If all religions are antiquated is it best to just take from all of them? We will ever see a new religion in our time other than 'atheism' ( is this even considered a religion?)
If all religions are antiquated is it best to just take from all of them...
I don't get this meme
Side question, is Baha'i the reformation Islam desperately needs?
>We will ever see a new religion in our time
1954 is when Scientology was created
I'm a part of a new religion.
Ask me anything.
Fuck I just read about this...
Can somebody please give me an article which explains how Christianity can be true in spite of this?
I've seen it argued that political ideologies have become a replacement for religion.
What does "antiquated" mean?
>how Christianity can be true
Truth doesn't matter with faith not even trying to be a fedora
The archeologists have misunderstood their discoveries, or the ancient people misunderstood what they were depicting. It's not difficult. People go astray from what God tells them all the time, and there's reason to believe that God lets people understand things in the way that will make sense for them.
This attitude is the logical endpoint of theological liberalism, and if it caught on, religion would cease to exist pretty quickly.
You've got nothing, son. Nothing. What does that prove? We've got the best theologians the world has to offer and you... you got some silly tablet written in an ancient language that may or may not represent the god of the Bible. We can always sophisticate, contextualize and apologize away everything you throw at us. Besides, people are dumb. They'll believe in whatever they want to believe, and we have got the message they want to hear. Yup. You sir have got SHIT. My income is guaranteed, what about yours? Huh, you liberal arts sophomore piece of shit?
t. Seminarian with his income guaranteed
It's only a problem if you literally believed in Young Earth Creationism, really.
After we figure out intersteller space travel I'm sure some Larpers will start worshiping the Emperor of Mankind.
>Be a young Unitarian Universalist.
>Get excited seeing this post.
>"Surely, someone in the thread has told OP about the UUA!"
>Nobody has.
>Nobody cares about my dying hippie religion.
But anyway, OP. The Unitarian Universalist Association does exactly what you describe. It's not unusual to have readings from Islam, Shinto, and Christianity in the same service.
At least that one is MEANT to be a figure you'd want to worship with all the propaganda and most of the scripture written, but imagine them worshiping some bullshit Mary Sue anime characters like Madokami or whatever
islam is a violent brutish excuse for a religion though
Because you literally can't. It doesn't even make sense to try.
Some religions are syncretic by nature, such as Hinduism, but others are very much not. Orthodox, Trinitarian Christianity is completely incompatible with Islamic tawheed, and there is no possible way to reconcile them. Judaism is fundamentally incompatible with both dualism and the monism of pantheistic religions. There are many other examples.
That's real fuckin' Gnostic of you, heretic.
The fact that there were many semite tongues and about a bazillion gods to go with them makes that a memey source fedoralords spam.
Do you think we will see a fusion of various religious practices and philosophies to create a new religion based on spirituality and veneration of the concept of god(Not Deism though)
I think it's highly likely that 1 monotheism will rule the entirety of the Earth at some point.
Globalism tends towards sameness everywhere.
I am very interested in all religions and I study about them a lot. So far, I came to the conclusion that there is so many common things between them. If you study them in the right why you will figure out that they are all focused on our (people's) improvement. All of them promote peace within and around us; the qualities every person should have in order to have balanced life in coordination with other people and nature. So whatever religion one chooses, he's on the good path.
what religion is that
fucking heretic, just join a normal church you new age fag
>you will never see islam, judaism and christianity combine into 1 religion of abrahamism
Christianity is.
>dying hippie religion
Is it? Not the "hippie" part, they "dying" one, I mean.
I really don't think so
If anything, other religions will borrow from christianity and mormonism.
I expect some churches to start using the Book Of Mormon without being LDS
What about pagans and the Catholic sect that mostly prays to the saints over one god.
Japanese thought that Jesus was a incarnation of Buddha, when Christians arrived in Japan
Same thing here
this is a Canaanite tablet, that incorporated "god of the Jews" to their pantheon. And only a retarded fedora could use this tablet as an """argument""".
Baha'i is just a syncretism taken to extreme at this point.
pagans will continue to barely exist and I can't imagine the catholics getting based again