Why do people blame her for the Falklands War when it was the Argentines who invaded?

Why do people blame her for the Falklands War when it was the Argentines who invaded?

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Why do you love to suck dick?

If a retarded child slaps you and you punch him in the face, whose fault is it? His or yours?

Being retarded doesn't magically absolve you of all responsibility. In fact, it makes you more at fault.

Slapping Argentina in the face would have mean bombing the mainland, which the British didn't do.

Seriously, it's hard to find her at fault during the whole situation. The Argentines invaded sovereign British territory, she expelled them through the use of discretionary military force.

But user, look at a map! Las Malvinas (AKA The Falklands) are much closer to Argentina than to the UK! Here, let this educational video explain it for you:


Christ, I thought our children's cartoons about Britain were bad.



You must be retarded yourself for a retard hitting you.

So do the math