What would the Founding Fathers think of the modern United States?
What would the Founding Fathers think of the modern United States?
they were smart enough to expect big changes, they would approve of our technology, disapprove of our government but be glad it hasn't completely reverted to tyranny yet, they would disapprove of our society and wonder why white people are such pussies
Some would love it, some would hate it. The whole point of them was that they came from many diverse backgrounds with different attitudes about how governing should be done, yet they stood together for liberty.
Pretty sure they would freak the fuck out at the technology, hell just show them a video of a nuke hell it doesn't even have to be a nuke since the fact that you can show them a video will amaze them enough.
they started a revolution for a new system of government designed around small government, personal liberties, low taxes, and many of the founders loathed the idea of a central bank
they would hate America today
Yeah and then that didn't fucking work so they made a new constitution
which was designed around small government, personal liberties, and low taxes with many of the signers of the new constitution against he idea of a central bank
or were you just pretending to be retarded?
Who cares what a load of deists (Cultists) think?
Oh my God of the Gaps that somehow preaches personal liberty and democracy despite being inactive and senseless, these folk can access working women without accessing them and getting syphilis!
>they started a revolution
>for a new system of government
The revolution in 1776 was a different animal than the constitutional convention of 1787. Jefferson, notably absent from the revolution itself after the declaration of independence, was the guy who brought the ideals for a small government, which was the position of opposition to most of the rest of the founders until he himself became president in 1801. The founders who fought in the revolution and made up the early government had more aristocratic ideals.
My point exactly. What sound does a tree falling over make? *Whoosh*
It's almost as if men born in a different time period(and thus culture) with certain values and standards would find the current time period with different values and standards foreign. Hmmm
They would wonder why the FUCK we have military bases all over the world.
"We're the most powerful country in the world? Holy shit!"
They'd overthrow the monarch Trump and put Obama back on his rightful throne.
"why did you allow non-landowners the ability to vote? That's where all your problems came from."
and yet the entire governing class is made up of millionaires and billionaires
They, like I, would be dismayed by more than a few things, such as the growth of government, immorality, the death of reason, illegal immigration from inferior latin countries, militarized police, Canada still under British dominion, etc.
Who cares? Idiots who worship these old fucks and that piece of toilet paper they scribbled on are one of the biggest things keeping this country back.
why don't you end yourself
Maybe this country isn't for you. Canada's right up north.
>constitution can be and has been amended
>has functioned exceptionally well as the centerpiece of our society for the last several centuries
>what's the big deal just a piece of paper lol
I get that you're baiting, but if I could have all of the "living document" people machine gunned into mass graves, I would do it before you could say "national security"
The government would've fucking fallen apart if it wasn't for the elastic clauses dude, and any government which requires a 3/4 consent of all states legislature is going to get fuck all done, there are two notably long lived forms of government, the American constitution, and the British parliament, one of which has been developed over time with the usage of the elastic clasues and the introduction of judcial review and the like, and the other just doesn't codify the limits of the government at all, Britain's lack of limits to government hasn't led to tyranny.
>parties can barely get the 2/3rds of the senate needed to block fillibustering
>parties would be able to gain support of 38 senates, and 38 houses
>implying this is in anyway practical
>wanting to shoot people for interpreting a legal document differently to you
"To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian Tribes;"
Practically all regulation is going to have an economic impact in some regards, nobody who wasn't a fucking dullard would write a section of an article this broad without the intention that in the future, such vaugeness would be expanded upon.
>The government would've fucking fallen apart if it wasn't for the elastic clauses
You know, the limits spelled out in the constitution are pretty generous. You can basically do anything you want as long as it isn't blatantly destabilizing to the republic in some way.
In what way do you feel that the US constitution, or the limitations specified within, has limited or endangered American political development. Be specific.
>Britain's lack of limits to government hasn't led to tyranny
As an American, I would dispute this claim.
>can be put in prison for hurting people's feelings
>right to keep and bear arms disappeared as soon as it became unfashionable
>only legal self defense weapon is a rape whistle
>wanting to shoot people for interpreting a legal document differently to you
Hey, it worked the last couple of times we did it.
>As an American, I would dispute this claim.
>can be put in prison for hurting people's feelings
>right to keep and bear arms disappeared as soon as it became unfashionable
>only legal self defense weapon is a rape whistle
I'm British, hate speech laws are not hurting someone's feelings, harrasment (and i mean genuine harrasment, the loose interpretation of these laws in the courts is stupid and the laws should be rewritten to be less generous) can lead directly to physical harm, someone who gets an eating disorder and ends up dead over bullying is serious, if we say that the deliberate infliction of harm upon someone else is against the law, then deliberatley and knowingly harrasing someone must have consequences, and even then, even if you directly drive someone into suicide you wouldn't face the same charges as a murderer.
>right to keep and bear arms disappeared as soon as it became unfashionable
And? You can still buy guns in Britain, you require a lisecense and self defense is not considered a valid reason, if you want shotgun to kill ducks or foxes then god speed to you, our elected representatives put these laws in place, it is the will of the people that arms should be banned, if we wanted it back, and there were enough votes behind it then one of the smaller parties may adopt it, gain voteshare, and have that policy stolen by labour or the tories, this can clearly be seen in the recent rise of immigration in list of national priority.
>>only legal self defense weapon is a rape whistle
I've been robbed once, some cunt tried to steal my bike, and i picked up a bottle and smashed it over my bike, and threatened to stab him, if i had, i would have a seriosu claim that i had acted using reasonable force, again, thefact that we're less forgiving with the definition of reasonable force is not a problem with the government, if it's a problem at all, it's British people interpreting whether British Law was 1/2
adequetly followed, it's not as if the government imposed this upon us, we're free to vote in whoever we want, and it just so happens that we don't value individual liberty as highly as Americans, that's a cultural difference, not tyranny.
>hate speech laws are not hurting someone's feelings
>(1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he— (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress.
>causing people distress is a crime
>self defense is not considered a valid reason
>this is acceptable in a free society
>implying you can take away the tools necessary to defend yourself without infringing on the right to self defense
You know, it wasn't that long ago that Sherlock Holmes was bringing a revolver and some hollow points along with him in the stories, and crime rates were almost exactly the same.
Imagine a state being able to convince its people that individual liberty and tyranny are a matter of culture.
>causing people distress
People die over being abused without being punched, there are multiple children who've killed themselves over harrasment, if killing is wrong, how can we say that driving somone to suicide is not?
And yesit is acceptable in a free society, because we the British public don't have an appetite for loosening gun regulation, that's democracy, if the people want a resaonable law, parties will exist and faccilitate that want.
>>implying you can take away the tools necessary to defend yourself without infringing on the right to self defense
Gun Crime has fallen, knife crime has risen at a pretty close rate, allowing the proliferation of guns would simply raise the level of criminals able to acsess guns, a stabbing is less likely to kill you than getting shot with a shotgun, in addition, if you do own a gun, for your own, then you are fully within your legal right to shoot a person trying to fuck with you dead, of course the courts might not view that as a reasonable use of force, but that's a consequence of cultural attitudes and the jury system, not a flaw with the constitutional make up of the UK.
>You know, it wasn't that long ago that Sherlock Holmes was bringing a revolver and some hollow points along with him in the stories, and crime rates were almost exactly the same.
It also wasn't that long ago that children had their pay docked for getting their hand ripped off in a factory, times and attitudes change.
They'd get rid of the ZOG influence in our government.
What is tyranny to you? We are not beholden to our government, we are the source of their power, and if they do something that angers us we can remove them.
They would either think it was tyrannical and foment another revolution, or they would double-down and love the power and privilege.
>People die over being abused without being punched
>that's democracy
Nigger, fundamental rights are not intended to be up for a popular vote. That is the entire point of a constitutional legal system. It's a legal and social framework by which a smaller group of people can seek to protect their rights against a larger group of people.
The people who created British jurisprudence would throw up on their shoes if they heard somebody justifying a legal opinion on the grounds that it was the most popular one.
>LMAO walk away bro LOL
Yes, because not using the internet is a reasonable thing to do in 2017, human interaction is still human interaction, and amazingly,. if you actually look at the wording, it doesn't just apply to the internet, it also applies to someone continually trying to harass people irl, laws that regulate what you can and can't do shouldn;t just magically dissappear because they're on the internet.
Britain doesn't have a consitution, the only way you could seriously codifiy it would be to take every single law in Britain and create a document out of them, there is no tiered law, if you deny the right of Britons to change "fundamental rights" then you've effectively denied them the ability to influence any law whatsoever.
>close tab with bullying
>open up with hentai
I say this as somebody who struggled with mental problems and attempted suicide, niggas need to stop being wusses.
If somebody commits harassment, charge them with harassment.
If somebody uses "abusive or insulting words" to "cause distress" you hate speech them right back and continue to do what you're doing.
If you can't handle that, you need to be in a mental institution until you can, because you are incapable of functioning in society.
Name a single social media site that doesn't allow you to block people who tell you to go kill yourself. All of them let you do that.
Except for this one, I suppose. Now go kill yourself
That was kind of my point.
Once upon a time, the right to bear arms was a generally accepted legal principle in Britain.
It might still be if there had been a sufficient legal bulwark against eliminating it.
Almost every single one would hate it for different reasons. Only Hamilton and Franklin would be ok with it.
Causing undue distress is literally the definition of harrasment under UK law you fuckwit.
And believe it or not, these cases have to go through court, so "ur a fag lol" isn't going to be seriously considered harrasment by anyone with a functioning brain.
Every politican except Trump and Bloomberg are upper middle class.
>Once upon a time, the right to bear arms was a generally accepted legal principle in Britain.
>It might still be if there had been a sufficient legal bulwark against eliminating it.
Or if there was sufficent public support for the idea, which there simply isn't, you're trying to imply that there is somehow a block on reintroducing a right to bear arms in Britain, which, as a result of the 1 tier law system is simply not the case.
Name a single pub that wouldn't Bar you for calling some a filthy fucking nigger, a fat slut, and a cunt for no adequetley explained reason.
Just because an interaction happens over the internet doesn't make it any less acceptable, and the difference between calling someone a fuckwit in casual conversation and clear efforts to hurt another human being is pretty fucking clear.
Wasn't he a virtue ethics advocate? He would probably not be OK with current America.
I mean, take a look at what they teach to girls in America
Jefferson would be honestly surprised that slavery ended without a no-holds-barred genocidal race war.
>virtue ethics
You're joking right? He was a druggie whose favorite pastimes were banging French whores and partying with Parisian nobles.
I imagine them in a library all trying to figure out how to turn on a computer on until franklin stumbles on a wikipedia page about american history. Then they all huddle around his monitor like children for story time, except this story is about the United States of America
>tfw old fag founding fathers all look at one another and come to the realization that america is actually still around
>people in the library think you're all larping faggots and give you strange looks. some of them point thin black boxes at you, some of them flash
>old fags begin reading the history of america, immediately begin arguing over when to start
>Franklin ignores the bantz and clicks on the war of 1812
>tfw those fucking redcoats invaded again and got BTFO
>old fag founding fathers have the biggest shit eating grins on their faces
>one old fag says "So? It wasn't even that great."
>"Fuck you Madison, not all of us lived to see redcoats getting rekt by america's navy in 1812." - Jefferson
>Franklin misclicks on a link to an article about some frenchfag named Alexis de Toqueville
>old fags find it mildly interesting until Franklin clicks on a link to some larping french fag named napoleon
>tfw he sold most of modern day america to america for basically nothing
>jaws drop when franklin clicks on google maps and a display of current USA borders appears
>librarian tells Adams to shut the fuck up
>everyone still confused about how alaska is a US state, but canada isn't
>"Fucking Russians" mutters Washington
>stern looks of disapproval as the wikipedia timeline moves onto the civil war
>tfw autistic southern states nearly got america BTFO because they wanted to larp as european aristocratic land owning faggots with serfs from africa
>old fags are still muttering to one another in shock about the american civil war
>one oldfag who had been otherwise quite until now begins to autistically screech
>librarian tells Thomas Paine to shush, "fyi lincoln was also an asshole"
>Jefferson remarks on Lincoln and how the war granted him the powers of a king but he did not declare himself one (even before he was shot).
>the group of old fags stare at Washington. "Really makes you think", remarks Hamilton
>continue to read about america's continued expansion westward, old fags are all fascinated at how new states continue to pop up
>breathe sigh of relief as it turns out the indians got BTFO by army cavalry, disease, and infighting before going down
>old fags are amazed at how quickly america recovered and prospered post civil war
>Read more and more links about technological developments trains, iron ships, repeating rifles, even lightbulbs.
>Read about mass immigration to America from europe to the far east. The cities become huge.
>tfw fags begin to notice how fucking boring the US government was post civil war, literally jack shit besides resitricting a president to 2 terms.
>tfw you reaize how stable and prosperous america had become for the most part.
>tfw everyone gasps at the next article
>tfw everything changed when the krauts attacked.
>"I always knew those fucking hessians would be back" - mutters Washington
>half of the old fags point and laugh while reading about eurofags getting BTFO
>other half agrees, top bantz ensues
>bantz immediatly ceases when the article talks about america's entry into the world war, and the one after that, creation of atomic bombs, the cold war, korean war, all the israeli wars, vietnam war, cuban missile crisis, collapse of the USSR, reuinification of worst krautland with best krautland, gulf war 1, yugoslav wars, 9/11, gulfwar 2, ISIS, CNN, TRUMP.
>Silence for minutes, the old fags are in absolute awe as they take in the history that has taken place since 1776.
>old fags realize america is just 241 years old
>tfw old fags come to realization that since 1776 there have been kings, dictators, communists, faggots, tyrants..... all of whome thought America would fall apart, how they said america, democracy, freedom were a joke, and how they were almost right.
>tfw old fags begin to tear up and get flashbacks to the good ol days of 1776 where they were fighting redcoats
>the good ol days when in its first year as a country was on the verge of collapse
>tfw couldn't pay continental army
>tfw congress was useless
>tfw continental army didn't know how to march or shoot properly until a Prussian trained it (created the modern Army NCO corp), had more men than muskets until the french armed us, and our navy had few warships, and 1 submarine......
"it's a big country."
>tfw voices of doubt and mockery said America would lose its war of independence
>how it would last 1 year
>how it would last 1 president
>1 civil war
>how it would stay out of WWI
>how it wouldn't be wiling or capable enough enter WWII in europe and the pacific
>how America and the USSR would eventually speak the voice of voilence that would end the world, in nuclear fire....
>fast forward to the present day, nope we're still here.... somehow
>tfw people think CNN or Trump are worth their attention in an age of global travel, prosperity, and freedom.
>tfw america has provided weapons, and defense in the darkest hour of korea, taiwan, israel, kuwait, france, england, even a big country like russia when the krauts attacked
>Watching from a distance at the political turmoil unfold
>Proceed to buy cool shit that comes out of those countries, some of which have global economic influence.
>tfw america is like a country that legends speak of
>"Well... it would seem Toqueville was right" says Franklin
>"Yes, it would seem so. The Revolution continues..." says Paine
This is the gayest shit I ever read, seriously if this was literally just some fapfiction where they all buggered each other at some party it would be the same in feel and tone.
>tfw i shit my pants in wal-mart
Absolute disgust and revulsion.
Every day we stray further from the Founding Light
>redcoat opinions
Oh you.
>"America was a mistake" - George Washington
Deism is far less of a cult than Christianity.
The vote for Pedro shirt really ties the scene together.
Too many niggers
Please stop, the cringe is actually borderline painful
I think they would be shocked it lasted this long, and they would pleasantly surprised that that their intended system of the rich being in positions of power in the government is still intact.
This is why I come here
>and put Obama back on his rightful throne.
What makes you think they'd favor Obama over people like Ron or Rand Paul?
>Too many niggers
In 1800 blacks made up 16.8% of the population (potentially more because free blacks were counted in "other free persons"), in 2010 they make up 13.6%.