0x essentially changed the way we can trade crypto without getting scammed

0x essentially changed the way we can trade crypto without getting scammed

it's revolutionary

the 0x protocol by itself isn't that big of a deal. i haven't seen a single actual trade on it. it's cool that it's finally possible now

with THAT SAID. what's coming ontop of 0x is a big deal, so i hope you picked out your lambos guys

Shill me please. I am interested in investing my NEO gains.

why dont they make their logo a front facing ox. right below the text

what buy

ethfinex. dnt, aragon. basically every decentralized exchange created that doesn't have Kyber-tier funds. the Coinbase CEO just shilled it like an hour ago. idk what else to say lmao do you like lambos?

bullshit. It simply makes it easier for scammers to use social engineering and phishing attacks, although "technically" it's harder to get scammed

Trades are happening on it and the OTC dApp is live. There's a whole subplebbit dedicated to it

I've been working with it all day prototyping a Veeky Forums-friendly exchange that shoots out trade links

Whats wrong with Kyber? I think Kyber will take some of the market share from 0x

Waiting for my btc to go all in dnt.

check em

Decentralized Exchange
Made it into top 40 market cap in less than two days trading only on a shit decentralized exchange that it will replace
Founders coins locked for 4 years
Going to be used in smart contracts for whenever an exchange of tokens is required.
So many individual exchanges could be built off this.
The time to buy is now. It's not going any lower. The ICO was a joke and we are all going to be rich, some whales were stopped and had to wait for exchange to fill bags. Now bags are full and there is only one long route for this coin and that is UP UP AND AWAY
(Especially before some major exchange adoption)

some dude just sold 7000 zrx for .00013 LMAO

there's been so many fuckups today, i love it


we made it anons

now all we need are memes and we can take over biz

GOing to work on a 0x-tan soon

How high could one token go? In USD?

idk i only measure in lambos

What exchange to buy

In one year we will see a $1 0x.
It will hit $0.50 shortly as it's market cap has so much room to grow. Just look at the big picture on coin market cap of all the coins. With time the balances of all these coins will shift and some will remain and some will go to the grave. Say goodbye to SC say goodbye to Zcash. That money has to go somewhere. And that doesn't even account for further adoption of this coin (which will be the contributing factors of it rising to $1)
This coin is very important and unless some team of Vitaliks comes through it's taking over the decentralized exchange

Which is better

OMG OR 0x?

Everything has to start out as BTC tho so best to just buy and hold


When does 0x get to be on bittrex and not hot garbage ED?