Moving to one of these places permanently by the end of the year. I'm already fluent in several dialects of chinese...

Moving to one of these places permanently by the end of the year. I'm already fluent in several dialects of chinese, and have .5M put away, so no need to worry there.

>Degeneracy is on the low
>Strong police presence
>Homogenous society, but open to foreigners if they are wealthy
>Resistant to modern Western Marxist ideas (sjw, multicult, equality of outcome)

Advantages of Singapore
>Not technically communist
>Low tax rate, easy to start a profitable business
>highest ratio of households with over $1M USD liquid assets in the world (1:6)

Disadvantages of Singapore
>Technically starting to become multicult

Which is best from a business and financial perspective? Vitalik chose Singapore, after all.



nice larp

You're a fucking idiot

>Disadvantages of Singapore
>>Technically starting to become multicult
You moving there isn't going to help, pal.

All Singaporeans have a mental age of 12. This manifests itself in women being sexless nagging shrews and men being idiotic irl shitposters.

Hong Kong is the only answer

no CGT

at least hes learning the language

I'm gonna do Manila instead. Cheaper standard of living so you can live like a king.

Annexed by the RPC. Turning into a shithole.


>Resistant to modern Western Marxist ideas (sjw, multicult, equality of outcome)

kek. Buildings are literally required to be proportionaly filled with minorities (poos and malays) for "harmonious" reasons.

Singapore is a shithole

It's the most expensive city in the world by a lot.

Singapore, homogeneous? define homogeneous in your opinion,

$500k isn't going to get you very far in a city like that

Low tax rate=/=easy to start a profitable business
You will know if you ever tried starting SMEs in Singapore.
There is also a metric-ton of red tape/legislation and start-up costs to cover.
(From obscene rental rates to loyalties etc.)
It is really, really difficult just to climb the ladder of success.
Be prepared to outsource/subcontract and bend a few rules if you want to stay afloat.

>highest ratio of households with over $1M USD liquid assets in the world
That just shows the Huge income disparity between the poor and the rich within the city state, mate.
And that statistic discounts the fact that most Singaporeans (Malay/Chinese/Indian) commonly live in 5/6+ Member Households (Due to scarce/expensive housing) and that the Chinese are huge savers/misers.

>Resistant to modern Western Marxist ideas (sjw, multicult, equality of outcome)
Singapore is a multi-cultural society that purports itself to be a technocratic state.
But that is a tad unhealthy to say the least.

In Singapore, it is literally 'do-or-die', perform up to their 'standard' or get fucked over and spat on. Society is a hypercompetitive pressure cooker.
If you can stomach that and still achieve a modicum of success, you will succeed anywhere.

Honestly, given Singapore's sad, dismal state, I rather Mainland Chinese firms enter Singapore and create jobs, instead of going to our other competitors in the region, Malaysia/Philippines/Thailand/Indonesia/Australia

If you earn expat $ it's not that bad. Sucks to be a local though.

>"no multicult"
>becomes the multicult

if you don't see the irony and retardation you should kys

HK is turning into a shithole because they've lost their ONE advantage: to be the doorway between China and the rest of the world.

Why do they allow the Malays and Indians to live there? Wasn't Singapore founded so Chinese Malaysians could get away from Malay autism?

never heard of that country. somewhere in east asia or africa?

>Homogenous society, but open to foreigners if they are wealthy

LOL, the Chinese, Malays and Indian Singaporeans are all completely homogenous yes.

Also bad news, there are so many Ang Mos there now that you are no longer special. Fucking tons of white people everywhere these days, not just Orchard rd and Holland Village.

Singapore is one of the worst place for anyone who's used to the real western lives.

First off, other than countless shopping malls and hawker centers, there's literally nothing to do after the freshness wears off in 3 weeks.

Also, Singapore is a police state, its people are annoyingly nationalistic so they look down on everyone.

Singaporeans are some of the most boring soulless unfunny fucktards I have ever met.

I was an expat there for a year and asked to be transferred back.

One great thing: Singaporean chicks are easy fuck. I had different girls every week.

Go live in Cape Town, cheap as fuck and one of the most beautiful cities in the world. With money you will have 24 hour protection against the niggers and can live like a literal king.

"multicult" is only bad if you accepting poor brown people. Rich white people only add benefit. That is why "multicult" is so shit in the UK and the US but so good for countries in Africa.

This. Dated a girl who left HK. She said it was getting bad.

Gravure or JAV?

What are the other places? Singapore is boring, but it's safe and reasonably easy going if you don't do the bad things. The chinks still run the show so business might not be that easy.

>fluent in several dialects of chinese

yet another 12yo summerfag LARPing "hurr durr I'm moving to Roanapura reeeee"


50% rando foreigners

hope you like new york

op is like one of those poltards that hates race mixing but Jacks off to jav


You can hire Lamborghinis from uber in singapoor

Excuses excuses

What exactly makes HK so much more expensive than Singapore?
I was there two years ago and prices were pretty reasonable compared to what I'm used to in Europe. For a tourist at least Singapore was more expensive in regards to accommodation and drinking, only food was cheaper than in HK.

The language is English. Everyone in Singapore speaks English.

I'd be astonished if Singapore doesn't get invaded within the next 10-20 years.

>Mandatory conscription
>3.2% of GDP spent on military ($15B)
>Alliance with Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK
>Tiny, 100% marine border to defend.

They're fine.

I see so many uggo gwailo in hk it isn't even funny. They dress like shit and think they are gods for being white.

They have all those things because they're fucking shitscared of everyone around them, all of whom want to invade them.

If any major conflict happens in the SEA region Singapore is fucked.

This. And they have a very condescending view of Malaysia and Indonesia. Singapore gets their construction materials from these countires and even get their primary drinking water from Indonesia (Batam pump) and if any of these two countries put yhe squeeze on, Singaporeans are done.

Yet they still have this high and mighty attitude thiking Singaporeans are Gods and the best people on earth.

I say let the coean rise 12 inches and Singapore is sunk.

singapore is a fascist nation. That's why its good

>dat plastic surgery face

Way too fat and vulgar for gravure.
Would definitely hit it.

Singapore was ALWAYS multicultural you FUCKING RETARDED FUCK.

Get out gaijin scum!

Jesus Christ that is incisive. The place is cancerous and will do your head in after a month.

>Cape town

That is easily the most retarded advice I've ever seen given on this board.

They're all socially retarded.

ITT:Our jealous neighbours

Stay poor Malays

Typical singapoorean,arrogant braggart
Btw,your women are easy to get
I did the sex with them every night
Small chinese cock

Malays are no good mongrel akbars descending from abos, Persians, Chinese, and Pajeets. They have no culture so they rabidly fetishize Islam.

>this amount of autism

Typical singapoorean,arrogant braggart
Btw,your women are easy to get
I did the sex with them every night
small chinese cock.

He somehow copied my post before I posted it,what a faggot

Go back to plebddit this is a site for me and my bros xd

Point and laugh

singaporean here. its great if you have 5 million net worth. otherwise you bettrr be here to make money

well they have the best military in the region that isnt the us and are backed by the us.

How does it feel that I do sex with singaporean girls nightly and girl no sex you cuz they want big white cock?

nothing they were roastie sloots anyway and probably had stds

They were 10/10
pic related,I sexed her nightly

Manila is a shithole.

Wtf?Manila is not a shithole you singaporean faggot

The same reason why the National language of Singapore is not Chinese but Malay and why English is the shared language of the nation.

At the time, the leaders of Singapore thought they can build a cosmopolitan state, better than Malaysia (Bumiputera-supremacist state) and they feared if they mistreat the Malays/Indians, they would unnecessarily provoke the ire of Malaysia, India & Indonesia or cause more racial/religious violence/riots (Which would scare off LKY's big-time US/UK investors).

So they gave concessions (Malay became the 'Official' language, Malay became the language of the National anthem, a Malay became the First Prez, racial/religious equality etc.). Many of Malays and Indians were already natives in Singapore for many generations and accepted the status quo.

In addition, the previous Chinese Educational system got fucked over and replaced with English so it became the level playing field for all the races.

As long as they don't create any trouble, Singaporeans couldn't care less.