Why does anti-semitism exist?
Why does anti-semitism exist?
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Because of jealousy and insecurity
It is simple tribalism/racism as well as superstition.
>Why does anti-semitism exist?
>Because of jealousy and insecurity
>It is simple tribalism/racism as well as superstition.
I dunno maybe the jews really are just assholes most of the time or something
>gets expelled from every nation in europe
>dindu nuffin!
Market-dominant minorities are always hated in almost exactly the same way Jews are hated, "anti-semitism" should just be renamed to something else but then Jews would have to compete in the victim olympics and they prefer their snowflake status.
Wherever there are Jews, there is """"anti-semitism"""".
The logical conclusion is that everyone has got something wrong with them except the Jews.
Well when your holy book teaches that you are the most special people in history and that all other nations are meant to serve your god it kind of rubs people the wrong way.
Why is there prejudice against gypsies everywhere they are found?
Is it because of jealousy and insecurity on the part of non-Gypsies?
Because of Semites, duh
>getting angry at people not worshipping you
I swear jews are the most insane human breed on this planet.
Of course, no one can be that bad!
t. burger
Because Jews are just awful.
The majority of their expulsions especially in Europe were the results of things like knights getting "visions" to commit violence against them, hysteria over plagues like the bubonic plague, and kings letting them in and out to generate trade but not letting them stay because of prejudice
Islam and Christianity both proclaim to worship the God of Judaism so I don't see the problem?
a jew would dislike being worshiped because that would be idolatry
It is really just the typical socialist collectivist mindset of hating anyone that is more successful or well-to-do than they are.
Combination of reality and fantasy.
Jews are an ethnic group and, as far as they are an ethnic group, prefer their own. Jews also tend to have a lot of "bad faith" so to speak, due to centuries of oppression. Their long history of being constantly shat on makes retarded ideologies appealing to them, and slave-morality runs high.
The solution to Jews has already been tried in Spain. The Spanish Inquisition was a wild success that led to the cultural unification of the country without genocides. Jews could convert or die, and before long, Jewish culture and ethnicity (which is the source of their strength) vanished: they became Spaniards. They say that famous writer Miguel de Cervantes was probably of a New Christian background. It should be obvious that Cervantes' family should not have been killed/deported, but likewise he would not have written Don Quijote if he was immersed in "Jewish culture". The Inquisition proves that race-mixing and cultural persecution is a great and effective method of genocide.
This meme is /pol/ tier. Majority of jews have been excluded from wealth and larger society, most were poor, secluded villagers. Hence why pogroms and prejudice were so easy.
Christianity and Islam don't have the "chosen ethnicity" problem that Judaism does. For example if you read the psalter as a Christian you understand that God gives His blessings to whoever believes in Him regardless of their bloodline whereas if you read it as a Jew you interpret it to mean that your born with it and everyone else is just out of luck. Judaism is the original ethno-supremacist ideology.
Judaism isn't different from any other Near Eastern pagan religions.
well historically before christianity and islam took off their bizzare isolationist culture lead others to be distrustful of their society. Monotheisitc cultures were a rarity in ancient times and by denouncing the existance of other peoples gods and claiming your people are the chose by the one and only god doesnt exactly make you friends with the neighbors. after Christianity and Islam took off. Jewish beliefs directly contradicted their phrophets as being the true prophet leading to more and more and more resentment as these jewish communities continued to be very exclusionistic. from there it just continued with the jewish communities being closed off and fairly well of umong themselves and other built up resentment
This. In our modern world (which naturally accepts religious tolerance because nobody actually follows their own religions with any earnestness) it is hard to understand that theological differences were sufficient to justify murder.
What are you talking about? Monotheism is a uniquely Hebrew development as is covenant theology. While it is true that the Jews borrowed from the pagans in their poetry and wisdom literature, the overall story of a single omnipotent deity who makes a deal with a specific group of people is uniquely Jewish.
Jews are hardly the only group in the world to suffer the types of discrimination we see there, they're just the best known ones. In Africa and Asia there is a fair amount of examples of certain groups that set up shop in other countries and regions only to then be discriminated by the locals.
the Jews are behind it as usual
They were also allowed to leave, which is what most of them did.
There is only counter-semitism
God cares about everyone in Judaism, but the Jews were the ones to accept the contract and all the laws associated with it and so their niche is to serve as an example to other people on Earth. It isn't limited to people of the Jewish bloodline, anyone can become Jewish if they're serious about it, see the book of Ruth.
and while your experience with Jews may vary, mine have personally been positive. All the Jewish people I've met or talked to have been friendly towards me. They seem much nicer than the drunks that inhabit islam/catholicsm, or the people in protestantism who believe that god hates you if you're poor and you deserve it imo.
Christianity condemns non-Christians to eternal hellfire, Judaism makes no such claims. Judaism makes very clear converts are no less Jewish than any other Jew. Some of the most famous Jewish Rabbis and martyrs have been converts. Don't talk about shit you don't know about, it's always accepted converts and has always said gentiles will be fine even if they aren't Jews. That's a lot more compassionate then Islam or Christianity.
Except the Old Testament doesn't deny the existence of other gods, and Yahweh is constantly anthropomorphized. Yahweh was originally just the Jews' protector deity who was memed as monotheistic later.
Assyrians were henotheists, which is basically what ancient jewish "monotheism" was.
this. Hebrews believed in other Gods, they just thought YHWH was the best one. archeology of Israelite homes has shown it time and time again.
>Monotheisitc cultures were a rarity in ancient times and by denouncing the existance of other peoples gods and claiming your people are the chose by the one and only god doesnt exactly make you friends with the neighbors.
Self mutilation, violent tendencies and weird alimentary habits were as if not more important for pagan Rome. In the case of Achaemenid Egypt (first attested case of actual antisemitic violence) they were hated for willingly collaborating with the occupation force.
God chose the Jews and not the other way around, in fact the Jews are constantly resisting God but He sticks with them anyway. And yes God does care about all the nations but you'd have to be blind to not notice the privileged position that Israel occupies in the global scheme. For example in Isaiah it is prophesied that all nations will come to Jerusalem to worship essentially making it the center of the world with a blood descendant of David ruling over everyone.
While Judaism does accept converts it doesn't proselytize and does hold non-Jewish cultures in contempt. "Goy" has a negative connotation denoting "uncleanliness" and bloodlines are very important in Judaism especially for things like the Davidic covenant as referenced above.
Give examples please, I only know the chinese in SEA
>Many people have thought this so they can't be wrong!
Really makes me think.
If the Jews were to disappear then who would feed Yahweh the volcano demon with a constant supply of fresh foreskins?
Y-you wouldn't want him to starve would you?
In the Old Testament the other "gods" are more like demons and the polytheistic and idolatrous tendencies of the Hebrew people are not canonical Judaism. The fact that there are depictions of YHWH is just more evidence of the fact the Jews were constantly breaking the Law by doing things like worshiping the golden calf.
why is a religion proselytizing a good thing? Do you think the fact that Islam and Christianity are so expansionistic haven't effected their members spiritual development? I would think a religion that is focused on numbers would have a lot of its members not actually be good or spiritually developed people at all, while Judaism isn't perfect and the reform movement has become more secular, they are more serious about their beliefs and they tend to have better personalities than you average christian or muslim where they may be nominally part of their religion but they don't even go to church for Christmas or even celebrate it and stay at home and drink instead (this happened to me a few years ago)
I think it shows that they care about non-believers. Regardless of whether you think it's a good thing, the motivation behind proselytizing is to save people whereas Judaism is pretty indifferent toward non-Jews.
>While Judaism does accept converts it doesn't proselytize and does hold non-Jewish cultures in contempt. "Goy" has a negative connotation denoting "uncleanliness" and bloodlines are very important in Judaism especially for things like the Davidic covenant as referenced above.
Which is of course why the Bible refers to the Jews as "goy", going back as far as God's first promise to Abraham to make his descendants a "Goy Gadol".
>"Goy" has a negative connotation denoting "uncleanliness"
Goy literally means nation. I've seen so many goys claim that goy means unclean it's hilarious. When God told the Jews he would give them a goy gadol, he meant a great unclean? No, he meant a great nation, a goy gadol. The fact that this is common belief among some of you really tells you something.
I don't know if you or Nietzche is right, but slave morality according to Wikipedia, consists of >Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as 'good'.
Ancesdotal evidence but most of the Jews I've met are optimistic or at least have neutral vibes. Pessimism is a liberty that they aren't really allowed to have because of the way they've been treated. People would hate them more if they started being pessimistic.
Well the Maccabees did proselytize. They forced converted the Edomites into Jewish faith and much of the Jewish community was opposed to it (because they were forced into the faith and not brought in through persuasion). So when an Ibdumean ended up becoming king and fucked the entire country up, they took that as metaphor not to force convert peoples.
Plus the Romans kind of made any kind of converting, even voluntary ones, forbidden. They hated how far Jewish teachings got to Rome and wanted to stamp that shit out asap.
Connotations are not universal and there are always exceptions, however it is revealing that the Old Testament usually refers to the Jews as "am" and the gentiles as "goyim."
>Connotations are not universal and there are always exceptions,
Except yours is completely made up.
>however it is revealing that the Old Testament usually refers to the Jews as "am" and the gentiles as "goyim."
No, it doesn't.
Goy is no more offensive than Jew. Both of them sound offensive, just because people have used Jew in a negative connotations doesn't make Jew an offensive word. The logic you are using is ridiculous.
desu the Five Books of Moses didn't really refer to gentiles all that much. There were the Jews, then there were the Egyptians, the nation of Amalek, Phoenicians, the Edomites, et cetera. In Prophets and Writings, you get a more general reference to peoples other than Jews but "goy" is kind of a post-biblical word in its usage today.
Christians and Muslims cant stand the thought of people rejecting their religion, especially when those people are the authors and protagonists of their scripture.
the most notable ones are probably the Lebanese and Armenian diaspora, although the Indian, Chinese and Arab presence in the third world is very strong.
islam was started first and foremost as an imperialistic religion and Christianity has a lot of its modern roots in Catholicism which is a more romanized/greek version of christianity which would have been a good tool for the roman empire in its latter days, and jews aren't totally indifferent to outsiders. I have a few jewish friends and the whole reason I became interested in religion again was because I discussed religion for a while with a jewish friends
it's because a lot of them don't really know how jewish culture is and they get a lot of information from /pol/, even if many of the people only stop by /pol/ to see how it is and don't get brainwashed into thinking that hitler was jesus. there's still a good chance they'll develop misinformation about the religion/culture
If "goy" just means nation with no negative connotation, how come Jews never refer to themselves as a goy and the phrase "goy yisrael" doesn't appear in the Bible and instead phrases like "beni yisrael" are used instead?
What about /pol/? Roman government didn't like how Jewish teachings were disrupting government. Specifically, it gave sympathy to Jewish rebellion and the Senate did not like that.
Plus Judaism was just kind of weird to them. Can't eat with Jews, they won't take your wine, they cut their dicks, they don't work for an entire day a week, et cetera.
>X does Y to Z multiple times
>therefore Z is responsible
Even if it does increase the likelihood hood of Jews being at fault that's pretty shit reasoning friendo
Goy gadol is in the Bible, but that tendency to refer to their people as the children of Israel and others as nations is why the term grew into that modern meaning.
>If "goy" just means nation with no negative connotation, how come Jews never refer to themselves as a goy
They do.
>as a goy and the phrase "goy yisrael" doesn't appear in the Bible and instead phrases like
It does.
You're just extremely ignorant.
They do?
>wəʾeʿeśəḵā ləḡōy gāḏōl waʾăḇāreḵəḵā waʾăḡaddəlā šəméḵā wehyē bərāḵā.
>And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and be thou a blessing.
>Compare Exodus 19:6: ממלכת כהנים וגוי קדוש (mamlekhet kohanim wegoy qadosh, “ […] a kingdom of priests and a holy nation”) (referring to the Jewish people)
The goy gadol and goy kadosh are the only times that term is applied to Israel, all other references to Israel are either as "am" or "beni yisrael." Furthermore to suggest that goy doesn't have a negative connotation is disingenuous as a quick google search will show. Here are two websites addressing this exact issue:
>to suggest that goy doesn't have a negative connotation is disingenuous
It really doesn't. It has as much of a negative connotation as Jew does. However, if a Jew were to tell me to stop calling him Jewish because that's a slur i'd say that's ridiculous. Just like Jews are Jewish, Goys are Goyish. Jews might have said bad things about Goys throughout history (usually during Roman times), but the word itself isn't negative. You are the one being disingenuous. It's not any better than saying since Hitler used Jew in an offensive manor the world itself is now a slur.
Jewish mentality leads to ostracisation, and the scapegoat theory.
>The goy gadol and goy kadosh are the only times that term is applied to Israel
Completely wrong. Try actually reading the Strong's concordance link. Or just read a Hebrew Bible, specifically at things like Genesis 18:18, Deuteronomy 4:34, Joshua 10:13, Ezekiel 35:10, and Haggai 2;14 among others.
>all other references to Israel are either as "am"
עם is only used 15 times in all of the Old Testament. It is enormously outweighed by the number of times "Goy" is clearly used to refer to the Jews. (11 times in Genesis alone)
>beni yisrael.
Means the same thing. You see the same construction "Sons of so and so" to refer to a people to refer to non Jews as well, and sometimes even possibly to non-humans, like the B'nei elohim right before the flood.
> Furthermore to suggest that goy doesn't have a negative connotation is disingenuous as a quick google search will show. Here are two websites addressing this exact issue:
Random internet polling is your source for a linguistic term? Are you high? I can take just about any phrase, ask around on a site, and get people calling it offensive. Plus, half of the people on your Quora link say that it is not in fact offensive.
The himyarite jews force converted christians later, though.
I have your anecdotal evidence vs the anecdotal websites that I posted. When you're talking about something like connotation there's no definitive authority but I've definitely encountered Jewish people using got pejoratively.
Thanks for the other references of goy usages but you're mistaken that am is only used 15 times in the OT (biblestudytools.com
*using goy pejoratively
>I've definitely encountered Jewish people using got pejoratively.
And i've had friends use Jew pejoratively. It doesn't make Jew a slur. Please think with your head for a second.
>claiming that jew hatred is based on jealousy and insecurity is /pol/ tier
Have you ever been on /pol/?
Frankly I think the intention behind how a word is used is what makes it a slur or not. Black people saying "nigga" is a perfect example of this. Regardless, goy is most commonly used to refer to gentiles which is a way of making them an "out-group" relative to Jews and this is why it is often used negatively.
Really cry about it. Find me times Gentiles were killed by Jews while they screamed "dirty goy" at them. You're getting assmad about some dipshit Rabbi, when I guarantee there are hundreds of cases where Jews were brutally killed being called "dirty Jews." If anything you could make a better case for that being more of a slur. Linguistically though, you're argument makes zero sense.
>your*** argument
ITT: Jew shills defend their racist Anti-Gentile slurs
The real reason is that they were a rich minority you could allow into or banish from your ethnic state. They were allowed in so that the monarchs could borrow money from them, then banished when they asked to be paid back. Society was 95% agarian, people in the next village from you were "foreigners", let alone actual immigrants, so nobody really liked them anyway, they were known mostly in a cautionary/villainous light from the Bible where the Romans had taken Christianity long before anyone there had met a real live Jew, so it was easy. Anti-semitism existed earlier because the Jews travelled earlier, and if they hadn't already been bringing some wealth, they would never have been tolerated to begin with. It's not complicated.
My argument is only that Jews view themselves as superior to gentiles and that calling them goy is one way this manifests itself in the sense that it "otherizes" them. Here's an example of a Jewish celebrity with the type of attitude I'm referring to: youtube.com
Not even true though. The first Jews to be rich were Sephardic Jews. The Ashkenazi Jews started out as peasants getting slaughtered by the crusaders and in small villages just waiting for people to blame them on some dumb shit. I mean thousands upon thousands Jews were killed on charges of "Host desecration," which just means they thought they were summoning Jesus into bread and stabbing the bread to torture Jesus. That has nothing to do with them being "rich," in fact most were tailors and just did regular ass jobs. Don't get the "Court Jew" or the "Useful Jew" mixed up with the regular folk.
Yeah Genes Simmons is a fucking asswipe though. I get that though lmao
Important distinction this, the move to actual monotheism came later.
It's not so uncommon unfortunately: youtube.com
You're out of your mind. Pointing out anecdotal examples of Jews being harsh to Gentiles as proof of that Jews hate Gentiles and that Goy is somehow racist against them makes no logical sense. Like I said, is Jew offensive now? I've heard people say they get Jewed out of things so many times in my life, i've never heard of someone being Goyd out of anything.
Another interpretation:
You have been teaching Christianity to Northern Europeans for a few centuries, and in Christianity, the Jews are, as I said before, cautionary/villainous. None of the people you're talking to has ever met a Jew. Then Jews turn up. Not only have they not converted - and you might have thought they had, after all, Christianity has swept the known world - they are, in their unconverted state, of great and friendly interest, for the time being, to your leaders.
Anti-semitism is therefore the natural conclusion of nobody really liking you anyway in Christian countries, and the leaders who used Jews deciding they have no further use for them (now it's time to pay up, as I said) and ceasing to protect you.
I've studied the Tanakh extensively and the fact of the matter is that it teaches Jewish superiority and this notion expanded to absurd lengths in the Talmud. Anyone with even a passing familiarity with Judaism would understand that gentile culture is thought to be inferior to Jewish culture and no amount of mental gymnastics can refute this.
>Monitheism is a Hebrew development
>What is Zoroastrianism for $500
Get /out/ of Veeky Forums
I was talking about the organized anti-semitism of western Europe, the underlying dislike from Christian depictions of them and plain foreignness is the other half of it.
Of all the arguments against monotheism being exclusively Jewish, that's not one, Zoroastrianism isn't monotheist.
>fire-worshippers are monotheists
They were also converts, fun fact.
Not at all. It might hate goy culture, but no genetic superiority. The worst it goes is the bible clearly doesn't want Jews to trust goyim, but it makes sense in it's bronze age context. Near-Eastern tribes were insanely wary of foreigners, and Jews brought that with them. To say the average Jew holds contempt for Gentiles is just wrong. Maybe the average Hasidic Jew. Lots of the anti-gentile shit comes from Kabbalah teachings that stems from a 12th century Spanish forgery in the first place.
Because there are Jews
Weren't they an Arab tribe that converted to Judaism? Arab savagery + Judaism's obvious calls for violence doesn't seem like a good mix.
It seems pretty intuitive. In a world of religions teaching conversion and spiritual egalitarianism, you've got these people believing only their kind is chosen by god, and they've no interest in you joining them.
I'm not him, but i'm curious, what would you say, historically, are the differences between western culture and jewish culture? which has better values? Most Jews I've met are nice but lots of people in contemporary western culture don't really seem to care about love or spirituality
>Maybe the average Hasidic Jew.
So the ones who take Judaism more seriously are the ones more likely to have this opinion. Hmm really makes me think.
They don't take Judaism more seriously. They base their entire beliefs on a 12-century forgery they've been convinced is by a 1st century Rabbi.
Those weird penguin looking fuckers have nothing to do with Judaism.
So the Karaites are more legitimate in your opinion?
That's when they were encountered by crusaders, which is a combination of the aforementioned prejudice and their own rage at being humiliated in the first crusade.
Don't talk nonsense, they would have been in far worse shit had they wanted to proselytize. The issue was that the Jews were a de facto fictitious race in the religious teachings of the time, and then they turned up, apparently unaware of what had happened to them. If the people nearest to Christianity *aren't convinced*, you have a potential credibility problem.
When an idea is "intuitive", you're not thinking, just reacting.
>12-century forgery
Seems an odd way to describe it, one of the big differences between Judaism and its spin-offs is that the religious texts never stop being written, surely?
Not really, they have had a more stable history. Regular Orthodox Jews are legitimate. Especially the Mizrahi communities, specifically the Babylonian Jews, Persian Jews, Syrian Jews. Even some European Jews through certain Rabbis are related to the Exilarch.
It's true though. I wasn't even kidding. Some Sephardic Jew out of nowhere said "Hey guys I found this Jewish writing that's ancient" as a way to legitimate his own bullshit writing. Most of the anti-gentile "upper soul lower soul" bullshit comes from these writings. Since they don't believe in science nothing will convince them the writings aren't by this Rabbi.
>He was one of the most eminent disciples of Rabbi Akiva, and is pseudepigraphically attributed by many Orthodox Jews with the authorship of the Zohar, the chief work of Kabbalah.
Judaism is oppressively legalistic often to comically autistic extents. For example over course of my studies (I'm in seminary) I've encountered innumerable rabbinical debates about what is and is not permitted activity on the Sabbath. Some of my favorites are one where the question is if a Jew's house is burning down on the Sabbath can he go in and take out his belongings to save them from being burned? The ultimate answer is generally no he cannot, however he can put on multiple layers of clothing to save them from burning because getting dressed is not considered "work." Another good one is whether a Jewish mother should be allowed to pick up her child on the Sabbath. The rabbis said this is okay because it isn't work, however one rabbi suggested that if the child had a rock in his pocket lifting him up would be work because it would require lifting up the rock as well. There are countless debates about trivial topics like this in rabbinical literature. Another amusing example is how elevators in Israel run automatically stopping on every floor on the Sabbath because pushing a button is considered "working." However if you really want to get to the heart of the matter, read the Gospels. Jesus' criticism of the Pharisees (from whom modern Judaism is descended) is an indictment against Jewish culture from the Messiah Himself.