You won't miss out, will you, biz?
You won't miss out, will you, biz?
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fucking chikun faggot chink. literally kill yourself charlie u ugly mongoloid
Litecoin is one of the worst coins for both holding and day trading. Despite what Charlie says, you will make much more by just holding BTC.
is this guy the asian youtuber that just shills and makes money off of retards
lol if only.
IRL, Charlie only fuds his coin and talks about how much better BTC is and how LTC will never be any good.
Then he goes on reddit and says the coin failing is everyone else's fault.
Can't wait to unload these bags and never see LTC on my blockfolio again.
Shit will hit 500$ when atomic swaps
I'll bet 1 Bitcoin that this fucking chink has more Bitcoin then Litecoin.
You don't gotta bet brah, he literally says so. He went on CNBC and said Litecoin is boring, bitcoin is more decentralized and more secure... it's fucking insane.
More proof that this is the biggest boiling frog in the top ten. Better get out soon, when it goes higher due to some obscure hype.
>Better get out soon, when it goes higher due to some obscure hype.
that doesnt make sense, why sell now when it will go up?
It likely won't go up, or if it does, it will be a random unpredictable rise and crash
The odds of it happening are far lower than other crypto. It's age works against it
watch the interview again from the perspective that Charlie knows exactly what he's doing
Veeky Forums welcomes it's latest bitcoin shills , this is a litecoin board . Go shill on Reddit , nobody is dumb enough to buy your shit
The moment a reasonable size of volume is purchased (reasons unknown but for examples sake, lets say Argentina wants to fix their economy).
Bitcoin is too expensive and purchasing it will make it more expensive.
Whats a better alternative than Bitcoin? Boom. The second that happens, Litecoin will moon and the people hating on it will be scattering to find a buy position as it reaches 85$
>You won't miss out, will you, biz?
sure will. Getting tired of *yawn*coin.
t. Avalon investor
niggas just don't seem to understand that litecoin is one of the OG crypto guy's faves. see you guys at $450 in january
litecoin this year has went x10 profit. btc has only gone x5,
just to put things in perspective
everyone who shills or fuds ltc knows what they are doing also. everyone who has an interest in this "meme" coin obviously has a stake in it already
Satoshis exist. LTC has no use case now.
Ok, sell low.
>doesn't understand people use LTC to transfer their BTC because it takes too fucking long
Its probably not going to be lower than $50 by next month
I bought 10 at 45
Will I ever recover ? I refuse to sell at a lose ever on established coins.
Just like it did when segwit deployed? Oh wait that moonlaunch never happened....Litecoin is a dead meme. People who still shill this as "Its gonn moon in 2 weeks" need to just off themselves. Litemarines are the most in denial faggots around. The average litcoin user is a redditfag who will never touch sweet gainz on the scale us Veeky Forumsites see on a daily basis.
yeah, LTC might have dropped to 39 now, but it's going to moon back to 70-80 once August 1st comes around.
Oh wait, that's now how it happened.
Charlie likes a long bull, if you know what i'm sayin
In an alternate universe, somewhere, LTC hoarders aren't eternally holding bags.
We are waiting on news. Then moonshot. Wait 2-3 weeks.
Established? How do you quantify established you retarded bag holder?
Literally Coinbase's biggest new project is on Ethereum. Holding Litecoin bags because muh Lightning Network and Atomic Swaps when the world has already moved on.
Fuck youz guys, Imma go buy some chickun nuggets wiv my litecoins
Btc might fork again. I'd rather have a non forked currency than one that keeps forking.
Ltc still better then btc.