Why did Argentina peak to world player levels in the early-middle XX century even getting over several european countries in terms of economy, education, etc then became another latam third world shithole so quickly?
It did the opposite of USA. Export-oriented economy that failed to achieve critical mass of cheap labor immigrants to shephard like cattle into start up industries. Instead they were provided with housing, education, lands and good life.
And it collapsed before sustainable industrialization and a strong internal consumer market could be achieved.
Look up why their economy collapsed. It's worrying because it's left their society wide open to neo-Nazi exploitation.
Italians ruined the country
Argentina was never socialist. Not only that, it was relatively rich until the 70s when neoliberalism was imposed externally through a dictatorship, after which every social and economic indicator has plummeted. I feel like the question "why has x country done bad?" will always be answered by some ideologue with socialism because you feel the need to fit everything into a simplistic worldview.
But it actually was socialism. You're just a retard.
Not even joking or trolling. Italianization is what ruined the country and brought the worst features of argentinian culture.
>I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end it didn't even matter
This unironically
Peron also ruined the country desu
The third military government had nothing to do with the neoliberalism that Menem imposed you fucking moron. And just for the record, the Kirchners were with Menem trough the whole thing.
Peronism is the cancer of this country, whether it swings left or right.
International sabotage.
Don't be a dreamer. It is the real world.
>It's worrying because it's left their society wide open to neo-Nazi exploitation.
British capital invested in livestock for canned meat and wool, creating railway network, telegraph etc. The argentinian elite raised a strong army and navy and manifest destiny that expanded territory. That in short, added to massive european immigration and a big working class caused argentinian boom in the early XXth century.
The rise of peronism is a long and complex story, don´t have the time right now, but I´ll just say peronism created a national industrial sector (now ruined).
Because SHITalians mass moved there
are there any good books on this subject?
>it took 20 replies for somebody to point out that the root cause is Peronism
Remember kids, no rule of law = poorfag
They're too socialist
Same deal as Mexico.
But Mexico was always a shithole
A combination of really bad management (huge unpopulated areas, decades of civil war, lack of Central government well into 20th century), corruption, foreign powers (frist france and the uk, then the US, then financial crisis) and sheer bad luck.
It has really gone down the shitter in the last forty years. Low business confidence, corruption and usury by international capitals has sunk the country to latam standards.
>The third military government had nothing to do with the neoliberalism that Menem imposed you fucking moron
I don't know where I mentioned Menem. But yes, there were pretty explicitly neoliberal.
>And just for the record, the Kirchners were with Menem trough the whole thing.
>he doesn't like a disastrous dictatorship so he must like kirchner
Are you retarded?
>Peronism is the cancer of this country, whether it swings left or right.
Peronism is one of the cancers of the country. But like it or not, the country in the 60s and 70s before the last dictatorship was still relatively rich and had almost no poverty unemployment or homelessness.
The military junta didn't privatise any national industries. They were literally fascists, they micromanaged the shit out of everything. They were capitalists, sure, but there was nothing neoliberal about them.
Also, the decline happened later, we were still doing pretty well until the war, they built a shit lot of infrastructure in the interior too, and actually cared about the country past Bs.As, something no democratic government has ever done.
>see video of 1970 Argentina
>looks like a first world country
>barely a shitskin
>go outside
>latam shithole
Menem was not neoliberal
There's literally nothing neoliberal in freezing the currency rates. Menem just did it because it guaranteed his reelection. You forget he literally got into power so he could benefit his associates?
The simple fact is that Argentina's economy has been plummeting because we've been spending more than our economy lets us since Peron.
It was't felt in the 70s because we've been sitting on WW money since the 20s, we it was felt after the dictatorship felt and no single politican (that actually wanted to govern the country and not steal like a piece of shit) has had the balls to commit the political suicide that is 10% spending cuts.
Either subsidies, public hospital, public education or welfare has to go. Either of these choices will end up with people dead or starrving.
Even if we tried reactivating the economy reducing labor taxes, we'd last at best 5 years before drowning in debt.
It's a combination of the oligarchy of landlords who kept people in misery (look it up, in their "wonderful" years when they instaurated conscription half the men were literally malnourished and couldn't be enlisted), the fact that its population distribution is highly disproportionate and Peronism, a fascist like movement with 100 faces and which wouldn't have existed in the first place if not for said oligarchy.
>The military junta didn't privatise any national industries.
"La opinión predominante al respecto en la mayoría de los partidos políticos, así como experiencias pasadas, indicaban la gran posibilidad de una futura expropiación o estatización una vez finalizado dicho gobierno, a lo cual ninguna empresa privada quería exponerse. Todo ello hacía poco atractiva la privatización en 1976. Tomando en consideración estas características debimos encarar este sector a través de una doble acción: a. por una parte, un programa tendiente a mejorar la eficiencia de dichas empresas y eliminar su déficit; b. por la otra, un programa que llamamos de "Privatización Periférica", que significaba que, aunque estas actividades o empresas continuasen siendo propiedad del Estado debían gradualmente ir transfiriendo la mayor parte posible de sus actividades al sector privado a través de contratos de obras y servicios"
Martinez de Hoz
Page 53
>They were literally fascists
>Also, the decline happened later
False according to pretty much any indicator, as exemplified in the pic of the previous post. And the struggle in the next decades was mostly due to the difficulty to repay the debt that the dictatorship had taken, especially in the 80s when the international interest rate soared.
I never read that as an explanation, but I would guess that the Green Revolution made their main export commodities, wheat and beef, less valuable.
Argentina during the early 20th century was like an agricultural Saudi Arabia, and just as Saudi Arabia would be fucked if oil become less valuable thanks to higher availability due to technological advances (such as fracking and offshore drilling), Argentina was fucked by higher availability of agricultural commodities after the Green Revolution.
>There's literally nothing neoliberal in freezing the currency rates.
Frozen currency rates (with a real exchange rate adjusting itself via prices) was the accepted orthodox neoliberal policy prescription at the time.
>It was't felt in the 70s because we've been sitting on WW money since the 20s
One of the stupidest economic theories I've read.
Let him be, he must be a globoludo.
I'm not pro kirchner and don't really care if he's pro government though.
I'm not pro Kirchner but I despise globoludos just the same
Two factors:
1) socialism
2) massive immigration of low IQ mestizos from neighboring countries.
Argentina is what the USA will look like in 50 years.
> Argentina during the early 20th century was like an agricultural Saudi Arabia, and just as Saudi Arabia would be fucked if oil become less valuable thanks to higher availability due to technological advances (such as fracking and offshore drilling), Argentina was fucked by higher availability of agricultural commodities after the Green Revolution.
That's actually very accurate. Also WW2 left European nations without food and were the main buyers. Nowadays there is no WW :^)
Sadly, people here unironically belive we'll become again "the world's granary" (ignoring the actual meaning of that, which is that foreign nations benefited from us) because some crazy "future telling" artist said so (Solano Parravicini).
Fair enough.
Everything you could do wrong when managing foreign exchange rates and monetary policy they did.
Argentina's entire economy was based on exporting food, especially beef and grain, to Europe, and specifically to Britain. The wealthy agricultural upper class which dominated the country had little interest in developing industry, even with a massive influx of relatively cheap labor from Italy and plenty of capital. When World War I happened, Europe stopped buying that food, Argentine businessmen could not find an effective replacement, and the economy collapsed.
*Also, what little industrial and railroad investment Argentina did have at the time was mostly funded by Britain. They didn't call Argentina "the sixth dominion" for nothing. So WWI happens, and not only does Argentina lose its main buyer, but it also loses its main investor.
Because Peronismo
It went to shit when Peron was still a teenager
This guy has it right.
The constant blame on peronism is baffling. As if Peron hadn't come to power years after the end of the argentinian golden age, and there had already been a coup.
>Solano Parravicini
Our messianism is the worst
Argentina was very close to join the Axis, the west mistrust them. They have defaulted on debts a few times so that´s no surprise
It literally got blacked.
1930's coup
>Instead they were provided with housing, education, lands and good life.
Lol this is how militant socialists, complete with guerrilla fuckery, describe bankrupting a country and manhandling its economy until the military chimps out and coups the fuckers into the sea.
What you just described literally is fascism.
Nice buzzword. I'm not a globalist, but we don't have many options, we're gonna end up like the meme commies up in the Caribbean if we don't start playing the Jews game.
A coup he took part in. He created the blind near religious fanatism for a political party that has controlled the country like a Mafia ever since then.
I'd recommend Jill Hedges book on modern Argentina for a light read, David Rock's history of Argentina is more in depth but covers the country from colonization onwards
Maybe if we didn't had do many lazy niggers living off their gibs they get for voting the most corrupt candidates and instead they held a proper job then we wouldn't have so many issues cutting welfare.
>instead they held a proper job
There aren't many "proper" jobs outside of BA and even that is difficult nowadays.
Because all they do is sit around talking about Las Malvinas, and demanding their neighbours respect them because they WUZ ROMANZ AN SPANIARDS AN SHEEEIT
Why you so mad, Pedro?
>What you just described literally is fascism.
Are you legit retarded?
Tell me what fascism means
why can't they export to food hungry countries like china
why did australia, also an agricultural and commodities export dependent country, not run into the same problems
They export soybeans to China, central Argentina is an ocean of soybean nowadays.
Australia succeded because political stability, Argentina hasn´t learned that yet.
As somebody who once thought about joining the diplomatic service and after viewing the stupidity and corruption of it decided to not do it, let me tell you that we do export to china (main soy buyer) but our retarded politicians and diplomats are the main cause of doing bad deals or simply ruining them.
Nobody is interested to deal seriously with them and every deal ends either lost or being favorable to the chinese and the pockets of the politicians.
The main problem of this country is the mentality of the people and the politicians. I don't see this working in the future.
Military Junta crashed the country with no survivors and decided to invade a western country
Do you have a link to the video? I'm genuinely interested.
It also doesn't help that politicians do all they can to make the people more retarded by destroying our once renowned education.
Well I was then watching another one that I can't find now but also this one:
You get the occasional token mestizo, but the rest of the people are white. Even blondes and non med whites have a higher number among the kids in the ceremony. There's even a fucking ginger. A FUCKING ARGENTINIAN GINGER
Also here (its a series):
The people in the comments section also adresses the actual situation of those places full of thieves and shitskins.
It's onirical how that family walks so peaceful and happy in Bs As without worrying.
That country will never come back. It's like South Africa
They do, soy alone is a third of all exports. The problem is that agriculture isn't that great a sector for the economy. It creates little employment, doesn't stimulate other sectors, and isn't even a large percentage of the gdp. It does bring a lot of dollars that keep things afloat, but it isn't a big mover for the whole of the economy.
>Menem was not neoliberal
>why can't they export to food hungry countries like china
This was the 1910s and 1920s. China was in anarchy at this point, and the parts that weren't in anarchy were essentially under the control of different western powers.
>why did australia, also an agricultural and commodities export dependent country, not run into the same problems
Protected by their connections to Britain, which gave them preferential trade treatment (not saying that's a bad thing, btw). Also, there was no risk of a military coup in Australia. The coup that followed Argentina's economic collapse was just as damaging as the economic collapse itself.
This country is dead
It got more non-whites overtime
Argentina became rich by selling resources to Europe when they needed it most.... then Europe became developed while Argentina failed at diversifying their economy.
B-but muh Solano Parravicini! Muh gray man! We'll be the world's farm again!
Nope. USA will become amerindian in no time. America belongs to the amerindians.
Go back to europe, eurangutan subhuman.
una vela
>he's here