REX thread, REXbros get in

REX thread, REXbros get in.
ICO currently going, at around 37 cents (800 REX per 1 ETH)

My recommendation? Get in, REX is guaranteed to moon, literally a no-brainer, this is the future of real-estate goyim, get in while you still can.

where do i find out about ICOs?

icoalert . com

Bump for more rexbros, get in now?

Already in user. Most dedicated team I've seen. My hold coin. Gonna be a good 2018.

Bought in Day 1. Real Estate on the blockchain makes me moist

Speaking of ICOs, what's up with opus? Seems like a legit working product, but I never hear anything about it.

What so special about this coin?
What does it do?

Which exchanges carry this?

None, right now, it's still in ICO phase.
It'll definitely get added to Bittrex soon though.

do we contribute to be a part of the token sale?

Can I use metamask to contribute?

Yep, get in while it's still cheap, 10+ basically confirmed.

As of now they're attempting to build an MLS with cheaper prices compared to centralized sources using the Rex token. Not that great but has a use. The main selling point is their future goal of tokenized ownership.

Soon we'll have crowdfunded real-estate, that's when we get 100+.

I tried to read law it is required to do such and such......laws are different even within different think about the countries.

And Mgmt is obligated to release a detailed income and expense report for that really believe that? Genuine question.


>10+ basically confirmed.
how? when? who confirmed that nonsense?
all the sites doing some sort of analysis on bullshit new coins are even talking about this being a bad coin for short term since nobody gives a fuck

The contribution page says you need to be a non-US citizen to participate in the token sale.


No one follows that rule by the way, just plausible deniability.

>future of real-estate

Yeah, why don't we have an actual coin based on purchasing stuff yet? There is no mass adoption of any coin when it comes to buying goods. Why would I spend money on a coin ignoring the general market by going at a niche?

That just sounds stupid.

Why is it limited to non-US citizens right now anyways? It would make sense if they allowed only Australian citizens to buy, since it's Aussie-based, but it's any non-US investor.

I agree. I don't think it's a short term coin. All they have at the moment is an MLS which can solve an issue but still isn't as exciting as what other coins are immediately doing in the crypto space. It's my riskiest coin and I'm aware of that. However, I do like the team and I like the project so I'll take the risk and support them.

How da fuck does that work?


But, it doesn't explain the legal ramifications with property. such as who is liable during lawsuits.


According to the post, wouldn't "Chrysler Management" be responsible for legal ramifications.