Lets do a lottery, boys.
Trips gets the pot (75% of all money raised from the buy-ins)
.50 cents to buy a roll, send your buy in to:
add a key word with your purchase
reply to this thread with your key word and your BTC address.
first one to get trips wins the lottery. the next round will begin 5 minutes after this round ends.
good luck boys.
you can buy as many rolls as you want, just reply with another roll/keyword etc.
scared of a 50c risk? why would I scam? reputation and long term gains are better than scams and short term gains
50 cents today could be 1000 tommorow
As a peddler of a btc try your luck game
sent 0.5 BTC, keyword is: nevergonnahappen
who is gonna grow the first set of balls and try their luck?
yeah wouldnt want to ruin your anonymous reputation
there is enough identifying information in my picture to make myself known the next time
>send me money bro don't be a pussy LOL what are you SCARED?!? xD
You're such a huge faggot. Kill yourself.
poor nocoiner newfags and NEETs with $50 invested
>Bought $120 of btc
Pajeet pls
>Guys trust me, send me money. I am from lereddit xDxDXD it will be fun lololol le epic crypto XDDD
Haha my captcha was lottery what the fuck
Because you're too lazy to do long term
>poor nocoiner newfags
Says the guy who posted his btc wallet with $0 in it.
What if we used a smart contract to actually do a lottery without trusting this fuck?
smart contracts are memes