I sent btc from coinbase to bittrex. After 2 confirmations, it showed up in pending deposits on bittrex. While it was confirming, I set an order of OMG/BTC and bought some OMG. Now my btc pending deposit is gone. I don't see anything added. The deposit BTC address is still the same as the one I used to deposit. Did I fuck everything up by not waiting for the deposit before ordering? Shit makes no sense, I already had enough btc for the transaction...
>no refunds
well is the BTC in your "deposit history" or not
no it was in pending for a few minutes and now it's just gone... The transaction is still pending in coinbase what the shit....
im pretty sure a pending deposit is not available to spend so i doubt you fucked things up...
god fucking damn it, I just want to know what happened. I just lost $100 for no reason.
transaction is still showing on the blockchain... already 5 confirmations but nothing on bittrex... I saw it with my own eyes in pending deposit and it vanished after my OMG/BTC order...
chill, the btc transfer probably came in just as you put the order up. coin sitting on orders doesn't show up in your total balance. Just cancel the OMG order if you want your BTC. if the order was filled then you should have OMG so don't worry about it.
if your sure the address match then just wait can take up to 6 confirms.
Look up your bittrex wallet on another blockchain explorer and see if its there also.
this, how is it possible you have OMG if the payment didn't go through? you couldn't have bought it without BTC in the wallet
no, I already put up the order and received my OMG. I just didn't receive the BTC I sent to the bittrex address before placing the order... I think bittrex fucked me up with a dead end address. When I look up the BTC bittrex wallet address they gave me, there are already some BTC and multiple transactions on it...
im in the same boat OP
I was a retard and thought I could buy ZRX on hitbtc but then realized it was only FUTURES, so i put in .15 btc now im waiting for it to get back to coinbase, its been 4 hours and its not even in pending deposits... getting a little jittered although ive seen some transactions take 12 hours before.
here's what happened, let's say I already had 0.02 BTC in my bittrex btc wallet. I bought 0.01 BTC from coinbase and sent it to bittrex. While the deposit was pending (and it did show up on bittrex), I set a buy order of let's say 0.01 worth of OMG. The order went through and I got my OMG. However, the initial deposit from coinbase just doesn't show up anymore in pending transactions. It's like the order erased the deposit I initially made.
you needed to have BTC to purchase OMG ...
Crypto is a scam.
okay dude look sometimes transactions take an inordinately long time to show up even if they say they're all confirmed and shit
it's gotten 7 confirmations now and the pending deposit is still gone. JUST
>it's another episode of user uses a shitcoin for transactions
Should have sent ethereum.
this upset over $100 dollars?
Get out of crypto. Just give it till tommorrow morning, see what happens on coinbase, then shoot bittrex an email if anything.
But yea i'm confused too. If i have 0BTC in my bittrex wallet i cant buy anything, even if theres a pending btc deposit
no you guys don't get it. read this, it's better explained. I already had more than enough BTC to buy the OMG, I just wanted to add more BTC to bittrex for other transactions later.
If you send fund to your bittrex wallet address, it's not always to that wallet address. Basically it could be sent to your receive address (the one shown on bittrex wallet) then those coins will be sent to your account address. So it could take an additional transfer or 2 in order to reach your account.
Uh. Maybe it moved from pending, to completed.
Hypothetically sell your OMG at your buy price, then count your BTC. Is that all of it? I've seen some odd exchange posts by anons recently, one guy wired 10k USD to brittex and it never showed up.
this would make sense, when I look up this wallet address, it shows a lot of transactions that aren't from me. Should I wait until tomorrow to email bittrex or right now? I heard it could take weeks to reach them.
BTC transfers with exchanges sometimes take hours to complete. You'll have the BTC in one of your exchange accounts by tomorrow morning.
ah gotcha....then its unrelated. Stop freaking out tho, its $100 bucks.
It'll show up, or you'll contact them and bitch about it.
OK BOIS, EVERYTHING IS GOOD!!! I got my money. Still very weird, it showed up as pending, stopped appearing and 30 minutes later, it shows up automatically in my bittrex wallet...
It depends, the longest I ever had to wait for it to show up is around 3 hours, normally its around 10-15 min.
You'll only ever lose your crypto if someone steals it or if you send it to the wrong address, otherwise it is never lost.
You shouldn't be buying and sending raw btc to exchanges anyways. Look at the charts for LTC and ETH on bittrex, and buy whichever one is trending up on cuckbase. Faster transfer time, and you may even make a few sheks from arbitrage (which means just negating the jew fee on cuckbase kek)
Maybe you should've gotten better luck
Crypto isn't for everyone
Thanks for the btc bro. Me and my boys will be smokin good this week
i just sent some btc from coinbase to bittrex and it shows at complete on coinbase but hasnt even showed up as pending in bittrex. Should i just wait longer? its been an hour, seeing this made me nervous.
>Using Bitcoins clogged up slow ass network
Use Litecoin to do transfers quickly and cheaply.
we have no choice because most people trade with bitcoin.
if etherium had as many opportunites it wouldnt be the case.
Just sell ETH for BTC on the exchange tardboy
how the fuck do you even breathe jesus
why take the extra step, you smack attack faggot.
im already on two exchanges and trading with eth is slow.
dont talk shit to me you one blow man shit.
You're already buying with fiat from cuckbase famicom; it takes longer to wait for BTC confirms and costs more in transfer fees to move BTC than it does with ETH or LTC.
You could have already limit sold ETH at last sale price and bought your shitcoin but no, you had to be retarded.
>i just lost $100 for no reason
go back to the playground kid
i gain or lose $2-4k a day depending on which crypto im playing.
yeah why would anyone be upset when they were robbed
you're a big guy