I'm curious as to what Veeky Forums thinks of Lee Kuan Yew and his legacy. Figured more would be said than on /pol/...

I'm curious as to what Veeky Forums thinks of Lee Kuan Yew and his legacy. Figured more would be said than on /pol/, if there are any Singaporeans around that could weigh in it would be appreciated.

A friend of mine are contemplating starting a political group at university, and he did some school in Singapore and has been informing me of the greatness of Yew and the Singaporean system compared to our native Canada, and thinks the PAP model fits our ideas. He does seem pretty based the more I hear, but I haven't read his books or been to Singapore, so I just want to hear some thoughts

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Literally turned a swampy island full of exiled Chinese into an offshore financial capital of all SEAsia. Pretty fucking based desu

My impression is the general outline of his governance, it seemed to have benefited that nation in the past as it struggled with the effects of the war and post colonialism, he seemed to dominate the country, and his family are involved in its affairs much like a royal line it would seem. The state he created has many inflexible laws that I would not wish to live under.

>if there are any Singaporeans around that could weigh in it would be appreciated
Some people like him, some don't. Those that don't give reasons like "he is a power hungry maniac that jails his opponents" or "he is corrupt" and the more popular "nepotism". These same people can't speak English so it really activates your noggin.
I think he was based and his policies were amazing. He was our best and only choice for a leader in times of autism

soft-authoritarianism with a patina of democratic representation that maintains their unchallenged one-party control as long as they fulfill their mandate to the people for stable economic growth that really can't be replicated elsewhere because it owes most of its success to their unique geographical position

>unchallenged one-party control
They are challenes though, not by anyone competent sadly.

good at realpolitik and 4 D chess to prevent themselves from absorbed into Malaysia
authoritarian and borderline despotic in some aspect but he whipped Singapore into a 1st class cuntry
letting in Mainland Chinese will be something he regret though

this, fucking cunts stealing jobs sial

there are naturally too many of them, just so so many of them

Multiculturalism requires a police state and he was ready for it.

No, it needs only several decades of brainwashing to remove instinctive racism.

>has been informing me of the greatness of Yew and the Singaporean system compared to our native Canada, and thinks the PAP model fits our ideas.
Well yeah, I mean you're already a Anglo-Chinese crypto-colony at this point so you may as well call yourselves New Singapore.

>"he is a power hungry maniac that jails his opponents"
>"he is corrupt"
All true, and your best answer is apparently "well his critics are all dirty plebs who can't speak proper English"

>"well his critics are all dirty plebs who can't speak proper English"
Which is also true. Why does it matter if he seems corrupt or whatever? Don't fix what isn't broken. He did well and we should let PAP continue as they have. The plebs can't see this because they aren't educated enough to see past the supposed flaws.

He is "muh confucianism" in action

>has many inflexible laws that I would not wish to live under.
What laws?

i need my chewing gum

Unironically one of the best statesmen of the modern era.

People who praise Lee Kuan Jew, at least Westerners, are mostly right-wingers, anti-progressives, libertarians or racists.

Those who hate on him, are Muslims and Muslim-lovers, or limpwristed liberal communists and homosexuals

Which is funny because racism is a literal crime in Singapore.

White supremacists, especially on /pol/, love him because of his anti-Muslim views, and because they have yellow fever.

Liberal fascism in the Singaporean style is probably our future. Technocrats and the ruling class are going to team up to protect their interests from ours.

Article about this here--


>He is "muh confucianism" in action

Could you elaborate on that?

>can't be replicated else where
>south korea

>B-but they don't count