Why do Dravidian Indians claim Aryan civilization for themselves?
Indo-Aryans were bright-skinned, they had hair varying from dark brown to blonde and red.
Why do Dravidian Indians claim Aryan civilization for themselves?
Indo-Aryans were bright-skinned, they had hair varying from dark brown to blonde and red.
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Aryans weren't more developed than people conquered by them. In fact, this conquest caused stagnation by establishing caste system.
Yeah. History has shown that culture's focused on war will always surpass 'rich' cultures i.e roman's and egypt, mongols and china etc etc
They would be speaking Chinese right now if the Aryans hadn't invaded
Harappa WEAK
They were too comfy.
The Harrapan civ was pretty advanced compared to the rest of the world but they never had anything to push them into war until the IE.
t. paki
Like the west and islam
t. street-shitter
Indus Valley Civilization was before the Aryans so the pic is already wrong based on that
It got boosted by Indo-Aryans.
Does this map mean that everything we know about Indian civilization actually comes from Pakistan?
Its called indo-aryan civilization for a reason.
Its not an aryan civilization but a mix of dravidian and aryan.
The aryan civilization would be one of central asian nomads.
I can tell OP isn't desi because he'd know South Indians have always been more advanced than North Indians since late antiquity
Yeah pretty much. "Classical India" was Northwest Greater India, because its closer to Persians and Greeks.
Southern India was and still is amazing in its own right though.
>Its called indo-aryan civilization for a reason.
Yes, and that reason is to distinguish the Aryan Indians from the Aryan Persians, it has nothing at all to do with subhuman mlecchas.
India is just a bronze age version of Brazil/USA
The aryans were absorbed by the locals. They just imposed their language, social order and kept isolated in their communities.
This more explicit in religion, where native tantra influenced hinduism far more than the opposite.
Northwest India was full of mlecchas like Iranian tribes & Greeks
Nowhere in any Hindu scripture does it actually say "Aryans" are blonde haired.
Hinduism was converted from a shitty barbaric religion similar to the desert religion of the west to one that adopted non-violence/tantra/minor-pacifistic tendencies of the dravidians.
Hindu scripture use of aryan and modern anglo-german use of word Aryan are completely different. Yet conflation happens because ignorance about people who ignore one system conflate the other system with what they know primarly because the word is spelled the same.
Its a bias that lot of ignorant people make in all kinds of fields.
Pretty sure it was already over by the time they arrived
t. Goat fucking incestual Mughal rape baby
It's been proven that the original inhabitants and builders of the Indus Valley civilization were Dravidian. Dravidians of South India have every right to claim that region. Fuck off you pedophile worshipping inbred mutt.
Fucking white people are obsessed with us and think because we share common ancestors through PIE that it makes them Aryan too. It's creepy af.
Another WE WUZ WHITES thread?
Why are whites so insecure?
>It's been proven
Citation needed.
It's called Indo-Iranian/ Indo-Aryan because Aryans expanded into India and Iran.
Not because they were brown street pooping monsters.
Pakis are so weird.
>Hurr durr we wuz Bahrat n' shiiiet
But in the same arab cum smelling breath, shit (hehe) all over Dharmic religions and traditional Desi culture
It's not whites, It's Indians from the North and South sperging at eachother.
Indians are lowkey weird like that
T. South Indian
>fuck yur mother pussy basterd bitch send naked pic sex bitch I fuck you lasagna bitch
PIE people are responsible for spread of light features, Denial won't change that.
Deal with it.
No, it wasn't.
Aryan =/= PIE.
We called OURSELVES Aryans, nobody else. All the white fuckers called themselves Hellenes, Tuatha, etc.
Why is Aryan + abo admixture so qt Veeky Forums?
So they weren't dark-skinned like modern-day South Indians. But had great variety of hair.
Andronovo people, related to Indo-Iranians were mostly blonde.
Aryan = PIE
>We called OURSELVES Aryans, nobody else. All the white fuckers called themselves Hellenes, Tuatha, etc.
You're wrong, street shitter.
Persians called themselves Aryans.
Fair skin != Aryan
Cyrus would've executed every dumb skinhead believing this
>No, it wasn't.
Who built the IVC then? The IVC is consistent with a dravidian-like belt of peoples stretching from Elam to India, offshoots of neolithic farmers.
Stop going full denial mode. Aryans spread the gene for bright skin.
I still see no source?
>not producing more aryo-australoid babies
yeah so are Dravidians abo? the natives in Sri Lanka are so it would make sense
Source for what? Also it's light skin, not bright skin, paki. Skin doesn't glow in the dark.
The PIE were swarthy folks with dark eyes & hair.
Pale skin comes from Anatolians.
Light hair & eyes came from the Baltic region.
Aryans were a subgroup of the PIE formed from the mixing of the Andronovo culture with the BMAC culture.
Asko Parpola, who regards the Harappans to have been Dravidian, notes that Mehrgarh (7000 BCE to c. 2500 BCE), to the west of the Indus River valley,[41] is a precursor of the Indus Valley Civilisation, whose inhabitants migrated into the Indus Valley and became the Indus Valley Civilisation.[42]
Citations provided.
Aryan = aristocratic/royal blood
It's the same as UK. Only the royals are "aryan" in this sense. The chavs who are white and blue eyed are niggers in their eyes.
This is the same. The upper caste aryans were probably fair skinned but they had no respect for lower caste whites.
/pol/turds believing they'd be given a place in aristocracy in those societies just for being white are plain autismo
>The PIE were swarthy folks with dark eyes & hair.
That seems unlikely considering that the tocharian mummies found in China had blonde hair and light features.
That's what I just said, you LARPer. Persians are Aryans too. You're mixing up parent culture with daughter culture.
>are Dravidians abo
The word for "slave" in uralic languages is "orija"
So mighty, yet they weren't able to stop the eternal finn
Stop that nonsense, you fucking morons.
You let your nationalistc idiotic ideas clous your fucking judgment and deny science and research.
You're fucking stupid at it's not worth to reason with you at all.
Except Sweden and Russia controlled Finland for the entire Finish history.
Finns never contributed to anything. You're worthless, mongloids of Europe.
Rurik had Finnish heritage though
Calm down Jimbo. You're neither white nor european to begin with
So what? One FIngloid raised in Germanic culture somehow changes that your people never amounted to anything?
Fuck off. Seriously.
>speculation provided
I can find you citations from "scholars" that think Sumerian were Dravidian, or even Hungarian.
It remains to be proved and we will only know if/when the Harappa script is deciphered.
>You let your nationalistc idiotic ideas clous your fucking judgment and deny science and researc
You're projecting again
Tocharian =/= Proto-Indo-European
Now shut the fuck up, you Pajeet nationalists.
Not you
ITT: Pajeets in full denial mode.
If Germanic culture is so great why is it dying?
But the tocharians are quite obviously a "pure" descendant of the PIE.
You must have me confused with someone else, nigger.
Did I hurt your pajeet feelings?
You have nothing to do with Aryans.
Pic related, Kalash girl. Does she look Indian to you?
>Except Sweden and Russia controlled Finland for the entire Finish history.
Do you realize that russians are slavic speaking but genetically uralics, right?
Even Putin is of uralic ethnicity
Send more Aryans to India. We must breed more golden-skinned fair-eyed qts.
Oh yet, it's dying, even though it dominated the world and dominates it to this day.
Drink bleach, finnic mongol.
Fuck off Cletus
>russians are slavic speaking but genetically uralics
No. They spoke a descendant language of PIE, and were genetically distinct. The PIE themselves weren't "pure" anything.
>Most of us think of Europe as the ancestral home of white people. But a new study shows that pale skin, as well as other traits such as tallness and the ability to digest milk as adults, arrived in most of the continent relatively recently. The work, presented here last week at the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, offers dramatic evidence of recent evolution in Europe and shows that most modern Europeans don’t look much like those of 8000 years ago.
Yes, with Indo-Europeans. Any questions?
>doesn't know India Valley coins were found in Sumer.
The original inhabitants of Sumer were Dravidians too dumbass.
Do you guys realize that we're dealing with a burger here right?
The pic you provided is a South Indian Dravidian genius
>Then, the first farmers from the Near East arrived in Europe; they carried both genes for light skin. As they interbred with the indigenous hunter-gatherers, one of their light-skin genes swept through Europe, so that central and southern Europeans also began to have lighter skin.
>India Valley coins were found in Sumer
What is commerce?
>The original inhabitants of Sumer were Dravidians
Thanks for exposing yourself as dumb as well as delusional.
Americans are idiots
Funny how you got so mad all because Finns call slaves orjas. It's not like Germanic people anything to do with Aryans anyway so you don't need to feel bad.
Orja refers to Scythian slaves that Proto-Finnic people had centuries before moving to the Baltic.
And? That's about Indo-Europeans.
What takes you so long to understand? Must be Pajeet IQ
>fair eyes
I don't think so Sandip.
Yep, we wuz Sumerians cultureless faggot.
Also the people of Phut settled in north Africa, Tyre, Somalia and Yemen. Imam
Now I will provide some info on the Dravidians; they are L dna first.
What I dream does coincide with what some people have said: The Mediterranean Peoples (Dravidians)
(Extracts from ‘The Original Indians â€" An Enquiry’ by Dr. A. Desai)
How the Mediterranean people came to be called Dravidians makes an interesting story. The Pre-Hellenistic Lycians of Asi Minor, who where probably the Mediterranean stock called themselves Trimmili.
Another tribe of this branch in the island of Crete was known by the name Dr(a)mil or Dr(a)miz. In ancient Sanskrit writings we find the terms Dramili and Dravidi, and then Dravida which referred to the southern portion of India.
South India was known to the ancient Greek and Roman geographers as Damirica or Limurike. Periplus Maris Erithroei (Periplus of the Eritrean Sea) in the second or third century AD described the maritime route followed by Greek ships sailing to the South Indian ports: “Then follow Naoura and Tundis, the first marts of Limurike and after these Mouziris and Nelkunda.
The Mediterraneans or Dravidians were associated with the ancient Sumerian civilizations of Mesopotamia and of Elam (southern Iran). Authors have pointed out ethnic, linguistic and cultural affinities between the Sumerians (Mesopotamians) and the Dravidians of South India, and concluded that(( both probably belonged to the same ethnic stock.))
HR Hall writes: “The ethnic type of the Sumerians, so strongly marked in their statues and relofs was as different from those of the races which surrounded them as was their language from those of the Semites, Aryans and others; they were decidedly Indian in type.
>being in denial
It's okay faggot. You're not as great as you thought you were.
Sumerians had nothing to do with Poo in Loos.
Stop making up stories to elevate the status of your irrelevant culturless third world shithole
India was the USA of these days
>whites invade and conquer decaying local culture
>enslave locals, start segregation
>push puritanical non sense
>new period starts, growth
>discrimination and racial obsession as base of the society
>whites start becoming NEETs who renounce society (sanyasin)
>liberal dramawhore academics who reject social order and denounce it and get followers (Buddha, Mahavira, et al)
>tantra= SJWism. Whitey submitting to local culture and religion
>whitey BTFO again
>fast forward
>conquered by the eternal semite (islam)
Semites won again
>by Rasheed
>literally a blog post
Seems legit.
>being in more denial
>poo in loo XDDDDDD
Grow up white boy. Here's some more evidence that will contribute to your denial and butt hurt.
>sources weren't listed
Don't go full retard now.
Give me a break.
Now you will claim Sumerians were also shitting on the streets, washing themsleves in the river where dead bodies are literally floating around.
Stop it, you only make a fool out of yourself, you mentally imparied moron.
Not an argument
Let me ask you a serious question then.
If the "whitey" Indo-European didn't expand into India and gave you your language, then how come: Batlci, Slavic and Germanic languages are related to Satem Persians and Indo-Aryan languages?
Did the ancient Poo in the Loos conquered LIthuania, Poland, Russia and Germany?
>being this retarded
Do you even elamo-dravidian?
yeah Dravidians can have light eyes but the girl she posted has light eyes from her punjabi father
Expansion of language =/= Expansion of people
Why can't you dense snow niggers understand this concept?
>Did the ancient Poo in the Loos conquered LIthuania, Poland, Russia and Germany?
Maybe the albino poo on loos migrated out of India and entered Europe. This makes more sense than the Aryan invasion theory.