*gives the west culture*

*gives the west culture*

Other urls found in this thread:



>german humor

Did you mean "gets civilized by the west"?

Germanics were technologically inferior to even their Celtic brothers. Not to mention the Rome. They had bad farming, even Proto-Slavs were better at it than them.

thats not italy or france

*Cherry picks one era of history*

Was there a single time in history when the eternal kraut didn't try to destroy western civilization ?

You know I've shitposted so hard about Germans over the last year or so now I think that I might genuinely dislike them.

*contributes to only the negative aspects of western culture*

literally always except 1933-1945, but continue your shitposts

oh you mean like developing all the best industrial and agricultural technology for 300 years, and inventing international trade ports, iron ships, trains, vaccines, the lightbulb, the telephone and the fucking internet itself.

All while inventing Australia, America, Canada and New Zealand and modernising India.

What was germany doing through all this? Oh yeah, Losing wars.

>antihero status
>claims anything

I'm trying to get into early German philosophy, mainly before 300 AD.
Anyone got recommendations?

Perhaps there can only be German philosophers when there's a German nation...
Read up on Germans and Germanics and then come back to Veeky Forums, please.

how about having that discussion on or ?

>Italy: Spreads Christianity via the Catholic Church, contributes to philosophy, architecture, art and science with the renaissance

>Britain: Spreads civilisation to quarter of the planet, industrial revolution, contributes a great deal to the natural sciences

>Germany: Produces a wide array of philosophers, produces most of the great composers, rich military tradition (until 1945)


>France: Introduces anarchy to Europe via the massacre known as the French revolution, produces a bunch of nihilistic post-modern philosophers

France was the founding father of Europe after Roman times.

It's the oldest catholic country in Europe.



Pick one


Celts and Germanics have the same origin, Hallstatt.


>Hallstatt is Germany


They gave America lots of kultur.

Fairy tales, Christmas traditions, phrases and (I suspect) traditional Midwestern cuisine.

Tried doing the whole labor/socialism thing here too, but it was no match for Anglo liberalism.


>the fucking internet itself
That was us 'Muricans

Although the ground work of computing technology was developed in Britain during the second world war, Alan Turing's contribution to the field, as an example, were immense.

When it comes to computers and the internet, a shit ton on of nations contributed, you can't say just one nation invented it


Tim Berners lee - invented the world wide web public network (aka the internet) - its british. Prior to that it was just small international business networks.

>the WWW is the internet
>Usenet was just a small international business network

The web was a mistake desu

Don't you have Jewish babies to stomp on or something

>muh culture

Globalization happened, get over it

>war, paranoia, genocide, arrogance, selfishness, and autism

thanks for your input Germany!

you just named all the tenets of European history though.

>...Bach, Beethoven, von Braun, Goethe, Hegel, Heisenberg, Kant...



The French saved us from being a religious feudal shithole AND stopped the Muslim invasions.

>Continental philosophy

They make good techno.

Did Germany receive culture from non-german sources?
Then no, Germany did not "give the west" culture.



>Posting without basic knowledge of history

Germanics =/= Germans.

The Crusaders that sacked Constantinople weren't German (or only partly, not led by Germans).

Luther didn't start any war, other European powers and German rulers did.

Germany bears a lot of responsibility for WW1, but not solely.

Yes, the Nazis were bad.

Yes, Merkel is bad, but 65% of Germans disagree with the decision.


Stormfags will defend this