10/09/2017 is your final chance.

You have been warned.

i'm done warning these fools

they can buy in at 7 cents

Lol I like your cartoon. I jack off to cuck porn alot.

you can’t be so vague user

/pol/ pls go

I went all in and was able to buy 1250

this need bump
great meme

I'm balls deep in this thing.

Holding 2,000.

290k reportin in user

sauce on gril

Nice you will have $2000 in a couple of months

pretty sure the rebranding is just something that they're going to release so that when they get 0 citiibank rewards people go less apeshit.

waiting in this coin to moon so i can break even

yes WE are the digimarines sirs
much profiting if you buying

800k here.

gg user you will be loaded after Citi in September

Please stop making these threads. I don't need all these faggots jumping on DGB and then posting dumb shit like "hurr been here since deh beginnin fud go bye bye now" when really they got in at the last second.

>One morning you wake up and DGB is trading at 10,000+

hype should be good when we will have new logo and branding


when does segwit activate for BTC?