Did the nordic features like fair eyes, skin, hair and let it be intelligence came from paleolithic Europeans...

Did the nordic features like fair eyes, skin, hair and let it be intelligence came from paleolithic Europeans, or from Indo-Aryans?

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1.this post is poorly written and retarded
2 you made two big assumptions
3.Shit thread. Sage.


Indo-Europeans mainly. Can't be denied that Neolithic people contributed something too, not sure what exactly.

According to my studies they came from European hunter gatherers

hence why Sicilians are the italians with the lowest IQ, pic related.

>fair eyes, skin, hair and let it be intelligence are nordic features

IQ estimates

>WHG 70
>EHG 115
>ENF 100
>CHG 85

This is very accurate despite being an early estimate

WHG 120
ENF 70
CHG 70
WHG 100

Both from Northern Proto-Europeans and R1a branch of Aryans. Mostly Baltics, Slavs and Germanics have blonde hair and blue eyes.

WHG 120 EHG 100 ENF 80 CHG 70

WHG were dumb dumbs
Never accomplished anything worth noting.


Based Cro Magnon were not WHG.


>During the major warming period after ~14,000 years ago, a genetic component related to present-day Near Easterners became widespread in Europe.

This was WHG. Some useless inbred retards from Balkans who NEVER did anything. They were like animals really.

EHG didn't accomplish anything either afaik

>WHG 120
>WHG 100
Which one was supposed to be EHG?

Also I hope you're using allele frequencies linked to higher intelligence, let me dump a list if you aren't

Indo-Europeans accomplished a lot.

>Nordic feature

>fair eyes and skin
>nordic features

You mean linked to mongolian shift?

Indoeuropeans were heavily mixed with CHG ans became accomplished after mixing with CHG+ENF in Anatolia and with ENF+WHG in Europe


Indo-Europeans were fully EHG in the beginning during the Samara culture days. Cannot be compared to some WHG chimping about in the Pyrenees without any aim or vision.

They didn't accomplish anything when they were full EHG

>you mean linked to Mongolian shift?
Yeah pretty much. It might have a lot to do with the fact that educational attainment or IQ and being East Asian is linked so strongly that any attempt at predicting intelligence genetically will just end up looking for Asian markers, even more if you weighted it by population size.
This guy has several interesting papers:
Here's one list I extracted, I forgot the formula but it basically counted the frequencies of SNPs positively or negatively linked to intelligence to obtain a score of sorts:

Han (Beijing) +1.54
Daur (Kithan Mongolian) +1.49
Japanese (Tokyo) +1.41
Korean +1.34
Mongolian +1.25
Japanese +1.23
Tujia (Central Chinese) +1.12
Xibe (Manchurian) +1.08
Miao (Southern Chinese) +1.02
Tu (Mongolian) +0.96
Uyghur +0.95
Han Chinese +0.89
Dai (Thailand) +0.87
Hezhe (Siberian) +0.85
Yi (Southern Chinese) +0.84
Oroquen (Mongolian) +0.84
She (Fujian Chinese) +0.81
Lahu (Laotian Chinese) +0.72
Yakut (Turko-Mongol) +0.69
Naxi (Yunnan Tibetan) +0.48
Hazara (Persian Afghan) +0.41
Finnish +0.39
British +0.38
Adygei (Caucasian) +0.36
Druze (Israel) +0.33
Cambodian +0.32
Balochi (Pakistanese) +0.22
Italian (Tuscany) +0.19
Burusho (Central Asian) +0.16
Italian (Napolitan) +0.14
Nasioi (Melanesian) +0.12
White (Utah) +0.11
Kalash (Dardic Aryan) +0.11
Spanish +0.08
Brahui (Pakistanese Dravidian) +0.06
Palestinian +0
French -0.01
Orcadian (Orkney) -0.03
Russian -0.03
Mexican (California) -0.06
Puerto Rican -0.10
Bedouin -0.19
Pasthun -0.21
Sindhi (Pakistanese) -0.23
Mozabite (Berber) -0.24
Basque -0.30
Colombian -0.53
Sardinian -0.59
Pima (Mexican) -0.88
Amerindian (South) -0.93
Maya (Yucatan) -0.98
Surui (Amazonian) -1.15
Karitiania (Amazonian) -1.17
Papua New Guinean -1.25
Black (Southwest US) -1.44
Yoruba (Ife) -1.48
Kenyan -1.60
Mandenka (Senegal) -1.60
Yoruba (Benin) -1.65
Bantu -1.89
Biaka (Pigmy) -1.89
Mbuti (Pigmy) -2.24
San (Bushmen) -2.29

>tfw Sardinian subhuman

This is bullshit. Intelligence is highly influenced by extremely rare SNPs and especially LoF.

Here we go again romanboos.

I'm hungarian.


So Palestinians are more intelligent than French potentially?

Islam is fucking cancer

not even trolling but that seems a little off considering the education and population of Russia

This is incredible and revolutionary and it's incredible how The scientific community tries to hide it

Here's a related but less detailed table that employs essentially the same techniques, but it's quicker to scan through.

If it's some consolation I expect many genetically isolated populations probably have rarer SNPs we simply don't look for, and inversely some populations that do have all the right SNPs we know about can also have other hereditary problems that screw with their intelligence (thinking of highly incestuous Pakistan for example.)
There's also the factor that for minority groups we tend to look at "pure" samples (inbred hillbillies) and for majority groups we take from the middle class in the major cities, which certainly would skew the score further.

Certainly true, and yet it seems to work well enough for population genetics.

Levantines are pretty good, yeah.
It may have more to do with the fact that they're essentially living in a big concentration camp.

It doesn't really try to hide it, it just tends to ignore it. It's still published in Intelligence or Mankind Quarterly, not exactly undergound KKK magazines.
More importantly it's very young, it's really just in the past 5 years or so that we started seeing this research emerge.

>IQ and being East Asian is linked so strongly that any attempt at predicting intelligence genetically will just end up looking for Asian markers, even more if you weighted it by population size.
He never interacted with amerindians, clearly

Amerindians have been separate long enough that they got negative markers, they're quite unlike those who peopled most of East Asia.
I'm curious about Inuits though since they're more recent immigrants. I don't think Siberians are so impressive, besides those with Mongolian roots.

Inuit tech was pretty impressive considering their isolation. They were on another level than any other hunter gatherers.

Didn't expect the fucking Mayans to be so retarded

that infographic looks like it was made by a 5 year old during an epileptic seizure

This is fake you idiot.

just looked on google for 5 seconds and 2 of the main results show Italy with above 100

t. non-Aryan

Tocharian mummies have nordic features so I'm inclined to say aryan.


So mesolithic Scandinavians may have been multicultural, depigmented and strong but they still have very little to do with modern Scandinavians. Just look at how rare haplogroup I2 and pre-IE branches of R1a are. These people got cucked.

Paleolithic Europeans? No
Indo-Aryans? I'm Indo aryan and judging by my color I'd say no
I think you mean Indo-Europeans, AKA people's just north of the caucasus region (ancient ukranians)

I recall reading that haplogroup I carriers can all trace their ancestry to a single individual who lived in Scandinavia just a few thousand years ago. Haplogroup I carriers got cucked out of existence save for one guy who evidently had lots of babies.

It's just 0-3 points down from the West, it's perfectly respectable.

Basically from this thread it's clear that: Europeans are very intelligent on average and so are Arabs, the only stupid Caucasians are Basque and Sardinians

Arabs have a low IQ, even high income arab countries like Qatar have IQs in the low 80s.

That's haplogroup I1 you're talking about but I1 isn't thought to originate in Scandinavia. The oldest branches are found in mainland Western Europe so the original I1 carriers were swarthy Iberians.

Not according to this data:

Considering that the we have identified only a tiny of fractions of genes responsible for intelligence, I highly doubt the validity of his data. Some of the results offend common sense, like the french being lower than hazaras

Richard Lynn's numbers are meme-tier


>Bedouin -0.19
It's not actually a big difference from Westerners (I mean the difference between East Asians and Europeans is more than 1.2) but they're still down there with the Pashtun, Berbers and Latino, or indeed with the Basques.
Palestinians and Druze are Levantines and much higher.

I'm betting on some paleo-European Aquitanian SNP yeah.

Pro-tip: these numbers don't mean anything.

Super humans: East Asians
Humans: Italians, French, British, Arabs
Lesser humans: North African, Basque, Sardinian, Mesoamerican
Subhumans:cAmazonians, Papuans, West Africans
Beast like humans: Pigmeys, San bushmen

How accurate is this scale?

Fixed a bit:
T1- East Asians (north and east usually better than south and west)
T2- Italians, French, British, Levantines, Iranians, West and East Slavs, some South Asians
T3- North Africans, insular Meds, probably Southern Slavs, Bedouin Arabs, Mesoamericans, other South Asians
T4- Papuans, Amazonians, West and East Africans
T5- Central African, Pygmies, Bushmen, probably Abos

>the french being lower than hazaras
There's not much wrong with that really, Hazaras are pretty impressive given their circumstances. If they made up more than 10% of the population Afghanistan would probably be a lot better.

In fact the Hazara diaspora seem to be turning into a sort of middleman minority, probably shaping up to be another success story like the Lebanese Armenians etc, always a good sign of depressed potential.

>, Hazaras are pretty impressive
Compared to the French, they're intellectual midgets.

Same with Palestinians and Adygei

>Be French
>get brilliant idea
>make your country Sub-Saharan African

intelligence =/= wisdom. Terence Tao once went on an anti-Trump rant where he cited John Oliver as fact.

They're basically a splinter Uyghur tribe trying to survive persecution in wartorn Afghanistan and yet they still manage to have disproportionate intellectual output. As a mix between northern and central Eurasian populations, their genetics predict that they should be smart enough.
Also this:

*Uzbek actually. The point is that they're stereotypical Eurasians.

So, do the Pathan fuck them in ass?

>disproportionate intellectual output.
Name a single great scientific discovery or work of literature by a member of the Hazara tribe.

The fact that you'd put those goatfuckers on the same plane of existence as the french shows your complete irrationality.

That whole list looks like genetic distance from Chinese

>Name a single great scientific discovery or work of literature by a member of the Hazara tribe.

When would you say the first every great scientific discovery or work of literature EVER was made?

Who made it and where and when?

Wow. These data really are just determining physical distance and little else.

Can you blame them? Some of them look like Korean idols, the others look like they should be on sale in a Turkish white slave market.

Name a single great scientific discovery or work of literature by a mongolian.
Doesn't change their genetic potential for intelligence, or the fact that they are now disproportionately influential in Afghanistan, which is the part of the reason they're so hated.
They're globalist, progressive, they value education and intellectual achievements, they integrate quite well in the West, yet the diaspora is tribalist as hell (which is cementing their status as a middleman minority.)

Sort of, but not quite. Obviously the populations in and around East Asia inherited most of the SNPs, but you can see differences. For example, uyghurs and hazara are the same distance from Chinese, and yet uyghurs are +0.95, same as Tu Mongolians who are right in the middle of that East Asian cluster, while the Hazara are at +0.41, basically the same as Brits and Finns who are way, way to the left. And Europeans generally have higher scores than those South Asian groups that stand between them and East Asians (Balochi are only ones who rank as high as Italians, still much below Brits.) Bedouins are much lower than you'd expect from the genetic distances too, while Druze are way up there.

So yeah, East Asian ancestry is probably the biggest factor (after all East asians have +1.5) but other groups can still have higher or lower intellgence in spite of the genetic distance.

Forgot to mention the Cambodians who are at +0.32 with the Brits and Druze despite obviously being much closer to Chinese.


These threads attract a schizo who will claim to his dying breath that all eurasians where blonde europeans

do not reply to his posts.

>Name a single great scientific discovery or work of literature by a member of the Hazara tribe.

Success is not a determinant factor regarding intelligence.

If you want to talk with the big boys, you will not make retarded assumptions.

I love how these threads always default to the same MO

>understanding the genetics of human brain is on it's baby steps
>minor conclusion is drawn
>some retard takes a bunch of badly done measurements and applies them to probability & statistic 101 formulas ignoring any margin of error and any reasonable outside factors
>retards on the internet will defend it as the absolute truth of the human species

we are decades before we can begin to comprehend all the factors, genetic and enviromental, that define potential human intelligence.

T.butthrut subhumans

How does it feel to be exposed as a subhuman.

Let me guess, Mexican?


And you don't believe science?

I'm smelling nigger.

I believe in science, in fact I'm accusing this whole thread of being unscientific.