>The House of lords serves an important purpose,
I admit that I don't know that much about the intricacies of British government, but I know that Mosley did, he actually was part of it.
>Could've worked, problem is that British exports weren't particularly good,
This is something Mosley wanted to change. And he also counted the colonies as equally part of the same order as the islands themselves, so that colonial subjects would receive the same benefits as islanders.
>The NHS dealth with healthcare far more effectively,
Mosley was a national socialist (without the connotations afforded that term via its association with nazism). He would have embraced the NHS wholeheartedly, and probably would have dedicated more resources to it.
>A volunteer army would simply not have the men required to defend the isles,
That also depends on how much incentives are placed on military service and national spirit the country is showing. If half of young men see the military as a glowing career opportunity and a chance to start life on the right foot, they will consider joining.
>Not overthrowing century old institutions is hardly something to be proud of.
And yet the Nazis ran roughshod over Germany's culture without a care in the world. Not everyone was so principled.
>>Manage each economic sector through the use of high level Corporations, which every worker and manager in the field has equal access to under the law
I don't understand what this is supposed to mean.
I don't know enough about it, just started reading up on this guy the other day. But it is essentially a system for undoing the international capitalism of globalism and combining the coordination potential of planned economies with the productivity of free markets.