Almost every alt history where the Nazis won the war show massive American resistance forces often times 5-10 years after the fall of the American government. Even the French ran a successful resistance when backed up by the allies.
Why was there little/no German resistance after their capitulation? What did the allies do in Germany that the Germans didn't do in France?
Would the Americans or British fight a resistance after the war if the Nazis won?
Almost every alt history where the Nazis won the war show massive American resistance forces often times 5-10 years...
Other urls found in this thread:
1. French Resistance was a meme
2. Germans were tired of the Nazis shit.
Hitler literally tried to destroy Germany. Dindu Speer didn't carry out the orders though.
Germany never had any serious plans to invade the US so there wouldn't have been any U.S. resistance at all. You can't resist if you aren't occupied in the first place. As far as Britain goes, I don't think Hitler would have invaded Britain until after the Soviets were completely destroyed and by then Britain would probably have nukes to deter any further invasion plans.
Any scenario where the Germans conquer Britain or America is just alt history wanking material.
Because pretty much the entirety of the able-bodied adult males of Germany were either
A) Dead
B) Wounded
C) captured by the allies at the close of the war.
In May of 1945 you had over ELEVEN MILLION prisoners of war in Allied camps. Now, not all of them were German by ethnicity, but a lot were; and when you consider Germany's pre-war population was only a bit over 80 million (which includes women, children, old people, etc.) you just didn't have the manpower pool to create effective resistance.
>Would the Americans or British fight a resistance after the war if the Nazis won?
To be perfectly honest, a "Nazi victory" probably never involves occupying Britain at all, and America being conquered and occupied is just ludicrous. You wouldn't have a resistance, you'd still have a hostile government that decided to offer peace to Germany.
I'm sure some Germans still believed in the Nazis after the war. Allied propaganda couldn't have taken effect that fast
Hitler almost had Germans suicide bombing the allies. That kind of conditioning doesn't disappear overnight.
I think the only reason the Japanese weren't suicide bombing American troops was because of the emperor telling them not to
French, Yugoslav, Soviet, etc... resistance was backed by solid hopes of eventual allied victory. German resistance would have been pointless. Nothing that German civilians could have done in 1945 would have affected the military situation. The war was lost.
Technically, Donitz was Hitler's official successor as he was hand picked to be the next Fuhrer.
And he told the army to stand down and surrender so they listened to him.
Also most of the hard core Nazis killed themselves.
I do vaguely remember American hanging a bunch of teenagers in the werewolf units though.
All alt history deals in theoreticals, desu
>Donitz was Hitler's official successor
Smart choice on Hitler's part. Donitz was easily one of the more respectable people you could have in charge.
Well he was the only Nazi leader that hadn't betrayed Hitler and wasn't in the Fuhrer bunker ready to die with Hitler at that point.
If they fucked with the US/UK/France the USSR would be more than happy to take the rest of Germany off their hands.
Germany was lenient to France because they were of the proper race, but Russia didn't believe in that race bullshit, so if Germany acted up Russia was more than happy to wipe them out and Germany knew it.
It was mostly because Göring decided to try to take control of Germany from Hitler after Berlin was surrounded
Göring wanted to surrender, but Bormann convinced Hitler that Göring was just power hungry
The German leadership bet all their cards on winning the conventional war and not a guerrilla one.
And given the fact they had already been caught exterminating entire ethnic groups, the people of Germany would've been under the fear that the Allies (especially the Eastern Allies who had been the victims of the worst Nazi atrocities) might decide not to be comparatively graceful victors and carry out a Final Solution of their own. Even the Soviets showed a surprising level of restraint following the initial wave of rapes and reprisal killings in 1945. Almost none of the genocidal policies previously implemented against the Tartars, Ukrainians, Old Believers, Cossacks, and Mongolians were used on the Germans, even though the Soviet people were clamoring for it. Hell, they could've reopened Auschwitz and Treblinka, started shipping trainloads of Germans there to be killed with surplus Zyklon gas and the Western Allies would've been indifferent to it.
Also, Man With the Iron Heart is one of Turtledove's greatest works.
Theoretical is not the same as absurd fantasy. Nazi Germany occupying Britain and the US is like Napoleon's army swimming across the English Channel in 1805. Sure, it's theoretically possible. The human body is theoretically capable of such a feat. But that doesn't mean its worth discussing.
*mean it's worth discussing
Germany would've never had any serious plans to invade any countries had we simply dissolved the country in WW1, like we should've.
>"Nazi victory" probably never involves occupying Britain
Sure thing Fritz, I'm sure the krauts would've forgiven all the bantz the RAF bombers had with German cities.
>Even the Soviets showed a surprising level of restraint following the initial wave of rapes and reprisal killings in 1945
When you read about listen to the people who lived through the eastern front, 2 years of full retreat from the invader, another 2 years of pushing towards germany and witnessing the death and scorched earth left behind by the invader, finally you invade wolf's lair and discover the death factories in poland.
The invader at that point went above and beyond any sort of evil the soviets had seen in the war or heard of in mythology.
To this day I'm amazed the soviets didn't demand the allies withdraw from west germany so they could holokraut the country.
Not pulling a Spain and fueling a civil war in Germany between the Nazis and Communists was a mistake. Could've killed two birds with one stone there.
There were politically motivated murders in post-war Germany and the East German uprising against the communists, it's just the allies (for the most part) weren't as big a bunch of assholes compared to Germany taking all Frances shit and putting them on rations
>Sure thing Fritz, I'm sure the krauts would've forgiven all the bantz the RAF bombers had with German cities.
It has nothing to do with forgiving the British for strategic bombing. Germany simply never had the means to invade and occupy Britain. There is no way to win that war directly, and the only way they can win it is to keep their policy goals (control over continental Europe) despite the best the British and Americans can throw at them.
Indeed. Even the Western Allies showed shocking magnanimity. One would think the French, Dutch, and Belgians would've been salivating at the thought of killing every German they could get their hands on. Especially after finding the concentration camps and discovering the grisly fates that had befallen the Jews, but thousands of dissidents (both real and imagined) under Nacht und Nebel.
Hell, the United States and Great Britain had waged wars of unprecedented slaughter against entire tribes of Native Americans and colonial subjects over far lesser grievances than what Germany had inflicted on them.
This really isn't so surprising once you realize that the Soviet Union and Western Allies disagreed about basically everything except stopping Hitler. Literally the moment Hitler was dead, priorities very quickly shifted gears from defeating the Nazis to figuring out how to prevent the Soviets from gobbling up any more territory in Europe.
>One would think the French, Dutch, and Belgians would've been salivating at the thought of killing every German they could get their hands on.
Luckily for the Germans, the Western Allied war effort and postwar recovery was led by the US, which hadn't directly suffered at the hands of the Germans at all and the USSR presented a threat that made a surviving, wealthy Germany a necessity.
I think the US-USSR rivalry is really what saved Germany. There were high-ranking officials in the US government seriously talking about "deindustrializing" Germany, basically condemning millions to starvation, and I'm sure there were Soviet officials calling for the same or worse. Remove the need for a buffer state and Germany ceases to exist.
The US initially took a very soft stance towards the USSR. Truman pulled American troops out of Czechoslovakia because of the Yalta agreements, expecting that Stalin would honor those same agreements elsewhere. Of course Stalin didn't because he wasn't retarded.
Stalin didn't perfectly adhere to them, but for instance he pulled his troops out of Greece and Iran.
True, but they still had been at war for six years and their populations had been deluged in anti-German propaganda. You'd think that hatred would've taken much longer to wear off. Even with the Japanese, who had attacked American soil and killed American civilians on multiple occasion. They were treated with leniency that surprised even them.
Japan was a similar scenario to Germany. Its strategic value far outweighed any anger, and honestly the US had already done enough to it.
>Luckily for the Germans, the Western Allied war effort and postwar recovery was led by the US, which hadn't directly suffered at the hands of the Germans at all and the USSR presented a threat that made a surviving, wealthy Germany a necessity.
Fair enough. If the Germans had done to the United States 1/10th of what they done to the Soviet Union (ex. invaded the East Coast, reduced some of America's largest cities to ash, laid waste to huge swathes of the Midwest, attempted to induce German-Americans into collaborating, killed members of FDR/Truman's family, and exterminated 1/6th of the population), the U.S. would've been just as inclined to retaliate against the Germans with the same genocidal hatred as the Russians.
tl;dr Germany was saved from Carthage-tier deconstruction by the fact they had not yet had the chance to carry out any serious atrocities against the country that was more or less supplying and bankrolling the entirety of the Allied Powers.
>Destroy everything because you're losing
Are Germans really this autistic?
Nazism's inherently destructive tendencies took many forms.
At first it was the street fights with the Communists in the streets of the Weimar Republic. Then it was the callous ruthlessness with which they murdered Rohm and the SA leadership on the Night of the Long Knives. The terror they unleashed on domestic dissidents. When tyrannizing their own people wasn't enough to satisfy their impulses, they invaded the rest of Europe and began tyrannizing them. It reached its terrible climax with the genocidal campaign against the Jews, Gypsies, Poles, and all others deemed to be inferior. Finally, as the Third Reich burned and the Allied armies marched on Berlin, hellbent on revenge, the beast turned on itself.
Why were the germans so brutal?
You realize in the last few years they were shooting / hanging / worse any worthwhile / brave Krauts?
Is this guy USA LindyBeige?
something I often wonder, too.
Those that were very brutal mostly were genuine Nazis, though, so they were brainwashed with misanthropic propaganda for years. Also the war experience likely further deadened their empathy for their victims.
you gotta do some dirty work to prosper you idiot
>implying beating up commies is bad
>implying killing socialists is bad
>implying killing even more communist dissidents is bad
>implying "tyrannizing" which is state propaganda again against communism/jews is bad
>implying it deserves scorn to try to take out communism as a whole
>implying taking back prussian lands and a bit of looting is bad to shore up your economy
>implying west europe was terrorized
>implying killing worthless gypsies and parasitic jews is bad
Some of the poles didn't deserve it though
Alright, I'll bite:
>implying beating up commies is bad
Unless they use violence first, yes, it's bad.
>implying killing socialists is bad
Yes, undoubtedly, it's bad.
>implying killing even more communist dissidents is bad
It is.
>implying "tyrannizing" which is state propaganda again against communism/jews is bad
It is bad and it happened.
>implying it deserves scorn to try to take out communism as a whole
It does deserve scorn for they tried it with terror and mass murder.
>implying taking back prussian lands and a bit of looting is bad to shore up your economy
Not ethnic German lands, looting is bad.
>implying west europe was terrorized
>implying killing worthless gypsies and parasitic jews is bad
It is bad, and they weren't parasitic and worthless.
Very edgy. You should kill yourself if you seriously believe what you stated, also please tell me in which way you are worth more than some gypsie.
kek reddit is really here
>lol everyone who isn't a stormfag larper is reddit
lol what a faggot
reddit is that way kike
Because the germans fought to the last man. There wasnt anybody left to resist.
All those who care about nazi Germany died in the volkstrum.
It starts with the Night of the Long Knives if you ask me.
On that night, the SS were ordered to commit massacre their former comrades, an act one might describe as "doublethink" According to Nazi ideals, loyalty to the party and to the Aryan race came before everything else. In following this order, they were both committing the cardinal sin of betraying not just fellow Aryans, but fellow party members, while at the same time obeying the sacred order of the Fuhrer.
This act of murderous treachery forever tied their collective fates to that of Adolf Hitler and at the same time removed any moral qualms with stabbing even the most loyal comrade in the back on command. After being baptized in the blood of their brothers, getting the SS to butcher those deemed the Reich's sworn enemies without mercy was easy.
Yes and completely forget what those who died planned to do to the national socialist party.
If you knew anything about history you wouldn't spout your shit over the internet.
It wasn't "doublethink", the ones who died were either complete socialists who wanted to turn the party on its head, or rabble of the SA who were getting increasingly thuggish in their methods and the ordinary citizen was getting weary of them.
It was a very clever decision on Hitler's part.
>Why was there little/no German resistance after their capitulation? What did the allies do in Germany that the Germans didn't do in France?
Because their country was in ruins and everyone who was willing and able to resist was dead or in a POW camp.
>What did the allies do in Germany that the Germans didn't do in France?
They treated the population humanely, at least in the west.
>implying beating up commies is bad
>implying killing socialists is bad
>implying killing even more communist dissidents is bad
Fair enough
>implying "tyrannizing" which is state propaganda again against communism/jews is bad
I'm sorry, I didn't realize Kurt von Schleicher, Fritz Gerlich, and Erich Klausener were Communists or Jewish.
>implying it deserves scorn to try to take out communism as a whole
By conspiring with the Soviet Union to carve up Poland?
>implying taking back prussian lands and a bit of looting is bad to shore up your economy
To seize property that is not legally yours is theft and yes, it is wrong.
>implying west europe was terrorized
>what is Nacht und Nebel, Hunger Winter, Oradour-sur-Glane, Tulle, Putten, Ascq
>who is Arthus Seyess-Iquart
>implying killing worthless gypsies and parasitic jews is bad
People like you are why I am proud to be the great-grandson of a member of SHAEF. We freed Europe from the likes of monsters such as you. Pity we couldn't wipe your tyranny from the face of the Earth sooner.
>People like you are why I am proud to be the great-grandson of a member of SHAEF. We freed Europe from the likes of monsters such as you. Pity we couldn't wipe your tyranny from the face of the Earth sooner.
ye fuck whitey
>Yes and completely forget what those who died planned to do to the national socialist party.
If Rohm was really planning to overthrow Hitler, why was he in a state of utter disbelief right up until he was executed?
>If you knew anything about history you wouldn't spout your shit over the internet.
>this coming from someone on Veeky Forums
>It wasn't "doublethink", the ones who died were either complete socialists who wanted to turn the party on its head
>has a minor philosophical disagreement with the Strasser Brothers over economics
>"lol let's kill 'em"
>rabble of the SA who were getting increasingly thuggish in their methods and the ordinary citizen was getting weary of them.
True, but Hitler was at least partially responsible for that. He had been stroking their violent egos since the first beer hall fights of 1920 and had given them tacit permission to escalate it.
>It was a very clever decision on Hitler's part.
Of course it was. It also started the path to the World Wars and the Final Solution. It was the night anything resembling the rule of law died in Germany and with it, any hope of restraining Hitler through Constitutional channels. The last vestiges of the Weimar Republic, a government that while deeply flawed, at least tried to rule with something resembling fairness and principle, swept away.
>He had been stroking their violent egos since the first beer hall fights of 1920 and had given them tacit permission to escalate it.
Not true
Even Hitler had enough of their nigger ways, not even mentioning that the head of the SA planned to become a major military head of the country, completely disregarding the wehrmacht.
> It was the night anything resembling the rule of law died in Germany
What the actual fuck are you talking about
The weimar republic was the last thing that ever came to an orderly and lawful country.
The whole thing was a fuckup
>a government that while deeply flawed, at least tried to rule with something resembling fairness and principle
Yeah that fairness and principle completely lead to a decadent whore house and a breeding ground to jewish banksters
Hitler again did the right thing
>The whole thing was a fuckup
>Yeah that fairness and principle completely lead to a decadent whore house and a breeding ground to jewish banksters
Anything to back it up or is it just the ussual vague bullshit?
You literally said the vaguest shit ever
I answered accordingly
>What the actual fuck are you talking about
Rights taken for granted in the civilized world, such the right not to be deprived of your life or property without due process. The right to a public and speedy trial when accused of a a crime. The right to hold and express a different opinion than that of the state. All rights that disappeared under the Nazis
I read that the British had stockpiles of weapons hidden in churches and other places so that in the event of the Nazis somehow landing a sizeable force in Britain, the weapons could be passed out to civilians to fight.
They also had some crazy shit in place like flamethrower bunkers so they could burn advancing troops. There was even a plan to dump oil in the channel and literally set the sea on fire to make it harder to navigate and land more troops.
This, also ~500.000 Germans were murdered by the Nazis, so keep that in mind, stormfag
t. German
they weren't any more brutal than the other parties in the war, their crimes are just on the focus of everything about WW2
> All rights that disappeared under the Nazis
source or didn't happen
You are new here, aren't you?
>vaguest shit ever
Nope, the namefag clearly gave specific example how did Hitler nullified rule of law and achieved absolute control over Germany
Hahahhaha I'm busy right now, i'll provide a source in half an hour or so
How is talking about the same topic giving specific example you dumb idiot.
"rule of law" in the weimar republic
thats rich
That would have blown up in the face of you rightists. USSR would intervene on the side of the German communists and create the Eastern Bloc a decade early.
You should stop posting. You literally don't know history. I'm serious, you idiots imagine Weimar as some kind of big whore house without a government or police. It's completely absurd.
Yes, there were some problems but it was a normal country. In fact, it was mostly very conservative. Only Berlin was considered the modern Babylon by right-wing nationalists. But even Berlin itself wasn't that bad.
You should watch a little film called Berlin: Die Sinfonie der Großstadt.
Your knowledge about night of the long knives is also very limited. You know that the SA leaders were not the only victims of the SS? Pretty much all Hitler's enemies were murdered (including conservatives).
there weren't multiple large powers arming and organizing a resistance so there was no resistance.
Without allied arms and supervision the french resistance would have been little more than bandits.
Every man even close to fighting age had been drafted and was either dead wounded or in captivity.
here it is
also again, this
>you know that the SA leaders were not the only victims of the SS? Pretty much all Hitler's enemies were murdered (including conservatives).
Those were people actively trying to undermine his party. It's obvious that asking nicely won't sway them.
That's nonsense. Just look at Polish or Baltic resistance. They were fighting Soviets throughout 1940s and 1950s. In Poland last so called 'cursed soldier' was killed in 1963.
There was nothing like this in East or West Germany.
ah yes they were jews i.e not germans
and retards should be iced so it's all good
>Almost every alt history where the Nazis won the war show massive American resistance forces often times 5-10 years after the fall of the American government.
Do they?
I don't get that feeling from the Man in the High Castle. The "Resistance" there are basically a small group of insurgents.
So now it's okay to murder everyone who disagrees with you? And you are still wrong, some people killed during this purge weren't even politicians anymore. Former 'dictator' of Bavaria Gustav Ritter von Kahr is a good example.
These were Germans. 100,000 Jewish Germans fought in WW1, 12,000 fell for their fatherland.
You do you think you are to speak like that about my countrymen?
Spout your bullshit on /pol/, this board is for serious discussion.
You obviously didn't pay attention
Many jewish officers and soldiers were in the wehrmacht too you dumb fuck.
>So now it's okay to murder everyone who disagrees with you?
They weren't disagreeing, they were trying everything to shut hitler down, its only natural he will fight back. And the ones you mentioned still had contacts to other opposing politicans.
They were not. Only people who hid their identity were in Wehrmacht. There were also roughly 150,000 Mischlinge - people with Jewish and "Aryan" ancestry.
>inb4 le greatest story never told
I could have laughed at you for providing kikepedia too so atleast give me the benefit of looking at it.
and hitlers personal driver? Emil Maurice was openly jewish and he was hitlers driver and ss front man
No. My Grandmas sister was a nurse with the Red Cross and witnessed the livestock wagons as they were sent through Berlin. Listening to liars like that is insulting to the victims and my nation.
He was a retired grandpa.
>its only natural he will fight back
So instead of using arguments to prove them wrong it's better to shot them in the head. Even Stalin has his mock trials. The Nazis murdered the opposition like typical gangsters.
>Papen, encouraged by President Paul von Hindenburg, spoke out publicly about the excesses of the Nazi regime, whose ascent to power, 17 months earlier when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, had been greatly assisted by him. In his speech, Papen called for an end to rule by terror and the clamouring for a "second revolution" by the Sturmabteilung (SA – the NSDAP's storm troopers), and the restoration of some measure of civil liberties. He also stated: "The government [must be] mindful of the old maxim 'only weaklings suffer no criticism'".
For this everyone involved in his Marburg speech was murdered.
No, he was a Mischling.
>Neo-Nazis calling anyone idiots
Now that's "rich"
>specific example
Night of the long knives is a specific example of how rule of law was non-existent in Nazi Germany. Meanwhile you parrot hollow memes about Weimar Germany like a redditor, without providing anything of substance.
>my nation
at this point if a german is seriously defending them the globalists really have done a great job with germany.
You are irredeemable
Tell me what happened to my grandmas cousin emil and his uncle eugen rohrer after they were imprisoned in 1935. Why did noone ever hear of them again after they were sent to grafeneck in 1940?
The Wehrmacht reached a height of 18 million men. 150k is not even 1% of the total military. This is closer to a statistical error. You most definitely cannot say "many" especially since from your own article 60,000 were half jews and 90,000 were quarter jews.
So really your article suggest not a single full jew served in the Wehrmacht at all.
READ your own sources
As to why they were allowed to serve at all? Perhaps they were in valuable positions or had powerful friends or no body actually checked or conversely, no one cared because they were likeable? In anycase, 0 real jews.
>being so brain dead to automatically assume national socialis=neo-nazi
Oh and yes coordinated attack on people only happened in germany. Does that mean "rule of law" is non-existant in the US either?
Meanwhile you parrot hollow memes about Nazi germany like a redditor, without providing anything of substance.
>"Poland wants war with Germany and Germany will not be able to avoid it even if she wants to." (Polish Marshal Rydz-Smigly as reported in the Daily Mail, August 6th, 1939)
Nice, first sentence and it's already a fake quote. I'm sure this is a great article.
>half jew is not jew when they serve in the wehrmach
>half jew is jew when he died in the concentration parks.
MAKE up your mind
ITT: /pol/ gets BTFO once again
...I think they like it...
>being so brain dead to automatically assume national socialis=neo-nazi
Get a tampon and spare us that blood flowing from your neo-nazi arse.
>Does that mean "rule of law" is non-existant in the US either?
Oh yea, that thing when US gov. openly murdered leaders of it's opposition so that Roosevelt can get unquestionable power. Could you please remind me the name of the event? Guess what, you can't, since no such thing happened. US may not have been the perfect state, where nothing bad happens, but it in entirely different league than Nazis and it can be safely stated that the rule of law was indeed active.
>all those maffia groups in the 1930's
"""""""""""""""""rule of law""""""""""""""""""""""""""
It doesn't have to be affiliated with politics although many maffia gangsters were actively bribing politicans you complete waste of time.
>still being brain dead and using "nazi" kike coinword
man fuck off, you constantly talk shit and the only source you can bring up is tgsnt that spouts bullshit like pic related (real death toll was ~25,000, still horrible)
you're full of shit.
great come back
>needing sources for fucking maffia attacks
>being THIS shit for brains
And Hitler did everything in his power to scoop up the remains of a failed shit state. In doing so he brought forth something much more stable.
The first is a claim I made
The second is a claim you said I made but didnt but isnt relevant. Whether 6 million jews, half jews or full germans died, it is equally heinous.
It doesn't have to be affiliated with politics although many maffia gangsters were actively bribing politicans you complete waste of time.
It's "mafia" you moron and organized crime did not ruled the country. Metaphorically speaking, you are complaining about wrongly folded handkerchief, while you shat your fucking pants.
>still being brain dead and using "nazi" kike coinword
>"OMG, stop using correct terminology, I am so triggered and literally shaking"
Seems like you wandered into the wrong place of the internet, not my problem, dear neo-nazi.
Indeed millions of dead white europeans
Well done I say, well done
>much more stable
>dependant on war and loot to fuel the economy
>killing anyone who disagrees slightly, later even civilians who listened to English radio
It's over, Naziboo
>needing sources for fucking maffia attacks
Why do we need sources at all, then?
>And Hitler did everything in his power to scoop up the remains of a failed shit state
Hjalmar Schacht was reponsible for doing his best to keep the economy stable. So, he scooped up a failed state by doing this?
>The Reich's finances, which had recorded a modest surplus in 1932, recorded a deficit of 76 million Reichsmarks in 1933, rising to nearly 9.5 billion in 1938. Acting now in his capacity as President of the Reichsbank, Schacht wrote a personal letter to Hitler on 7 January 1939, signed by all the other directors of the Reichsbank, in which he warned that 'overstretching public expenditure' was rapidly leading to the 'looming danger of inflation.' 'The limitless expansion of state expenditure', they told Hitler, 'is destroying every attempt to put the budget in order. Despite an enormous tightening of the screw of taxation, it is bringing the finances of the state to the edge of ruin and from this position it is wrecking the bank of issue and its currency.' Hitler's response was to sack [Schacht] along with the entire board of directors a few days later, on 20 January 1939. He no longer fitted into the general National Socialist scheme of things, Hitler told Schacht.
>By the time of the Four-Year Plan, the date had been moved forward to 1940. Germany's economic problems, as Hitler had always said, could only be definitively solved by war.
Let's pivot the discussion to something interesting like nazi finances.
The economic miracle is something widely acknowledged in the 1920s when the nazis came to power but I hear that this was basically Keynesian economics in overdrive? Massive borrowing and public expenditure to boost the economy.
Would the economy have eventually collapsed at some future point were it not for the war?
Well, according to "The Wages of Destruction", Germany's exports dropped by 10% between 1933 and 1936. IIRC Germany's economy "boomed" because it started massive industrialization for war, rather than producing and selling goods.
>>dependant on war and loot to fuel the economy
it wouldn't have been forever
It just needed the necessary lands to be self sufficent
>the necessary lands
Something like this?
west europe wasn't considered necessary at all and was only invaded at the behest of the british:)