What are some unpopular opinions you have about history?
What are some unpopular opinions you have about history?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jews are arabs
Africa should be nuked
There are major differences in IQ among the races
Poor people are poor because they are dumb
Did I miss anything?
-signed pol user
Catholic monarchism was and continues to be the best form of government.
The Civil War and WW1 were both morally simple, but modern Americans are post-modernist cucks and refuse to admit that there's such a thing as good and evil, or to stand up for what they believe in.
Depends on where you post
Say "Germans are barbarians who will always pale in comparison to the great civilization they helped destroy" on /pol/ and you'll get a thread that will hit 300+ posts in an hour. I actuality its a really gross generalization but there's some truth to it.
1. Chinese history is completely uninteresting.
2. The Roman empire is still alive.
>refuse to admit that there's such a thing as good and evil
Would you mind explaining to me, a post-modernist cuck, why you think there is such a thing as good and evil?
Agree with China, after the Han period it's pretty fucking boring until the 1800s roll around.
Who would you say still holds the mantle of the Roman Empire? IMO it's the US
Monarchy is the best form of government
The Jacobites should've won
The Bible being widely available in the vernacular was not a good move
The Allies should've declared war on the Soviets
Women are unfairly maligned in historiography
>Women are unfairly maligned in historiography
>implying that is an unpopular opinion
Parts of history may have been invented or at least heavily distorted, like the "Early Middle Ages".
The later Roman Empire did a really good job at keeping together what it could and its military highly impressive.
I feel like it is on Veeky Forums though admittedly I haven't seen it discussed often
1.) Jews have unironically been behind the majority of the wickedness in the world for well over a thousand years
2.) Europeans have done more to progress civilization than all other peoples in the world combines
No one murdered the Princes in the Tower. They either escaped or were released and lived out their days in obscurity. The record of what happened to them being lost or destroyed, just like millions of other records through the years.
Alexandar was straight
Unpopular here or unpopular in academia?
there was never a truly united Orthodox Christian faith since the time of Jesus.
Race is the least important factor in understanding why some civilizations succeeded.
Most civilizations are founded on bloodshed and inequality and bitching about it is a waste of time and energy.
Japanese weaponry was actually pretty good.
The Federal reserve was the main cause of the great depression.
Incas were superior to Europeans.
Ancient Egypt contained a fair number, perhaps even a plurality of people we would consider black today.
Alexander wasn't that great
Ottomans are interesting
Rome died on 476
I've been hearing about the federal reserve from my libertarian mates for a while now, care to elaborate or send some article/pdf/books to read on?
Idk about how they caused the Depression but my understanding is that most libertarians don't like it because it isn't actually technically beholden to or a part of the government
Fuck off
Germany isn't responsible for WWI.
The Spitfire isn't the most aesthetic WWII fighter plane, the P-38 is.
Cavalry is cooler than infantry. And the Romans were faggots for holding the opposite opinion.
America should have set up their own elective monarchy instead of the shit form of democracy we have today.
The Dutch Republic is one of the most underrated historical powers.
>Monarchy is the best form of government.
Well that's just objectively true, user.
The French revolutionaries were in the wrong
And entire rank of their society was dedicated to cavalry...
>More aesthetic than the Corsair
Fuck off
Monarchy is one of the best forms of government
War and inequality is good
Life as a peasant in certain areas was comfy
Eygpt mainly in the upper nile probably had lots of black people
Constantinople is overrated and had to fall along with the Byzantine Empire
Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a mistake
More of a theory that I never hear anyone bring up. I believe that Albert Speer's meeting with Hitler involved him asking to take over, just as everyone else in Hitler's inner circle had done in the final days of the war. Speer claimed that he only talked about how he had defied the Nero Decree, but the meeting lasted over two hours, and the only witness was Speer himself. I believe that he lied in order present himself as the "good" Nazi during the Nuremberg Trials. He was more likely no different than Himmler or Bormann, but later lied about the meeting so he wouldn't look as bad.
Who was evil in WW1? The Serbs?
America is the peak of human civilization.
For the best part of history all of the big 'civilized' societies were just glorified tribes.
Ancient Greeks and Romans were degenerated pedos
Viking culture is overrated
Medieval Arabian enlightment is overrated
Crusades were justified
Spanish Inqusition is overdemonised
Magna Carta was a mistake
Aztecs were worse than Spaniards
Cossaks were drunk rednecks
Unification of Germany started the decline of European world supremacy
Eugenics have a point
Francisco Franco was the good guy in SCW
Hitler ruined German economy even before the war
Soviet Union was as evil, if not more, than Nazi Germany
Decolonisation of Africa was a mistake
There's a bunch of short and long videos explaining exactly how the Fed fucked it up.
Here's one from Friedman.
Important to note is that the Fed is actually a private institution that just has the monopoly to print the dollar. Presidents get to choose the chairman but only from the list prepared to him by the Fed itself. Pretty crazy.
I have a bunch of fiscally right opinions about the Great Depression and other related topics that aren't popular with the mainstream mostly because it wants to worship FDR so much. A quick list.
>Wilson was probably the worst president who set the stage for the depression
>Harding successfuly fought the depression of 1920-21
>Hoover and FDR had similar economic programs
>excessive spending to "reinvigorate" the economy only made situation worse
I think most people actually interested in the subject share these opinions but tell that to PBS.
Yet most of their actual cavalry was auxiliaries from conquered people. It was more of a social class than things most soldiers did on the battlefield. Cavalry was considered less prprestigious than infantry.
Well, in the most technical sense there isn't, but there's also no reason not to believe in them.
P-38, P-51, Spitfire and BF-109 were all above the Corsair in aesthetics.
>1. Chinese history is completely uninteresting.
I agree 100%. The only cool thing is how the kept inventing shit before the Europeans. Also the history of India.
>China is boring
Ever hear of the Taiping Rebellion?
That's 19th century. Everything was more interesting then. Ancient China was still boring. A bunch of bearded dudes with names too similar to remember.
Rome died sometime in the first century BC. The Empire was really just several hundred years of death spasms.
>Cossacks were drunk rednecks
Can't say I've ever seen anyone dispute this. Hell, I'm an actual drunk redneck and even I can see the similarities.
I honestly don't believe that Khalid went completely undefeated during the Muslim conquests.
Enlightenment was a mistake
These are all fairly mainstream
There is nothing wrong with genocides and war casualties. Sometimes a good culling is beneficial to the human race.
Jimmy Carter was a good president.
The Armenian genocide was necessary for the Anatolian Liberation
>Hitler ruined German economy even before the war
I thought there's enough evidence supporting this that it wouldn't be an unpopular opinion
Libertarians are economically retarded. An independent central bank like the central reserve is utterly critical to the operations of a modern government. If you want to see glorious libertarian no-joobank systems, refer to the French Ancien Regieme, the Qing circa 1840, and the Ottoman Empire circa 1900.
I prefer calling him "not as horrible as many other 20th century presidents.
Romans were lucky that the only enemies they had were outdated Phalanx and unwashed barbarians for most of their imperial lives.
They fell by the time there was actually opponents for them.
Then why are there no good Catholic monarchies today?
Most people in America believes the Civil war was Union good; Confeds bad. Most that disagree are people you'd find in /pol/ and are usually not the majority.
China > Rome
Actual facts are one thing, but many still believe Germany were flourishing in 1939.
Stormfags because they swallow every piece of nazi propaganda, and normies because in their logic strong army means strong country in overall
>the only enemies Rome had used Phalanx
Wouldn't that mean the Phalanx wasn't outdated?
You'd rather us call it "The Dark Ages" again
War economy fools a lot of people. Remember that the same people also make fake quotes to make people believe that Polish government attacked first and Hitler only wanted peace but every single country in Europe was there to get him and oppress poor German minority.
>Veeky Forums doesn't talk about women being treated unfairly
yeah it's shocking
>country is oppressing a minority of your people
>invade and oppress the Majority group instead of inviting said minority back to the Fatherland
I don't know how anyone can buy it 2bh
military might is objectively more important than culture
Egypt, Greece, and Carthage had a superior culture to Rome, doesn't matter because Rome wiped them out with their superior military
Middle East, Asia, and South America had more impressive cultures. Doesn't matter because Europe wiped them out with their superior military
Italy had a more superior culture than France in the Renaissance, but France overtook them because unlike Italy, France had an actual army and fucked over the Renaissance and Italian culture the second they used it
stronger military = better culture in the end
1.- Germany ruined Europe with it's very existence
1.2.- If we travel back in time to genocide the germanic tribes before they got relevant in history and came back to the present Day, maybe we would see the humankind colonizing the space.
2.- Islam is a powerful and awesome faith. Nothing it's inherently bad about islamic terrorism because it's just how things get done. Just read a book. Ottoman Empire was best islámic Empire.
3. The Roman Empire was a mistake, the Republic was the right way to do things.
4. Slavery isnt that bad. Slaves lived better than most black free men in the third world after being liberated.
5. In WW2 Germany had the best generals but Hitler was a complete retarded, nazicucks are retarded for not see this. Germany without Hitler could have won the war
6. The spanish Empire was awesome.
>Ancient Greeks and Romans were degenerated pedos
not unpopular
>Viking culture is overrated
not unpopular
>Medieval Arabian enlightment is overrated
most people don't even know about it
>Crusades were justified
and you call Viking culture overrated
>Spanish Inqusition is overdemonised
It was protestant propaganda
>Magna Carta was a mistake
It was inevitable given eternal anglos
>Aztecs were worse than Spaniards
about the same one sacrifices to gods, other sacrifices to mines
>Cossaks were drunk rednecks
not unpopular
>Unification of Germany started the decline of European world supremacy
universally agreed upon fact on Veeky Forums
>Eugenics have a point
America sterilized people for years with that principle and they aren't getting smarter
>Hitler ruined German economy even before the war
many people don't know that
>Soviet Union was as evil, if not more, than Nazi Germany
but unlike the Nazis they survived and prospered and don't even have to apologize for it Stalin > Hitler
>Decolonisation of Africa was a mistake
colonization was a mistake
It was the only really good period in Euro history (besides the Roman part)
post-crisis Rome and the Renaissance are also a part of the Middle ages
This thread is basically polbait. These fags always try to shove their views everywhere
no they were still outdated
As compared to what?
The legions that curbstomped them
> forever it is the fate of the noble and enlightened to be brutally crushed by the armed and dumn.
So the Romans were outdated because they got better technology and beat everyone else up?
I feel that the train of thought has derailed somewhere.
>I feel that the train of thought has derailed somewhere.
It was when you thought Rome's main army was a Phalanx
it used to be but it gotten outdated so they changed it into the Legions
it's the only way they'll learn
Best does not mean most popular.
>Captcha: select castles
t. card-carrying member of a monarchist political organisation
The only reason Modern day Westerners are ''Tolerant'' and ''Peaceful'' is thanks to the Economic prosperity of the West and the fact that they are at the top. Take those two things out, and they will be just as Imperialistic and and Violent as their ancestors.
There is objectively and unironically nothing wrong with the Ultra-Conservative nature of Islam.
Augustus was a better Statesman and ruler than Julius Caesar.
The only reason World War 3 hasn't happened yet, is thanks to Nuclear Weapons and Pax Americana.
The Holocaust happened, but here's what. I don't give a fuck. Many have used it to take down critics of the Zionist Apartheid State that is Israel by accusing them of being Anti-Semitic. Even ones who are themselves Jewish.
Contrary to popular belief, the U.S military isn't Invincible. There is one fatal weakpoint about it that could be exploited. It's how goddamn EXPENSIVE the U.S military is to maintain. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars on their own have cost America more than Five Trillion Dollars.
Why is this pic considered so ironic and incorrect now? NotAllMujahedins. Nobody remembers this guy and how died or when he died?
Catholic Monarchism literally held civilization's potential back for about 1000 years.
>Romans were lucky that the only enemies they had were outdated Phalanx
>Romans were the only people in the region to have something other than a Phalanx
>this makes Rome lucky and not good
I don't get it.
Germany COULD have defeated the Russians in WW2.
The "Dark Ages" is a stupid name but still holds some truth.
Rome adopting Christianity was a mistake.
>Hoover and FDR had similar economic programs
no they had similar economic views, but Roosevelt swallowed his pride and used Keynesian theory.
>excessive spending to "reingigorate"the economy only made situation worse
Are you fucking high? The economy almost recovered from that spending in 1938 before Roosevelt decided to balance the budget again. The economy then recovered yet again to the giant government-spending clusterfuck that was WW2. So NO, an educated person would think the opposite...other than the Wilson part.
Nigga, phalanx and roman formations are suitable for different conditions. In the moutains of Macedonia phalanges are useless because they need a lot of plain space to become effective. Roman block-and-stab tactic (approved by apenine mountains©) was more effective there.
Britain and America are the only reason the west is relevant in a global standpoint
But those are just modern times governments with lackluster financial organization in general
>no they had similar economic views, but Roosevelt swallowed his pride and used Keynesian theory.
Unfortunately both used it and both proved ineffective. FDR's New Deal borrowed a lot from Hoover's policy. "Spending more than ever" but USA is lucky it was basically the only one standing after WWII. So no, giant spending, huge debt, war economy. This shit will never work in the long run.
Check out this.
Objectively wrong.
The slavic and finno-ugic tribes destroyed rome.
Some of this is history related others are more humanities related
Franco was the right person to win the war.
Globalization has lead to the decline of western civilization and we will soon go the way of the bronze age
Trying to be involved with everything post WW2 has done more harm for the world than good. (I'm speaking of America)
Alexander The Great is overrated, he was simply a pumk that most likely had his father killed, inherited at the time the world's strongest military and went around fighting scrubs
Patton a shit
Commieboos and Naziboos are degenerate
A unified Catholic faith is inherent to the survival of western civilization
A child growing needs a strong father figure as well as a strong maternal figure in their life (father being a man and maternal being woman)
There are cultures that are extremely better than other ones (i.e. Muslim culture being shit)
The creation of Israel is a core reason as to why the middle east is the way it is now.
Hoover did not even remotely equal the Keynesianess of Roosevelt's economic policies. He even raised taxes at one point. Sure, he borrowed a few policies, but Hoover was barely willing to spend anything, Roosevelt was however. Keynesian economics is not a "war economy." Once the economy recovers fully steps are taken to make sure it stays that way and that the government can resume normal spending, at a reasonable pace. Im not retarded, I know perpetual debt doesn't work, but reducing government spending and balancing the budget aren't going to help and economy or a government.
>both proved ineffective
except for the part where the economy was recovering in the late 30s?????
So basically a confirmation of the idea that liberal ideals leads to short run money-making, but longer term moral decay?
This isn't really an unpopular opinion. It's an opinion manufactured to piss people off.
Kill yourself, Achmed.