Was she the Marie Curie of our time?
>born in a shithole country that opresses women
>moves to the west where her scientific talent is appreciated
>gets married
>is the first women to get the highest price in math/chemistry
>dies due to cancer
Was she the Marie Curie of our time?
More like Marie Cutie
Looks just like the Nefertiti bust
>>born in a shithole country that opresses women
That's not Poland of 19th century. Women in Poland had it better than women in France.
Marie move to to France because education opportunities for all Poles were limited with Russians cracking down the Polish national movement.
there was no poland in 19th century
r u retardd
>Women in Poland had it better than women in France.
Also this
The country was occupied, but a society existed that had its own culture, customs and norms.
Women in Poland had always relatively strong position and this got only reinforced in late 19th century when women came to be seen as the rational linchpin of the society which was weakened by the foolishness of men and their disastrous uprisings.
It's not a coincidence that Poland gave women votes just after it became independent in 1918. In France women got the right to vote in 1944.
>France women got the right to vote in 1944
>willingly embrace your sexual conquest by the men who killed your brothers and fathers
>win the right to vote
Disgusting desu
it wasn't occupied, it was annexed by Russia
What the fuck are you even babbling about
Nope. Kingdom of Poland was in theory a state in personal union with Russia. It had its own laws and constitution and, for a time, even its own army. However Russian tsars were breaking these laws from the start. Poles rebelled numerous times, which led each time to an even tighter grip by Russia. From 1831 on the country was under military occupation, because the presence of Russian army was technically illegal.
It is a piece of trivia, but in theory the kingdom of Poland was never dismantled and it's laws survived up to 1914, even though most of them were suppressed by Russia which enforced her own laws.
>It's not a coincidence that Poland gave women votes just after it became independent in 1918. In France women got the right to vote in 1944.
And in Finland and with what result? The stereotype of Polish and Finnish women is outerly the same, but the latter lacks di-di-doo between the ears.
And I woudn't call the result that good in Poland either, if fucking Oswiecimian cavalry units were sent against German tanks.
And those independent Polish women were welcoming Bolsheviks in large numbers in 1920, reason enough to cancel their voting right.
Marie Curie died precisely coz of her work though. Also her husband died before her.
>And those independent Polish women were welcoming Bolsheviks in large numbers in 1920, reason enough to cancel their voting right.
The fuck you are talking about? In 1920 Polish women fought in the trenches.
Every time I see someone end a post with desu in Veeky Forums it's something fucking stupid
Sure they fought - on both sides.
Literally the one and same unit.
At least Finnish women fought (by arms) only on the Red side and were duly punished (if only right to vote would been lifted too). Red Polish women mostly fled to be whores to their Russian masters.
Nah, if you don't die out of a cancer you caused with your researches yourself it's much less hardcore.
>Marie Curie died precisely coz of her work though. Also her husband died before her.
Because he did all the work and all the heavy lifting.
>one unit
That was an auxiliary formation. They were as much "one unit" as the US National Guard are.
well, during Curies day, it also wasn't known that x-rays can cause cancer
why does Veeky Forums hate women?
Also, I have never heard about women fighting for the Bolsheviks even though I am interested in in the Polish Bolshevik war for years and being active in the reenactment community. As far as I know it was the opposite and women fled or fought due to Bolsheviks' reputation of being rapey rapey.
Male Polish communists fought for the Bolsheviks though.
For me, it's the only way of dealing with rejection, that acid in your stomach that serves as a constant reminder that you are not good enough for anyone that turns you into a bitter, vengeful husk that not even most desperate of women would not touch. So internet becomes your safe space where you can feel save from the influence of those horrible creatures who crushed you when you were too emotionally immature and vulnerable to help yourself, and you naturally lash out when you see their hateful forms here.
It's not logical and it's not cool, but it's how it is. I wish I could heal, but hate is always there. Love never is.
I'm still waiting on an explanation of why her work was any good
Not trashing it, and I know she won a field's medal, but her work seems very academic. Did she solve any long-standing problems?
i think her work is so complex that it can't really be broken down and explained in simple terms
a summary of her achivements would be nice
If you can't get a gf, why not become a gf?
I wouldn't call Iran a shithole in comparison to everything that's in the middle east, the levant and south asia.
He got run over by a wagon.
>>born in a shithole country that opresses women
>>moves to the west where her scientific talent is appreciated
This is horse shit.
Since she was like 11 she was scouted for her mathematical talent and sent on a government bursary to an academy in the capital of tehran where the most promising students get a world class education.
yes she moved to america but only as an adult. She was already an accomplished mathematician at that point and of course she wanted to work in america. mathematicians from every country want to work there because that's where the best mathematicians in the world whose ideas you want to exchange live.
This. She got most of her education in Iran and only moved away after it became impossible to follow her research locally, regardless of gender. She won the math Olympiad as an Iranian student. Her accomplishments were recognized in Iran, and the president congratulated her on getting the Fields medal.
She hasn't to my knowledge ever criticized Iran, and defended it many times in interviews.
While obviously the situation of women in Iran is lacking in many fields, the access to education is pretty good - 60% of university students are women, 50% in STEM fields. It's certainly much better than it was during the monarchy.
>It's certainly much better than it was during the monarchy.
Things would have been even better for women without the revolution.
Would they? I don't think the West is doing much better on the educational side.
Maybe for the elites, but not for the entire population that was largely rural or recently urbanized. The mixed-sex schools and wide disencouragement for traditional dress meant that people from more traditionally minded families were afraid to send their daughters to school. Often it was women themselves who didn't pursue education out of fear of dishonour. By reinstating sexual segregation and creating the Free Islamic Universities education was made widely available to women, with just a few fields (like law) being excepted from this.
You can't just forcibly modernize people, entirely disregarding their actual needs and sentiments. Bad stuff happens sooner or later.
Then you have the words of Khomeini who said that all girls have a right to education even if their fathers forbid them, which effectively closed off any criticism from the right.
The last thing, which obviously wasn't an intended goal, but is still the effect of the Islamic government is how first it promoted population growth in the 80s, and when threatened with overpopulation, made anti-conception widely available to women. This resulted in an entire generation of women reaching their 20s in 2000-2010 who could try and pursue a higher education, without the burden of 5+ children.
Those stats look nice for the revolution but you shouldn't lose track of the fact that Iran was a third world country and progress can be incredibly fast under competent leadership (which the islamists for all their faults do manage to provide).
The literacy rate was already increasing very quickly before the revolution and the progress afterwards is a continuation of a trend more so than it is a radical shift.
>short hair
What happened after 1914
It became a battlefield
She died of cancer you moron, it's quite possible she had to regrow it after chemo.
couldn't find a single picture of her with long hair desu
>Things would have been even better for women without the revolution.
You do not know that and to postulate it is pointless and you would never know what alternative trajectory history might have taken.
The revolution happened with large support from many class backgrounds, rich and poor alike. It wasn't purely Islamic driven in the beginning with collusions between many other working ideologies, even if, in the end, the Islamic power came out on top.
In 1914 WW1 happened and the Eastern Front was largely fought on Polish lands. Russia made some vague promises to Poles, but either due to lack of will or general chaos of Russia being at war nothing came out of it.
By the end of 1915 most of Poland was in the hands of Germany and Austria Hungary who in late 1916 created the Regency Council to administer the Kingdom of Poland. It was in effect a puppet regime. Tsar of Russia Nicholas II decreed that the his subjects in Poland should obey the new government in civil matters for the time being, effectively legitimizing the new government. After the Revolution he abdicated also as king of Poland.
In 1918 the Regency Concil proclaimed the independence of Poland, transmitted the power to strongman Jozef Pilsudski as the provisional Polish head of state and dissolved itself.
>tsar legitimised the take over
The problem is you desu