Look at those sweet gains!
Going to moon soon!
>doesn't even recover from previous day
Look at those sweet gains!
Going to moon soon!
>doesn't even recover from previous day
Other urls found in this thread:
tfw moved my LTC to ARK 2 days ago, from one sinking ship to another....
Holy shit of literally destroyed the previous ATH. This coin is such fucking shit.
Fuck it I'm selling this looser
Please sell. I want this thing to moon next week
Is there any actual reason for it to ever go back up?
Serious question, I'm not really knowledgeable on the tech side of things but isn't BTC with segwit activated better than LTC?
I want to know the answer to this too. All people ever say is "Faster, cheaper, atomic swaps!"...okay? Who gives a shit. Ever coin is trying to be faster and cheaper than BTC. And we're going to swap btc for ltc? Why?
Hi All,
I was looking through some previous posts and it was mentioned it will go down to $30 and possibly $20 before mooning to $60 ---> $100 by end of year. Partly because they are currently quietly developing it. It has been stable during the past 2 months. I had about 43 of LTCs and only sold 10 and put them on BTC. (i am fine with this decision, however, want more LTC now) I am looking for a dip in the market to buy more. It has certain advantages and I think this is the main reason why coinbase has been hosting them along with ETH & BTC.
There was also a post from C Lee the creator who said this coin is not to replace BTC it is a coin with dynamic advantages and can for example be used in various restaurants joints and of course shopping centers. He was not bothered about people dumping it. It is stable and it is going up gradually. It seems people holding such a coin must exercise great patience. Therefore it is not a coin for dynamic trader rather for those safeguarding their future.
Literally this. No progress was made at all. The coin just dropped back to it's shitstate. It is so fucking shit
If lite coin is useless, why is the market cap still do damn high?
Please refer to LTC price against FIAT currencies $ and £
>tfw dumped my shitty LTC bags into OMG 3 days ago
in another post
Atomic swaps and lightning network coming soon, so only up from here.
What do those mean for those who don't follow tech and blindly invest
It means a scam. It is tech that is coming to Bitcoin anyway. Why would you buy Litecoin for it instead of Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is controlled by grumpy old fags
Possible but it is also gonna get you a lambo
What's the point of atomic swaps again? So people can dump ltc faster? kek
So you can exchange shit without using a centralized exchange of course.
think abou tihs one too it is an interesting project
We are waiting on news, then moonshot.
this is self expalantory
these are the king now....