Why are muslims so fucking retarded?
Why are muslims so fucking retarded?
Centuries of inbreeding.
Why do so few people know about this?
>he generalizes about billions of people
Dude look I get it, a lot of muslims are shitty people and you don't like them. But if you really want to have a smart conversation about an entire religion and its adherents, please start it off with something that isn't so low effort. You haven't presented anything, just 6 words.
Please reconsider your post.
becuz their morans
Because we all know that WHITE PEOPLE are the true inbreeders xDdD. Seriously where did this meme come from?
White southerners who are mutts anyway and are literally mixed with every euro race.Its an objective fact the the Middle East is the most inbred region in the world and South Africa a close second.
>inb4 newshitskins """heheg white devil hahahaha I saw on jerry springer u were wuz inbred"""
Why are white people so fucking retarded?
because they don't study history
Cletuses detected
Muslims do not ban cousin fucking.
t.Azamat Shitskini Mudevfer Rapebabelih
fuck off back to pol. This is not entertaining
>muh /pol/
the eternal cry of the redditor
>YFW that "Get a brain moran" picture was a protest against a guy called Moran, not someone misspelling moron.
That picture looks shopped.
The eternal cry of a /pol/tard
>Pakistani origin births make up a total of 3% births in Britain
>Pakistani origin births make up 30% of total birth defects
Gee I wonder why?
Why is it lefites always scream about pol when presented with things that harm their world view?
Pol is Veeky Forums you faggot.
who knows/care
Write it in arabic without mistake.
I'll wait.
I like ths user
You do understand that he made that sign jokingly, right?