Could Napoleonic France at its peak be able to stop the invasion of 1940 Nazi Germany?
Could Napoleonic France at its peak be able to stop the invasion of 1940 Nazi Germany?
How? Hitler has time machine?
No? Are you fucking mental?
I mean they were both led by the Hitler of their times. So it'd be a stalemate.
>could a napoleon square beat a tank with air support
No you fucking retard
>could same country 100 years behind in everything do something its 20th century version couldn't?
of fucking course
Woww,,, i didnt know people on His were such dikcs lmao
Assuming that it would have the same technology as France in 1940 AND that it would have the same population as France in 1940 AND that Napoleon would have been in power for at least 10-15 years AND that it wouldn't control half of Germany then yes, it could, but I don't see how would that be Napoleonic France anymore
If Hitler turns into anaconda, yes
I meantt 2812 France that s why i said at irs peak u fucking negro, ure no better than an ape desu
Have WW2 althis fags finally gone off the deep end?
a better question is how France will fare if Napoopan stopped after the 5th coalition
no doubt Austria,Prussia,Russia and especially the eternal Anglo would still be reeling in but France wouldn't be fucked by lmao invading Russia
>"Hitler of his time"
t. Anglo
No, you retard. What made you think an early 19th century France even at its peak could beat a near mid-20th century Germany?
Who would win in a kickboxing match, Erwin Rommel or Michel Ney?
wow ure calling epoeple u dont know retard huh u must be so beace and cool fucking edgy faggot. Ull get mowhere in life
Nice quads
>2812 France
Then maybe you should have specified you were referring to Napoleon XII.
Would Nazi Germany still have to invade Soviet russia in this timeline?
This is the big question, if so Napoleon will have a chance
Rommel led from the front, but Ney actually fought in it.
Also, while I kinda like Rommel in general...Ney is a fucking machine. Tell Ney that Rommel is an enemy of France and it won't matter that Ney is a head shorter and never even heard of kickboxing, he'll break Rommel in two no questions asked.
t. nigga
>infantry lines
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy lmao
Maybe try and not being retarded
Fuck yeah, the Dynasty comes back?
This is stupid, even for Veeky Forums
Butch ass nigga
>I was being stupid and got called out!
>I'll call people niggas!
This is Veeky Forums, not /b/
Bet u think ur smart nigga, well u should know that ue just another worthless piece of shit sudeo intellecutal hope u get ur ass kicked u lil bitch
Germany would win due to technological advantage.
You have to be 18 to post here, Billy
>Napoleon XII pioneers the use of kinetic bombardment and 5th dimensional wormhole logistics
>space Prussia doesn't stand a chance
>he gets cocky and invades the deep space novaslavs
>when his fleet warps into novaslav territory disaster strikes
>he didn't count on the novas abandoning their system and litering it with black holes
>by the time the emperor reaches Moonscow half of his force has been compressed into singularities
Even if we take technological advance out of the table, Napoleonic tactics would be absolutely usless in a modern war.
>Give Napoleon armies guns, Tanks, and Air Support.
Who wins now?
You're retarded.
>see this in catalog
>dismiss it as absurd
>wonder if a Napoleonic canon could penetrate a tank
>read thread
>no military analysis whatsoever
Fuck this, I'm going to /k/
Everybody in this thread are stupid anyways. Especially the people making fun of me.
>Grande Armee at the outset of Napoleons conquest
>Wehrmacht at during Fall Gelb
~3,3 million soldiers.
Napoleon doesn't stand a chance, this thread is retarded.
Numbers don't always mean much when there is a good general. There's a likely chance that Napoleon could stop the invasion. He probably wouldn't be able to invade Germany though.
are you fucking retarded? How is an army organized into line infantry and with gunpowder weaponry supposed to stop an army of combined arms with tanks, aircraft and motorized vehicles? Not to mention bolt action rifles and automatic weaponry? It would be a massacre.
I know people like to jerk off Napoleon and he was a genius of his time, but 1940 Rundstedt would wipe the floor with him.
If you people are seriously even considering this I'm at a loss of words.
>an army of combined arms with tanks, aircraft and motorized vehicles?
What are cannons? Dumbass bitch faggot cuck
you have to be the dumbest motherfucking retard on this board. Please don't post in threads about war ever again.
> novaslavs
Ah i see your merely pretending to be retarded
Well memed
I bet at least once in history a 19th century cannon has been fired at a tank.
Surely, just once
I bet it could fuck up a Panzer 1 still
Napoleon, dude was good at moving things fast, it would be french blitzkrieg.
Probably the poles or some other ex-austrian country
not likely, the introduction of dreadnoughts and rifled barrels made smooth bore muzzle loaded cannons pretty obsolete very quickly, and at that time most cannons were simply melted down and reused for new cannons.
The closest you'll get is Cannons shooting at trains in the american civil war, probably, not sure if that ever happened either.
ironclads, my bad
>born too late to serve Napoleon's Grand Armee
>born too early to serve Napoleon XII's Space Marine Legion
>born just in time to see the prophet let slip that the dynasty returns
It is a sad hole I wallow in but knowing France will lead humanity toward a greater destiny gives me hope to shoulder the burden of these cold days.
Well a smoothbore, muzzle-loading cannon probably won't really do shit to a tank (they were obsolete by the time people started putting a bit of armor on their ships), it's just to low velocity/not enough explosives.
A late 19th century rifled breech-loader with a decent calibre of HE would probably be enough to knock out a light tank (and it probably happend in countries like Poland, Norway, late-war Germany(captured), but with upgraded pieces, that had been used in WWI already)
The problem with 19th century arty, is that it's ment to lob HE shells over long distances, the pressure in the chamber is to low, to achieve a decent velocity for kinetic energy penetrators and purpose making HEAT-shells for something like that would be kinda stupid (what with the panzerfaust and all)
Are tou gay??
Hitler would blitzkrieg into Napoleon's anus
This is funny, OP must be trolling, Napoleon could barley contend with Prussia at it's weakest (between the days of Frederick and Bismark).
Nazi Germany did a better job fighting three superpowers than Napoleonic France did fighting the cold.
Honestly, what makes you think that?
France knocked out all the great powers consecutively,only losing due to N*poleon autism and miscalculation
Nazi Germany could only get to 1 which is almost a 2nd rate power by then
Yeah, Hitler did much better job at Russia.
>Implying The Imperium of France would ever have a chance against the glorious Novaslav empire.
You guys know the whole "General singularity" thing is just propaganda right?
I think Napoleon would summon his persona and would win the war singlehandedly.
Slide thread, please mods delete this
who would win? napoleonic france or 1 billion lions?
I know you're making a joke about how Germany also failed, but unironically they were more successful than Napoleon in that they at least avoided complete obliteration.
Hitler awaken his stand and proceed to ORA Napoleon
I think its more like Hitler is the Napoleon of his time.
Did they?
>could a country which employed cavalry and muskets stop a country using MG42 machineguns and divebombers
In terms of loss of life, yes. Strategically they were defeated to a higher degree though, so make of ghat what you will.
Napoleon conquered Prussia in 19 days
Hitler took an entire month to conquier Pooland while helped by the Soviets
>this entire fucking thread
>napoleon was a general of the first order
>hitler couldn't into strategy out of a paper bag
>people who fell for the most obvious and dull bait thread I've seen in months
the fuck is wrong with you all?
Bump :-)
Napoleon, unlike Hitler, is an intelligent man, so naturally, given similar resources he would trounce that Alemannic pretender
OP wins the "Retarded Summer Post of the Day" award