Poorfag and wannabe trap here

Poorfag and wannabe trap here
Anyone in New Zealand who can buy me a thing?
Will pay with whatever I can!

Also, some computer security specialist recommended I buy Procoin, does it show any promise?

As for the thing I wanted:

what are u gonna do for it?
also timestamp if ur real

Post a picture of your pussy.

OP pic is a few days old.
I haven't fully shaved my body since then, so I don't want to take pics right now.
I do have loads more pics though!

As for what I'd do for it, I'd be happy to spend a couple hundred dollars, but it'll probably sell for several hundred.

If the person who buys it lives nearby (I'm in Wellington), I'd happily pay with blowjobs!


Sadly, I have none.
Unless you're referring to the other kind, in which case no, because shaving makes it spotty!
I have good reasons for wanting a laser hair remover.

The cat, you idiot!


Is anyone in this thread even a New Zealander?


Gonna need some timestamped cute pics of yourself. Those pics could be from /b/ or some shit for all we know.

see Timestamped with cute isn't an option, and I'm not doing timestamped without cute.

Besides, someone asked for a picture of the cat visible in the background, and I provided that picture.
It's a catstamp.

Wear some trapsocks then or timestamp the panties and dump the old pics. Do I need to tell you how to do your job?

OP I am actually a Kiwi, based in Waikato. Why are you poor? Go get a bank loan and drop it all in Bitcoin.


no timestamp no dice,
and i love to spend for clothes, toys and hormones for my girly sissys

but to many ppl lie online unfortunately its an epidemic.

Fine then!

No job, and the freelance programming market is AWFUL

Are you WINZ lol?


What the fuck has happened to my board. Go back to /b/ you stupid faggot

no you have to be in the pic dummy ! and say its for Veeky Forums and my ID

sorry cant be too safe ONLINE with these TROLLPLAYERS!

It's the same chair, and the same panties.

what the fuck is wrong with you m8 top kek

Fuck off beggar

sell ur cat faggot

Veeky Forums needs delousing.

Dude that's gay

That's a cute tummy. Not gay, btw.

ok. sharpie and pooper and post ETH or BTCaddress
will send .1 eth.

can link imgur to not get b&

>willing to give out free money
>no response


I am and I'm fucking disgusted

disgusting freak
kill yourself like your brethren

Fellow kiwi, where do you buy and sell your BTC?

fake and gay

Give it to me then.
BTC: 1Fpi2x5FQnSVUheQqpod2RFNtdP5DpbC2k

Kill yourself you fucking disgusting freak. I bet you're from Auckland.
Get out of my country you piece of shit
Ps. Die