The dust has settled

Don't miss out. Thanks to all the drama you can get in low with plenty of news coming out in the next week. Easiest gains of your life.

Other urls found in this thread:

t. Rajesh Pajeet and his fellow french canuck Adam "ask for some change, your face gets rearranged" Guerbuez

T. Croweticimgoingtoprisonforbeingafaggot

pls work harder to shill your heavy bags

This will be hitting 5k next week, whales accumulating. Will likely be the last time for this coin.

Can't believe faggots sold this gem... easiest 200% ever

You should have sold at 4k+ during the last pump. I recently rebought at ~900 and roughly quadrupled my holdings.

>t. adam "all my views and likes are totally legit I swear" guerbuez

>Been checking the last few days
>Always red
>Just looked now
>Up 23%

Maybe I don't have to kill myself. Looks like all the panic sellers have cleared the market.

Thank fuck Crowetic is booted and we can start going up again.

crapetic, crapathetic screwed us all

The news was just about to come out next week every week of this month. I got out 100% over 3k, pure profit from mining. enjoy your bags.

he just dropped a 300k sell wall lmao.

whats this coin doing? i mean you can mine it and sell for other coin but do they even have a product or something?

please fuck off with this shitcoin, devs are a bunch of school girls throwing bitch fits if anyone questions anything. Plus the doctor killed burst so did that fat nazi adam who is long due for a heart attack

>thinks crowetic did anything wrong
>ignores the doctor (lead dev) killed burst

Hi Crowe!

where do you buy sigggggie

also the osx wallet does not work, its completely fucked

I already made 300% during the crash

u can mine it purdy fast rn

Its anonymous, no premine,has a great cummunity, a good Marketplace. Devs are not pajeets and people here are always shilling it!

SIGT and I broke up, and we are like, never getting back together.

Don't be an idiot: don't buy Signatum.


yeah its beta devs are working on it

Devs are literally fucking pajeets

If you listen the the main dev doctors interview with the fat neonazi that is now their community moderator he has the thickest pajeet accent I've ever heard.

Veeky Forums has seen through this coin. You can stop shilling it now. Saged

hey....the doctor was a leading dev of burst ? so...he and crapetic worked together ? if so how im i goibg to believe in any other newcoin???

When the fud is that strong you know what to do

>calls the truth fud

Veeky Forums home of the broke boys

The price isn't going to go down more m8 ;)

There are people who are actually delusional enough to still be holding this coin after the SIGT lead dev did this interview:

He's sounds kinda based tbqf w/ you. Not sure how I feel about the whole Burst DDOS though LOL

He sounded like a fucking retard

He sounds like a Pajeet, not a retard.
>not being on board with Pajeet scammers
They are going to keep working on this shitcoin until it pumps at least one more time, that's all I know.

The Dev literally claims to have a PhD in "Cyber Warfare" Look I am done trying to save the new people if you fall for this scam get OUT OF CRYPTO BEFORE YOU LOST A LOT MONEY

Most people STILL in SIGT have probably already made money on it at this point, or they will at least break even soon if they bought late. Anybody that was too weak-stomached to deal with the drama definitely sold already though.

If the coin is so bad then why is it going up steadily since 3 days?

thank god i know

The drama scared a lot of people out, which is fine by me. Still all in on this one. Not worried, never was. We're at 42k blocks, halves at 60k... halves again at 90k... then PoW after 100k blocks and there will be no more coins generated. If you can't read between the lines or you're that short-sighted, I can't help you.

in the next halvening the price should stay steadily at least at 0.10c


It's been listed on the somewhat better NovaExchange.

I'm never going back to that gaping busted cunt of a site ever again.

Why would it do that? Dumped last time. A non-zero amount of miners will always dump at a halving.

Holy fucking shit the Dev is ACTUALLY a pajeet

whats wrong with cryptopia?

The fact that the dev is Indian does not magically make the coin bad. There are plenty of white people making absolute shit, whereas Signatum is actually a decent coin. The price only dropped because Jason Crowe intentionally FUDed the coin hard to try and make the price crater.

As more features get rolled out and more exchanges get added, the coin is going to go up.

Not indian, Omani living in Europe

ok I give up fuck that coin

I actually like the UI, the dark theme. What I don't like is it gets laggy on my shitty i5 that I have at work when the volume picks up and it also has no stop limit orders, which is crazy when you're dealing with volatile shitcoins.

his accent totally sounds like a fucking pajeet to me

the fact the dev is anonymous and took down burstcoin with a ddos makes it bad, that and adam guerbuez is working with them

literally burst 2.0

wait a sec r u tryin to get my siggies

Stay mad no siggies.

This 2bh

laggy as fuck even when traffic is slow. If it's high, you're fucked. Do not try to speed trade on that open sore of a site.

Adam made one youtube video, that's it, don't spread missinfo

shut up you fat spic

Stay poor faggots

we moon now?

Faggots cling to an old pajeet argument and we are flying high

- Shitty stock image for logo
- Some non existent bullshit skunk algo
- Whitepaper made by copy and pasting from other shit coins

Found the nosigger.

getting listed on pajeetDelta next week for sure boys

there are people here who sold @ 600 lol.

Bought in at 1200, now at 1815 sats. WEW! I'm riding this back up to 4800

I just bought 100k at 1250 sats, you faggots better get in while we're at 1800 sats, this is preparing to run back to 4800+

Not Crowe, I'm just not blind to reality like so many in this thread and on Veeky Forums

True, but it may not go up much at all. Surly not $1

I bought at the dump and I sold this for 150% gains today. Pretty good day my dude.

Crowe! How's it goin!