
Well the Ancient Egyptians weren't black (duh), and obviously they weren't Arab. What were they? Mediterranean Race?

Other urls found in this thread:

the woman you posted was literally a fucking Greek and she most likely wasn't nearly as hot


A multi-cultural mishmash, just like every empire that has ever existed.

They were their own unique blend of Near Eastern and Mediterranean people

>british newspapers in charge of science reporting

They were communists

Caucasian, like Mesopotamian or Mediterranean.

Mediterranean isn't a race, they were Caucasian. "Black" isn't a race either since there are both Negroids in Africa and native blacks in South America.

something similar to a mix of Berbers and Cushites probably

They were Dravidians

Yeah 1% that and 99% Near Eastern.

They were Nilo-Saharan East Africans.

I said "something similar", Lybians berbers are basically Near Easterners

Yes, most similar to Berbers I'd say. Not quite Mesopotamian or Mediterranean. They were non-Semitic non-Arabic Caucasian population in Africa.

The ruling dynasty of Egypt were Greeks by the time they interacted with the Romans. This obviously wouldn't have changed the standard Egyptian being likely related to Semitic peoples and brown skinned.

Caesar thought she was hot.

How come they depicted themselves differently then?

Also near easterners are notoriously hairy and proudly sport beards, why were Egyptians not bearded if they were closely related to them? How and why was the cultural and possibly genetic continuity lost?

Caesar was much more interested in her HUGE tracts of land

Why do white people want to be egyptian so badly? It's weird.

The "ancient Egyptians" were not one people. You're talking about literally thousands of years of history. This whole meme is so stupid.

well they probably were never as pure as the berber tribes at the time because the Nile connected Subsaharan Africa with North Africa, which would explain why they painted the Lybians and the Levantines with lighter skin than them

Yeah, connection to the Nile gave passage for Negroids from Ethiopia, which certainly mixed with the original population. Just like Semites mixed as well, due to connection to the Levant like you mentioned.

I'm not sure if Berbers ever had connection to Negroids or if there was only a connection after Arabic expansion, but either way it would have been past ancient Egypt.

the Arab slave trade brought the Subsaharans north, old paintings portrayed the berbers the same color as the Iberian natives

According to Greek historians and ancient Egyptians themselves. They were Ethiopian colonists and so were the originals. It is the near easterners who would have been the mixing invaders.

Human migration patterns dictate that Egypt was colonized from south to north.

This. The egyptians were almost certainly a mix of these Nilotic populations plus neighboring people.

Ancient Egyptians shaved all their hair and wore wigs.

That's what I thought. Then, if there was no connection previous, it makes complete sense for Egyptians themselves to portray themselves darker than the North Africans to the west that had no contact.

You're saying the original Egyptians were Ethiopian colonists? Caucasians settled in the Horn of Africa as well, is that what you're referring to?

>7.2 millions years ago
>Humans at all
Why do I keep seeing this pop up when it never has anything to do with the topic at hand? Did you even read the article?

Ethiopic people are some of the most ancient people in the world, they did not originate in the Caucasus. Th E1b haplo grouping proves this.

>Caesar thought she was hot.
He was like 50 and she was a young virgin.

do the math

Because the only way their retarded logic about Egyptian people and culture having a northern origin would work is if humanity originated in Europe as opposed to east Africa.

t. buttmad congoloid

Not everyone from the Levant is "arab".

Why do nigger think they have any link to ancient egypt other than possibly being slaves?

The father of the word "nigger" was the word used by the ancient Egyptians for "God." That word was "N-g-r" and as one can see, there are no vowels in this word. In the ancient African and even the present African languages (the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family) vowels such as "a,e,i,o,u" are not found in many translations, particularly of ancient Hebrew and Egyptian languages.

In the translation of ancient Egyptian and Hebrew (which is heavily influenced by Egyptian), one will not always find vowels, therefore, very few people will realize that the word for God, which is "N-g-r" pronounced "en-ger" was the Egyptian word for God. In fact, the Egyptian word for "nature," is also the word used for God. That word is "ntyr," (pronounced net-jer." Now prounce the word "nigg.." and the word "net-jer," and one sees the clear connection.

It was corrupted by the Romans and turned into Niger. The rest is history.

Why do you hate black people?

>Veeky Forums thread discussing the skin color of ancient egyptians rather than the history of ancient egypt #134398493

why do I keep coming here

>"science doesn't work its conspiracy
>look at that painintimg clearly a South African ""
>one drop xDdddD
>*dubiously shaky claims made with no citation*
>""white devil conspiracy"
>"""hahahaha btfoo upper egypt hahahah studies aren't real""""
>ROSETTA STONE!!!!!?!!!"""
There I just summed up this garbage thread.Move on

Not skin color, origin of race. Big difference. Lots of historical documents and modern historians go over this. Scandinavians are Caucasian and so are Berbers, but to call a Berber white just like a Scandinavian is basically pale albino in comparison is a bit silly.

I've never liked the terms "white" or "black". They just don't work and it confuses people. Nice picture though, best contribution to the thread.

Same thing.



Depends on the economic class


You keep posting those pictures but that doesn't make them anymore accurate.

nigger comes from the latin word for black.

Which came from the Egyptian word for "God" NGR

Here's some DNA

That was amen ra you dip shit


>Caucasian = white
Retard detected.

Don't forget
>muh upper Egypt

Somewhere between Levantine and North African

Semitic, but not Arab

>Literally trying to divorce ancient Egyptians point of origin from ancient Egypt because it triggers your subconscious insecurities.

These threads interest me but nobody ever talks about the actual DNA evidence, I want to know how many individual complete genomes we have and from which time periods. Anyone else who knows anything about ancient DNA knows it's always pretty scant and hard to come by. New discoveries are made all the time. Egypt has a long history.

That's because actual DNA evidence proves that the Egyptians who lived further north were distinctly Mediterranean and the ones who lived further south were "darker" but still not all that related to contemporary populations we would consider to be sub Saharan , they were more like Kushites who I guess today would be Sudanese

fun fact: Blacks ruled Egypt for 200 years until they were BTFO by the Assyrians who were then BTFO by Egypt and then Greece

Egypt spent most of its' history as a satellite state

Mods, it annoys me so much that you won't delete the daily "who is white?/we was kings" threads. Supposedly this is against the rules, but I know for a fact that it's the same idiots who participate in this almost every time.

They wuz kangs and shiet

>she was a young virgin.
she had already been married to her brother for years

egyptians, ancient egyptians
no further study in question need to be asked about them

stop turning history into an ideological race driven debate

"Arab" isn't a race. If you want to know what ancient egyptians looked like, look at modern egyptians. They are basically the same people

>she wasn't hot
2/10, knees too sharp amirite

>Africans are Europeans


Egypt is part of Africa, which means that it is more logical to presuppose that Ancient Egyptians were Africans rather than Europeans. A better question would be "why do whites think they have any link to ancient egypt other than possibly being slaves?"

>let's pretend the Sahara doesn't exist and isn't a huge buffer between North Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa
yeah m8, and the Indus Valley was all Chinese, the Himalayas don't really matter.









I like this one better than OP's anime faggotry desu

I think you misunderstand me.
Upper Egypt was where Egyptian civilisation began, with the Badari Culture being considered the earliest major culture in the region and the erhnogenesis of the Egyptian people.
What you don't seem to understand is that the entirety of ancient Upper and Lower Egypt is contained the borders of modern Egypt, a pretty small coubtry, with the Badari site itself only being situated halfway up the country. What do the people living here today look like? Holy shit! They look like Arabs, just like the rest of the Egyptians.
Afro-centrists on the other hand seem to think Upper Egypt was in Sudan or Ethiopia, instead of starting a few miles south of Cairo like it really was.
That's what I'm laughing at.

A good chunk of the near east is Mediterranean

Mediterranean is a race

There are no native blacks in south americs

Wtf are you talking about. Scandinavians have rich golden-orange tan complexions they are not pale albinos in comparison to anyone. Hell I could find pale skinned people in Tunisia more easily then sweden

The Sahara was a savahnna in ancient Egyptian times and the Nile has always traversed it.

The alps acted as a barrier in Europe, seperating white people to the north and rendering them irrelevant in ancient times.

Even they came from further south, the settlement of Egypt was a progression from south to north, archeology proves this. Most upper Egyptians are categorically "black".

>yeah well look at this stock photo and some facts I literally pulled out of my ass

That depends on how you define "black". Would you consider abbos and Melanesians black? You mean to say SSA.

Just google pre dynastic Egypt, it's all right here.

No, it's far, far more logical to presuppose Ancient Egyptians basically looked like what modern Egyptians, what everyone would consider 'Arab'.

>The vast majority of Predynastic archaeological finds have been in Upper Egypt, because the silt of the Nile River was more heavily deposited at the Delta region, completely burying most Delta sites long before modern times.
Oh, this just gets better and better.

If they're buried, than can't they be simply dug up. Archeology usually involves digging.

Modern Egyptians. Ethnic Egyptians, fall on the spectrum of "black". Now there are a lot of Arabs and Turks living in Egypt, particularly lower Egypt, but actual indigenous Egyptians are "black".

>modern egyptians
>indigenous egyptians

There is one question that needs to be answered. If ancient Egyptians were levantine or lybian, then why did they portray those people distinctly different from themselves?

In this pic I see two "white" guys and two "black" guys.

>The Sahara was a savanna in ancient Egyptian times

Her ancestor was greek, but it was 400 years before her, even if her dynasty had a lot of incest probably some of them mated with locals, no?

>Scandinavians are Caucasian and so are Berbers, but to call a Berber white just like a Scandinavian is basically pale albino in comparison is a bit silly.
No more than calling a greek or a spaniard white. But I agree that white and black are useless terms that only ameritards take at face value.

The red guy represent the ruling class at the time I are remember correctly, not all of egyptian population.

They didn't have access to a paint shop, they had a very limited set of possible colors to use and so used color not to realistically represent how things looked, but for clarity (as when they painted males brown and females yellow).

This skin colors appear to make an attempt at realism. Still doesn't answer the question of why they didn't just use the same color they did with the two "white" guys?

