Eu4 is the best historical game. Prove me wrong
Eu4 is the best historical game. Prove me wrong
Easily done. Any other requests?
Vicky 2 looks like not even good enough to play. Vic 3 would be the best paradox game I ever pirated though
Looks like the States still exist. Fix that.
Vic 2 is the best Paradox game
Vicky 2
Now delete your thread
Moroccans are somewhat forgivable since France and Spain are in the way, but why is the Ottoman menace still in Europe?
I think Vicky's time span should be longer, from 1750 to 1950 maybe.
I completely fucking disagree. I think the 100 years chosen is near perfect, any longer and you just get into bad misrepresentation of the ideas/warfare of the time.
Vicky 2 ultimate edition begins in 1600, which gives plenty of time to actually conquer large territories, which is impossible to do in 100 years due to CB delay and badboy cooldown.
That's surprisingly not unlike how the Brits would have actually handled the situation.
How come nobody talks about EU: Rome?
It's kind of shitty though, you mostly can't lose, and the map is kind of small and boring after a while.
>doesn't own Copenhagen to control Lubeck node
>France exists
>Ottomans still have land in Europe
3/10 nice try. At least you killed Austria.
Kill thine self
yeah boi
was this a challenge to make the most abominable mess of a map possible
I mean don't tell me that Europe happened by accident, nevermind the other clusterfucks.
How the fuck do I play as Byzantium and not get raped?
Lure the Ottomans to attack an island, then surround it with ships and rampage over their lands as quickly as possible.
Sucking Hungary's cock
>tfw Vicky 3 is at least half a decade away
Defensive web then trap the turks men in Anatolia is the go I think
>almost 8000 industry
what the fuck?
Too much of a pussy to attack.
I edited some text file to make the play time practically infinite and the armies start to be annoyingly huge around 1970's
Played CK2 and frankly that's a ton of fun. These others are good?
Get an alliance with Hungary or (preferably) Poland, and as many of the Balkan states as you can.
Try to attach the little Balkan armies to your own and flee to the mountains in Greece with the army. The Ottomans are most likely too scared to attack your army in a defensive position and will try to conquer Constantinople instead. If they do and your big ally (Hungary/Poland) hasn't arrived yet, besiege Macedonia until the Ottomans try to relieve the siege, then flee back to the mountains.
Then when the big army comes you go on the offensive, beat their army, capture the Ottoman capital and just cut of their access from Anatolia, where their army has likely fled, by placing your navy in the sea of marmara. Then just conquer the Balkans and wait for warscore to tick up. Try to get at least the land necessary for cutting off access between Anatolia and the Balkans for future wars.
>casual map painter designed to be mental masturbation to historically illiterate faggots
>good game
pick one
What HoI saga needs is a more deeper commercial and economic features
HOI4 is
Obviously hasnt touched Hoi 2 or 3
Hoi 3 and Black ice god tier
>another 7 hours well spent
too real
completely realistic
>tfw when it's me
Every paradox's game you play, enemy Alliance nations all have units fighting. Your Allies never do anything. specially hoi 4
Just like with France in WWII.
146 divs under 1 commander
Just what I'd expect from the faggots on this board
Well yeah that's what happens when after 20-50 years the map is pretty much entirely controlled by like nations. And unless you start large with lots of citizens you're going to lag behind in tech.
Don't unpause.
Improve relations with Albania, start building 4-5 infantry in the Morea area, set your men in Constantinople to go there, build a galley in Constantinople.
Assuming you're using cossacks, grant one of the morea provinces to the nobles, get a general and get influence to 75, get mana, do similar shit with the burghers and clergy (don't grant them land).
Now unpause, wait for the ottoman troops in Greece to head over to Albania, when they start to, guarantee Albania, then ally them.
After you do this, the Ottomans should head over to Candar to push their shit in, declare war for the mountain province next to Selanik promising land to Albania once you've made your stack, set aside one infantry and have your allies attach to it.
At this point the Ottoman fleet should be split up, attack opportunistically to reduce their fleet.
separate your army and siege down the provinces, then move on Selanik. At some point a single 15k stack should appear, try and bait them into a mountain province by sending your albanian stack away from the main army, and rush back when they attack, you should stackwipe it.
From there it's rinse and repeat until you siege down Selanik and Edirne, blockade the strait, wait for warscore and gg no re.
If you need to, hire above your forcelimit to match the Ottomans in power.
As a warning, this is not too reliable, as the eternal Venetian nearly always sticks his hook nose where it doesn't belong.
>Golden Circle
Now that's an obscure one.
>literally just drawing fucking lines on the map
No thanks
Eh. EU4 is far too ahistorical for my tastes. I'd have preferred it if the course of history was more driven by events that triggered around certain years. Would also make it more of an accomplishment when you actually managed to significantly change the course of the world.
Di the protestants win the 30 Year War and make Sweden the emperor or something?
Check the date man. Its some mod
tfw when you are so bad at this game you end up being historical and get annexed by Italy
It's an imported game
Paradox games in general would be better if peace deals weren't so all-or-nothing. In real life, peace deals were meant to cement the peace by making both sides happy. The winning side would naturally get more, but it was rare that the losing side didn't get anything at all. The only way to come close to something like this in Paradox games is to make separate peace deals with every country your fighting and give things to some of them.
The AI won't do a damn thing if it's not neighboring them or requires a lot of transports. Yet, they will attack even thousands of miles away by land, as long as they can be granted military access. I've seen a lot of times troops moving all across Russia just to attack China.
Paradox games are basically just glorified map painting projects. But it's the only trade in town, so there are almost no competitions or anything.
They've been trying to make EU4 more about going tall than wide though, which I appreciate. They just don't seem to do a very good job of it. The most effective way to play the game still seems to be to blob and lay claim to as big a part of the world as possible.
I like CK2.
I wish it had any good county management at all though.
Anything else that doesnt require you to pay $250 for the full game.
It's only good with the epigoni mod. It's a shame because it was really fun. I wish they made a second. The eu4 mods for rome are pretty good though.
Kaiserreich is better and more historical
>Controls most of continental Europe
>Kaiserreich is more historical
>Paper, Bird, Sword Mana
>One billion boring, shallow submechanics added through overpriced DLC that end up just being different ways to spend your PBS Mana
Best historical period to set a paradox game in, sure.
Best historical game would be vicky.
I love everything about Vicky
>No Pride of Nations
How do you all feel being the normies of Grand Strategy games