's cool and hip to use chopsticks just ask for a fork
>white rice with rotting soybean juice
chinks everyone
I find that chopsticks are perfect for eating bacon. You can grip the bacon without it breaking apart, and your hands don't get covered in grease.
chopsticks are literally two sticks, much easier to make than the other utensils.
eating chinese food with a fork fucking sucks
Friendly reminder that Chinese invented forks first and then moved to chopsticks.
Pretty easy to learn how to use. Asian people usually eat from their own rice bowls but eat everything else from communal bowls. Chopsticks are better suited to picking up morsels from the communal bowl without spreading the spoon you just licked the fuck out of around the rest of the food and without needing to push the prongs of a fork into the food and potentially moving around the bowl.
God gave me two hands and ten fingers... why should I have to use utensils??
Because God made infectious microbes
Indian/Ethiopian confirmed
Originally, the Chinese used knives and forks and an early spoon (that is made of wood or ceramic), an influence from the Indo-Iranic barbarians and city states that live across the border. Chopsticks were around, but they were primarily a cooking utensil used to move food around in a boiling pot or a frying pan/cauldron or some shit.
Come the T'ang dynasty, the so-called golden age dynasty, the Chinese became very experimental with their food, cuisine became a fine art. All the rage at the time was cutting up food into bite sized pieces during preparation. Since cutting and sawing at food was beginning to be seen as plebby, not to mention eating with hands, the chopstick started to become an eating utensil. However, forks and knives were still around.
But accepted theory is the real deathblow to fork and knives at the Chinese table came during the time of Song-Yuan-Ming period lacquerware. Durable and precious lacquerware was beginning to be affordable by everyone from the Emperor to the lowliest peasant. Since metal forks and knives scratched at the lacquer, wooden chopsticks and wooden/ceramic spoons ended up remaining at the table while forks and knives went to the kitchen.
Chinese people do have spoons.
t. user of asian electronic and most likely owner of asian car
Fuck gunpowder and the compass. Chopsticks are the greatest Chinese invention of all time.
I use an american computer and don't drive, jokes on you nerd
Chopsticks are objectively better for Chinese dishes where you don't actually eat every part of the dish, because some are whole chilies or tiny pepper corns etc, only there to add flavor, if you try to eat these meals with a fork or spoon you will actually kill yourself.
The Chinese do use spoons though, quite a lot.
There are some foods which a fork would be better for but they aren't enough to justify switching chopsticks to forks in every household and restaurant.
I've been using chopsticks all my life as well as fork+knife+spoon and for eating chinese style meals it's far better to use chopsticks.
The problem here is that you've probably never eaten proper chinese in your life so you wouldn't see the virtues of using them.
Also you can fry food with them well unlike with forks.
no, THIS is the power of asian innovation, albino apes
They actually invented the fork first but found the chopsticks more efficient. The ingredients in Chinese dishes are usually cut into bite-sized pieces to achieve an evenly cooked stir fry. The dish is shared amongst a family rather than served to one individual. You use the chopsticks to pick out what you want from the dish. There are also spices or herbs in the meal you are supposed to avoid eating like chili peppers or ginger so you can pick them out with chopsticks to dispose of.
t. co/ck/
Wasn't the fork a Polish invention?
You'll still eat the same amount of food, you'll just eat it slightly slower
>Chopstick skill is pretty intuitive once you learn it
So literally not intuitive, got it.
If you can't use chopsticks, you're literally a brainlet.
And yet they still tip their bowls and basically use chopsticks to shovel that shit into their faces, making disgusting slurping noises and looking like utter peasants.
Slurping is just as horrific a crime as chewing with your mouth open. Such people should be kept away from civilisation, frankly.
They slurp on purpose for cultural reasons, retard.
>Such people should be kept away from civilisation, frankly.
You could say the same about western style toilets.
>human body evolved to squat
>amerifats too lazy to shit as god intended and sit down instead even though it causes problems
The point is, its easier to control your intake if you eat slower
>They still up their bowls
Korean doesn't, Only Chinese and Japanese.
>making disgusting slurping noises
>and looking like utter peasants
Cultural difference. Google 犬食い(inugui) if you're interested.
t. yet another KIm shitting on his Chinese and Japanese neighbours pretending he is any better
>Implying I said tipping bowls is bad
Chop sticks are easier to use than forks