I've frequented /pol/ for a few years now but never visited Veeky Forums for some reason. In your opinion, what consequences did the unification of Germany have?
Other urls found in this thread:
The destruction of Europe, on multiple occasions
It was good idea as it gave the German people a strong nation to counter France, Austria, and Russia, but it was lead by a bunch of autists who basically destroyed Europe twice and the German people suffered because of them.
*3 times
A united Germany for starters.
So the 'decline of European domination due to Germany' that's talked about on this board is really just the world wars?
Get out
It definitely improved technology because, without the unification of a state, people probably would have stuck to themselves more.
Well if the German, Russian, and Austrian Empire was around today, we wouldn't have had Communist Europe nor German guilt about the Nazis.
So probaly immigration wouldn't be a thing.
Also if the Ottomans were still around because of autist Willy lost the war, then there would be no Israel, Iraq, or Syria.
So really all the German leaders fault for ruining Europe today.
please go away
Whenever you hear the word "unification", you can be sure that someone is getting killed, and someone's identity is getting suppressed.
Prince Otto in a letter to his brother Louis II, King of Bavaria: "Hélas Louis, je ne puis te dire avec quelle douleur infinie j'assistais à cette cérémonie. Combien chaque fibre de mon être se révoltait contre tout ce que je vis et entendis. Tout était si fier, si froid, si pompeux, si grandiloquent sans cœur et vide."
The king has refused to participate in the ceremony at Versailles and had sent his brother and uncle ...
"Media vita in morte sumus"
Not really. Their geopolitics dictated them to weaken France, Austria, and Russia in order to prevent either threats from them, or threats from them fighting each others and thus ravaging Central Europe again.
dude asked a normal questions instead of IZ AFRIKA DUMB LEL, ÖÖ CRUZADERZ BAZED
>someone starts an actually decent discussion thread
>reddit babbies still bitch and moan
>we wouldn't have had Communist Europe nor German guilt about the Nazis.
>So probaly immigration wouldn't be a thing.
Dumbest post I have read in a while
No, if anything, it's the Franco-Prussian war that set up WW1 that set up WW2.
Found someone with a brain in this thread.
Also, Bismarck should have known better than to monopolize all the state affairs and then die with no competent successors. A nationl identity based on warmongering can never go too far.
Well, don't you think those wars would have happened anyway because of people's mindsets back then
A war between the French and the Prussians may well have happened, however, the degree to which humiliation was inflicted and the amount of loose ends left untied was up in the air. Nevertheless, "people's mindsets" are nearly the same regarding the topic as they are today.
>Nevertheless, "people's mindsets" are nearly the same regarding the topic as they are today.
What do you mean? I don't see any ultranationalist revanchism nowadays. Now it's more ironic and cynical (aka pretending to be nationalist when in fact being economically-motivated, etc.), which is why someone like Duterte was a 'big shock' (not really) in the media.
If you're talking about geopolitics, then you might be right. Even when Germany already turns into a federal democratic republic, it's still interest in weakening Russia, just like it did before WWI.
I think the electoral decisions recently in Western countries signal this kind of underlying jingoism a lot of these countries (America especially) still retain, well into our "progressive" world. You think every American Patriot™ wouldn't sign up or rally their fellow patriots if war with anyone were to break out tomorrow?
Although, geopolitically, that's a very eye opening take, I'd never considered that relationship between Germany and Russia as motivating