Nocoiners getting salty edition

OmiseGo has a lot of potential for gains lately, so here are all the happenings so far.

>But first if you don't know about Omise
"The project is part of an already existing and successful fintech company Omise that was founded in 2013 and is serving Thailand, Japan, Indonesia and Singapore." now back to current happenings.

Omisego dev in slack states they are working with McDonald's in Thailand.
>They met with the central bank of Thailand yesterday.
>Which states on the page
"According to strings of code uncovered by Rambo, the facial recognition feature coming in the iPhone 8 appears to support authentication for Apple Pay payments, seems to work with multiple faces, and may be accessible by third-party apps, much like Touch ID"
>Iphone 8 being announced early September
>Tech directly correlates with macrumors post.
Even if they are either directly in bed with apple and letting them use their technology or one of the first 3rd party devs on-board it's huge either way.
>"Someone really exciting is collaborating with us on the implementation, will announce it soon :)"

>Team has been pictured together holding a custom omisego skateboard also featuring an apple logo.

If they are getting in bed with apple then there is certainly an NDA going on since it relates to the features of the Iphone 8.

Are all these pictures with the skateboard and the video of the laptop on the train when the iphone comes up she puts her hand up to it and points the camera into the sky all lowkey hints? Stay tuned and find out.
Apple or not we are mooning either way.

Other urls found in this thread:

I got all the important memes coming up

Hell yeah lads

This shit just broke $9



>I'm lovin it

You haven't even talked about #plasma yet. Check that shit out. OMG and eth are going to surge.

People will be crying they didn't buy in at $9 soon enough.

I mean we can't give up all the info right? Gotta accumulate

price prediction for 1 omg?

7 tomatoes

sold all my AdEx (which I bought up right before the moon mission) and bought up 14,07 OMG

did I do well Veeky Forums?

7 tomatoes is huge. That's almost half a watermelon.

About tree fiddy hundred

Volume is still rising and might surpass Neo soon enough.

20 usd within december.

im about to fomo buy back in at $9

fuck me i know this shit is worth so much more and i sold my bags. fuuuuuck at least I still have binance. muh perfect portfolio ruined because of one sell order

a bit more like $20+ by mid september. Dependent on what's going to be announced.

All the hype will die down in neo and the same shit will happen here with a coin that actually deserves it

I just sold $6k worth of omg, i'll buy the dip at $7

1hr candles look sexy right now

finally sold my dgb bags for this fuck

This will be worth $20+ but not yet.. I bet it will be back to 180-190 especially if BTC goes up. If you haven't bought it yet, wait a bit and get more for your money.

I tried that with Neo and got assfucked with the flood of volume.

Happy either way, if it drops i buy more. If it moons i enjoy the gainz.

the skateboard is such a damn meme

you said the same thing about bleached buttholes in 2013.


it would be completely if it wasn't for the macrumors iphone 8 features thing and omisego facepay app/tech

top volume on bittrex soon enough


Lmao this shit is already overvalued, if you can sell now at a profit and you don't you deserve to lose all your money.

You're literally retarded.

"Omise is a payment gateway for Southeast Asia, based in Thailand, providing a secure and white label solution to merchants and enterprise businesses."

It already had 1000x more going for it than any other fucking startup shit teir coin before it even started.

They already have major connections have have just announced more with even bigger ones coming up.

fuck off autismo

Hey let them FUD
i need cheaper OMG

omise the company processes 100 million in purchases a day

I wonder how much it will get up to with the new additions coming

If I don't have any coins at all yet, what's a good way to get on so I can buy Omisego? Is Bittrex trustworthy? I'm in the US.

I use bittrex and a lot of others do to. Only problem is buying in usd isn't possible unless you wire transfer a certain amount or something ridiculous like that.

I send eth from coinbase to my bittrex wallet


I only have ~$3k USD to my name. Is it worth it to go all in? Should I wait for a dip? I was thinking of getting IOTA too.

I know I'm basically asking you to tell me what to do - I think I'm just looking for that extra push. Thank you for the kindness you've already shown.


going to test support around .00188
if she bounces that could be a buy signal
if she breaks we could see a return to .0014

>3k to name
>gambling with shitcoins

I mean, I'm just getting into the crypto game... but I'm doing it with disposable money since I have a full time job

are you guys just keeping this shit on buttrex?

I'm a student that lives at home. Theoretically, I have a safety net - but I don't want to go in with that mindset because I don't to burden my family.

actually we have pretty strong support at .00165 and .00155

I'm gonna sleep, where should I buy my buy order? It deosn' go through last night and I got fucked up

set a buy order at .00175 and set an alert on your phone for .00212. if the alert goes off in the middle of the night you need to cancel your order and buy the new floor


I know omisego goons troll this shit! Tell Jun to release the info or else!

Read last post, very useful.

Volume still rising and about to pass up Neo

posting my previous prediction