What disillusioned you from the Judeo-Christian mythology or religion as a whole?
What disillusioned you from the Judeo-Christian mythology or religion as a whole?
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When I discovered just how far and wide the plague of Anal Birth had spread. No God could want that.
I realized that not only did "my God" not have the same interests as I did, but I wasn't inherently sinful and evil, either.
I'm one of the lucky ones. Never believed it to begin with.
Reading other mythologies and finding that not only was Christianity not unique, it wasn't even the best, most moral, or most interesting religion.
you can believe in God without believing in a Semitic ethnoreligon.
I definitely think Jesus was the most moral prophet of any religion, he actually was a good cunt. Who else?
Are you kidding me? Jesus was an asshole. As for who was better, ever hear of a guy called BUDDHA?
Jews literally ruined the Bible for me. Now I can't read the OT without feeling disgusted and without rooting against the Hebrews. And it's all lies anyway.
For me personally it was the hypocrisy of self proclaimed christians, for whom religion was both a bludgeon to control people, and an excuse to justify the worst kinds of behavior.
I still have a deeply felt connection to the universe, I just prefer exploring it through personal introspection and study, rather than lingering in the exact sort of company that Jesus spent his ministry calling out.
The original sin which is just a quilt mentality. Also stuff like in this video
The sado-masochism that god exhibits in the old testament. That, and the lack of concrete evidence.
Nothing. God is perfect
My own imperfection and the built up guilt of having to confess the same sins on a weekly basis.
"The current expression 'Judaeo-Christian' is an error which has altered the course of universal history by the confusion it has sown in men's minds, if by it one is meant to understand the Jewish origin of Christianity . . . If the term 'Judaeo-Christian' does point to a common origin, there is no doubt that it is a most dangerous idea. It is based on a 'contradictio in abjecto' which has set the path of history on the wrong track. It links in one breath two ideas which are completely irreconcileable, it seeks to demonstrate that there is no difference between day and night or hot and cold or black and white, and thus introduces a fatal element of confusion to a basis on which some, nevertheless, are endeavouring to construct a civilisation." (l'Antisemitisme Miroir du Monde pp. 135-6).
Hebrews are not the same than jews.
When I learned that the OT is just Jewish mentality.
>Khazar theory
>abandoned wife and child for ((enlightenment))
Why would God create such an abomination?
Is an fucking ignorant and lier.
Edgelord phase, parental beatings and then the existential depression
varg never claims any of that, strawmen are not arguments
He abandoned them out of fear and weakness. After he'd dealt with that he went back, claimed and raised his son, and either accepted his wife as a nun or let her live the rest of her life in opulence (I can't remember which).
Studying the late bronze age and early iron age, especially the phoenicians and Assyrians. You realized the Jews were just a bunch of crazy asshole zealots writing fanfiction against people they didn't like, see the "prophecies" against Tyre.
Then you get into the fact Ezra added all this shit after the Babylonian exile.
And don't forget how early Christian's were the biggest assholes of their time, destroying temples, breaking laws, writing martyr fanfiction, and so happy to die a governor is quoted saying
>"You wretches, if you want to die, you have cliffs to leap from and ropes to hang by."
>hurr Rome gud bois, dindu nuffin
The Christian god is for masochistic sociopaths.
Disprove anything in the video, I dare you.
The fact that according to Christianity most of the world is predamned. I read the OT in hopes of getting some "Discernment" and it contained nothing but Jewish tricks, a lot of barbarism and to be honest silliness (has there been a bigger idiot in classical literature than Samson?). So after a year I deconverted like a motherfucker
>thinking Christianity has anything to do with Judaism.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies" Jesus speaking to the kikes of the time.
>Typical judeo-christian's ability to debate
Why would anything in that video make you disillusioned in Christianity?
>be varg
>16 "facts" about Christianity
>"facts" without sources
>I haven't read the bible
>I actually haven't read scholarly material on the subject matter
>people listen to me
really makes you think
Probably when I saw that most adults around spoke of Jesus in much the same way they spoke about Santa Claus, like they were consciously telling me a fairytale to get me to behave. It helped that they didn't really give a shit about their religion in general.
Thanks to that I had no problem looking at it critically when I grew up and dismissed it like I did for more exotic religions.