
Who the living fuck came up with this name?
The holy part is debatable, but it surely wasn't Roman and it surely wasn't an empire.

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What else would you call a territory ruled by the emperor of the Romans?


>implying the P*pe had the authority to give such a title away

It was named after the founding act that consecrated it
the pope crowned charlemagne thereby divinely sanctioning his office.
this consecration took place in rome, was hailed by the roman people in the streets, and was carried out by the supreme head of the roman catholic church.
the pope crowned him emperor. it might be an exaggeration and a power that the pope legally and historically lacked legitimacy, but charlemagne's crowning as emperor was an expedience and for charlemagne and his contemporaries as real as the crowning of ancient roman emperor. besides that, even if charlemagne was not a real "emperor", his conquests, the size of his realm, the diversity of peoples and realms he and his successors administered in all actuality made his realm an "empire" in the modern sense of the word, i.e. not one ruled by an emperor but according to the definition in pic related

How was it not Roman when being crowned "Emperor" literally meant being made King of the Romans? How was it not an Empire when you literally said that it was a "MULTI-ETHNIC COMPLEX OF TERRITORIES"? Not to mention that historically "Empire" simply meant the realm ruled by the guy who was crowned Emperor.

>God's representative on Earth doesn't have the authority to create leaders of men

>God's representative on Earth
>elected by men
>is fallible
yeah ok

the p*pe is not a holy figure, the people in rome were no longer romans, and there is a difference between an actual empire and a bunch of g*rmans circlejerking

>Contains Rome
>Isn't Roman
Every time


You have to go back.

Voltaire was a french faggot who was too busy fellating turks and islam to consider how broad of a definition holy and roman carried at the time of it's creation.

All those voltaire memers are supremely ignorant. The HRE was the Empire(it fits the definition no matter what the victorian definition of the word became) established by grace of the Roman Catholic Church. The Emperor chosen by the pope, and as such holy.

Only after the 30 years war up until Napoleon did the HRE become a farce of itself, which was the era Voltaire lived in, but that doesn't mean the name wasn't accurate at it's conception.

Much like Byzantine wasn't much of an Empire or roman in 1400, but still styled itself the Roman Empire.

>reddit spacing
pot meet kettle

>the pope crowned charlemagne thereby divinely sanctioning his office.
Frankish Empire has nothing to do with HRE.
HRE was just a bastard child of it.
>this consecration took place in rome, was hailed by the roman people in the streets, and was carried out by the supreme head of the roman catholic church.
Those weren't Romans anymore.

yes they weren't ancient romans but they were still inhabitants of the city of rome, which we still call roman...

the Catholic Church is actual the Roman Catholic Church, and Rome is still called Rome.


Rome is Italian

But yeah its the Roman Catholic church

>Voltaire was a french faggot who was too busy fellating turks and islam
WTF? Voltaire hated any kind of organized religion, islam included

Technically, men don't elect God's representative : they have to discover God's already chosen representative among those who are eligible, they have to recognize who is truly God's representative, with the Holy Spirit's help. And yes he is fallible, because he is a man.

>Voltaire was a french faggot who was too busy fellating turks and islam

Literally what. Voltaire was a faggot but in a theater piece he wrote he made Mohammed say this :

on devient sacrilège alors qu’on délibère.
Loin de moi les mortels assez audacieux
pour juger par eux-mêmes, et pour voir par leurs yeux !
Quiconque ose penser n’est pas né pour me croire.''

''And dost thou pause? Presumptuous youth! 'tis impedious
But to deliberate: far from Mahomet
Be all who for themselves shall dare to judge
Audacious: those who reason are not oft
Prone to believe; thy part is to obey.''

Literally says Muslims are brainlets. Go educate yourself, and come back once you know what you're talking about.

Sounds like a modern cuntbag. Oh wait, they also suck off islam


>Rome is Italian

>faggot who was too busy fellating turks and islam
just like every german ruler then

>All religions are equal and good and as long as those practicing are an honest people and wish to populate our land, may they be Turks or Pagans, we will build them mosques and temples

The Voltaire meme needs to die.