ITT: The most outrageous tragedies in the history of mankind
ITT: The most outrageous tragedies in the history of mankind
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The American president blocking people on Twitter, this will go down as the darkest act in human history.
The Timur pile of skulls pales in comparison.
The Allies winning. :'(
start shit
get hit
The emmergence of meaninglessness and insensible atrocities being commited stemming from the advent of nihilism and existential dread/anxiety due to the death of the Father.
>Did I do it right?
The betrayal at Teutoberg and halting of western civilization in Germania
The bronze age collapse, with more modern technologies it could have been prevented but since there was no such thing, the collapse and setback of civilization could only be watched and wept at.
Continued existence of the British "people"
historically attested worldwide flood
You mean English people
Scots and Welsh dindu nuffin
True, I keep forgetting it was the Anglos and Pakis in Scotland that voted to remain in the fucking UK.
Northern Ireland are traitors and slime, though.
We'll inevitably leave the UK anyway, the divisions are just going to get worse over time
>halting of western civilization in Germania
you mean Tiberius shitting himself seeing another Caesar in the making and not letting Germanicus to finish the fucking job?
Everything beyond Rhine should have went the way of Carthage.
The world would be a very different place today.
Hell fucking Rome might have still existed.
>implying the English will ever allow a free Scotland
As I said it will just get worse over time, they won't be able to stop us without using force, which would result in the same conclusion anyway, even if at a later date.
Post >yfw Scottish Troubles
I seriously doubt it will come to that, the dynamics just aren't the same.
this really wasn't as big of a deal as people try to paint it
they didn't have some super important shit nobody else had in there
They had the fucking Necronomicon
>possibly set humanity bavk hundreds of years
>all the cool shit that was lost
>all the information about things we don't know
Desert Shield/Storm. the beginning of the end.
Not even the full extent of what was lost is really known
it was the fabled decolonized science no doubt
>decolonized science
Are you memeing? I am more interested in the mathematics and neo-Platonism that was lost. And general history shit like those graffiti found on Pompei walls
"You know what's gonna happen? I'll tell you what's gonna happen. Troops are now forming behind the line of trees. When they come out, they'll be under enemy long-range artillery fire. Solid shot. Percussion. Every gun they have. Troops will come out under fire with more than a mile to walk. And still, within the open field, among the range of aimed muskets. They'll be slowed by that fence out there, and the formation - what's left of it - will begin to come apart. When they cross that road, they'll be under short-range artillery. Canister fire. Thousands of little bits of shrapnel wiping the holes in the lines. If they get to the wall without breaking up, there won't be many left. A mathematical equation... But maybe, just maybe, our own artillery will break up their defenses. There's always that hope. That's Hancock out there, and he ain't gonna run. So it's mathematical after all. If they get to that road, or beyond it, we'll suffer over fifty percent casualties. But, Harrison... I don't believe my boys will reach that wall."
Both the fall of Constantinople and the siege of Baghdad.
Both these events are responsible for much shit that is going on right now.
The Enlightenment.
Do I have to come down there and burn down Atlanta a second time?
Pickett did the charge, but it was Lee's idea.
The French Revolution t.b.h.
Try it Willy. You narrowly avoided losing your head at Shiloh and sniper rifles have only gotten better since then.
This. Also the fall of the Song dynasty, from which China never quite recovered, because even though the Ming and most of the Qing were great powers, it shifted the centre of China away from the north, and the coal, wich could have kickstarted a chinese industrial revolution.
Having two world centers, one in the west and one in the east could have been beneficial for all of humanity, I think.
Not marching on Warsaw
It definitely displays a nearly-unprecedented level of publicly asserted petty butthurt (not to be confused with justified butthurt, like the midnight appointments of Adams/Jefferson fame), in the history of the American Presidency.
hrllo reddit
Bismarck's lasting loyalty to the monarchy.
If this fucking guy had become the supreme leader, the world would be alot better nowadays.
Honestly this, doomed the West to a future of soul destroying consumerism and cultural degredation.
nice bait, Caesar
Success breeds jealousy.
The quote is from Longstreet in the movie.
>wanting to leave the UK just so that hag Sturgeon can try to join the EU (and fail) and import tons of migrants