How will poltards ever recover?
DNA proof Egyptians were "black"
The Nubians, who were sub-saharan Africans, conquered Egypt and ruled it for about 300 years. They weren't Egyptians, just foreign conquerors, but nevertheless black people did rule Egypt. Just like Romans, Greeks, and Turks ruled it for centuries at a time later on. That doesn't make any of those groups Egyptian, it makes them invaders.
>When DNA says they're near eastern and European(with zero corroborating archeological) "They're Egyptians"
>When DNA says they're african(which happens to have a ton of corroborating archeology) "They're invader"
I'm not saying the native Egyptians were Europeans, either. I'm saying that Egypt has been conquered and ruled by many ethnic groups that aren't actually Egyptians themselves. The Nubians were one of those groups.
>attack the source
>only the sources that say what I want count.
The distinction between Egyptian and Nubians is an artificial relic of applying racialized "science" to Egyptians, it is artificial. They come from the same place, and are no less Egyptian than Sicilians are Italian.
bullshit, the post
>The distinction between Egyptian and Nubians is an artificial relic of applying racialized "science" to Egyptians, it is artificial.
No it isn't.
>They come from the same place
No they don't. The Nubians came from south of Egypt, in modern day Sudan. They were a distinct entity, known as the Kingdom of Kush, and often traded and fought with the Egyptians, and they were significantly darker-skinned than most Egyptians just like the people of Sudan are significantly darker-skinned than most Egyptians today.
Notice how half of the "Nubians" are the same color as the Egyptian. Sicilians are darker than and lombards, does that make them any less Italian?
There is a ton of evidence that Egyptian people and culture at large originated in the south, spread northward, and then were invaded from the north.
Sudanese and ethnic Egyptians are virtually indistinguishable. You're referring to the Greeks, Turks, and Arabs, of Egypt that larp as Egyptians.
>Sudanese and ethnic Egyptians are virtually indistinguishable
Sudanese are pitch black. Egyptians are not.
South Sudanese are pitch black.
Notice how they have different facial profiles? Even the brown skinned 'nubians' in that picture are prognathic.
Now you're just making shit up.
That's actually a fine woman. I would
No there isn't
The Arab invasion hypothesis has been debunked over and over and over again and you won't let it go, either on this or the other thread
>Ugandan website says Egyptians are descended from Ugandans
come on son
Do you have any archeological evidence?
Spare me your one go to DNA study.
>.ug domain
>turns out it's Uganda
Opinion discarded.
>Sudanese and ethnic Egyptians are virtually indistinguishable.
Well, here's another one for the list
>archaeological studies prove it
>historic accounts proves it
>ancient art proves it
>DNA tracing proves it
But remember, black people WE WUZ the ignorant ones. Not the redpilled smart people that have genetic knowledge from 1940
Either link the study directly or fuck off, spook. Nobody wants to read that retarded afrocentric monkey shit.
Those guys still, after photos, accounts, testimonials and letters denying Holocaust
What makes you think one (obvious) study will change their retarded mind?
Pic related, fayum mummy portrait from ancient Rome
Isn't that Ramses II? It's been confirmed from remains that he had red hair and fair skin (likely Libyan descent). That's evidence that the art isn't necessarily reflective of the reality in terms of color.
>Aristocratic class in Egypt during Roman rule
>ancient Egyptians
Pic related is Libyans.
Explain to me concisely an thoroughly how three thousand soldiers can utterly transform the genes of an indigenous population of six million people?
Also you never answered what you thought the "sea peoples" looked like you dishonest cuck
Still black.
>There's no such thing as black ancient egyptian ruler, they usually were nothing but foreign slaves
>Shows otherwise
>There's no such thing as black ancient egyptian commoners, they usually were a little aristocracy foreigner club
>Shows otherwise
>Maybe that means the indigenous population was....gasp....african.
>Africans being indigenous to Africa what a revelation.
The sea people could have been anybody, what do they have to do with anything?
Why would 'Africans' be indigenous to a part of "Africa" that is actually an extension of the Middle East?
Then why don't modern Egyptians looks black?
Arab migration was actually pretty low, it was mostly already Semitic people (which is what the Egyptians were) quickly Arabizing under Muslim rule.
Arab migration is a meme. Arabian peninsula had a very low population (no shit, it's all desert) and couldn't possibly dump the millions of people throughout the Mideast and North Africa required to alter the locals genetic makeup.
Modern Syrians are mostly descended from the Aramaic and Assyrian people, Iraqis the 'Babylonians' and, yes, Egypt the Ancient Egyptians.
You'll notice Copts and Muslim Egyptians are pretty much identical.
>Be the biggest farming nation for generations
>Have vast trade networks and access to near every gene pool outside of The Americas
If they didn't find drops of every race from The Horn to Rome I'd shit myself with surprise.
You can find drops of Native American blood in England. What does that really mean? Nothing.
You have to look really hard to find any evidence of these drops in an enormous ocean of DNA.
Well it means that a bunch of idiots can start throwing We Wuz accusations around with their minimal amount of evidence.
Holy shit. So when the WE WUZZERS use this argument against proof that Egyptians were black we make fun of them but then you go around and use it to prove your point.
real arabs stop somewhere in iraq
why is it this same nigger that posts the same pictures and same debunked "studies" all the while ignoring the mountains of proof that disproves his nigger theory?
The thing is DNA tracing doesn't prove it. DNA tracing, art and archaeological studies prove you are wrong.
Sadly it's about IQ. I know some really smart Black people who have pondered the evidence and realized Egypt wasn't black.
But he literally posts the same thing everyday, gets debunked then posts the same shit the next day. I thought Veeky Forums didn't tolerate this kind of nonsense?
I found a site that has lots of good info that proves blacks were a lot of things.
Tell a person from Rome you're the same as a sicilian" and you will get laughed out
He doesn't listen he thinks all whites are all conspirators or some shit and members of /pol/ think
>shows dna proof
>cant be true because I'm retarded
>I mean, it's just DNA, not big deal!
Unless, of course, you are going for the SSA loophole.
>Just DNA
Wow so you're going full retard on us?
>dismissing Ugandan scientific research just because they're a poor country
What? No. I'm skeptical of Ugandans claiming they were kangz n sheit though, I've never heard anything favourable about Ugandan academia anyway.
>All those threads about ancient Egyptians
We settled down this thousand of times, but here It goes again
Q : Black people lived in ancient Egypt?
Short Answer : Yes.
Long Answer : Depends in what you call "black". As many should know, Egypt Empire, besides high and lows, lasted a high portion of time, having all kinds of culture and race interference. At the end of the day, black people (skin color) had it's place as commoners, slaves and aristocracy, varying only by time period.
But they are not SSA : The sub-saharan theory implies black people evolved from a different species, creating the Negroid race only at Sub-saharan countries. That thesis not only got debunked, but inverted, countless times. Mostly likely Homo Sapiens Sapiens came from Africa, while multiple black mutations can be traced out of the SSA scope.
WE WUZ : So you hate ignorant arguments? Good. Now stop using strawman as a valid one.
But Cleopatra : Mostly likely she was not black in color, considering all descriptions of hers and her famous exotic "Greek beauty". Is important to address that Cleopatra was part of (at the time) unusual race mixing, so cheering for Cleopatra being a pure-white-something is just as incorrect. Elizabeth Taylor she was not.
But the Pharaoh : Black Pharaohs certainly existed. The common sense usually use Ramses II as example, but there was a lot more than that. Race mixing in Ancient Egypt was not unlikely, even alongside royalties. The Ancient Egyptian had a whole particular notion of what being a true Egyptian means, and skin tones was not in the top of priorities.
Overall : Race identity is always changing it's notions. Nowadays we use genetic tracing, but over the time we used all sort of systems ; skin color, religion, eye color, size of nose, family name and so on. All those systems (including the genetic one) are social constructs and can be stretched to ridiculous levels.
Your post is horseshit, anthropological and dna studies prove that egyptians were basically related to the neolithic farmers of the middle east. They weren't fully black; they weren't partially black either. They were middle easterners.
I said YOUR DNA tracing is wrong. DNA tracing does prove that the ancient Egyptians were NOT SSA.
>But they are not SSA : The sub-saharan theory implies black people evolved from a different species, creating the Negroid race only at Sub-saharan countries. That thesis not only got debunked, but inverted, countless times. Mostly likely Homo Sapiens Sapiens came from Africa, while multiple black mutations can be traced out of the SSA scope.
False the Sub Saharan thing has not been debunked not at all in fact the DNA studies of mummies show that there was very little exposure to sub Saharan Africa compared to the middle-east.
In short the only negros in ancient egypt were from conquered Nubia and as we all know the Nubian were not what is considered "ancient egypt".
Their research isn't scientific.
Totally false. There was no "Sudan" the people living in sudan today are split along the old racial lines of Nubian and Egyptian.
why the hell do you idiots keep posting obscure paintings as some kind of argument.
You have no information on what those painting were depicting and in this case it debunked your entire argument as you can see that the Nubian have very dark skin.
I explained it the conclusion. The TRUE black/white people is a stretch, my whole post talks about skin tone
>Overall : Race identity is always changing it's notions. Nowadays we use genetic tracing, but over the time we used all sort of systems ; skin color, religion, eye color, size of nose, family name and so on. All those systems (including the genetic one) are social constructs and can be stretched to ridiculous levels.
You re still using the (false) assumption that black people came only from SSA, and the only ones who can be considered black
I would upvote you so hard if this was Reddit.
>ad hominem
heh, 2/10
> .ug
Every fucking time. Into the trash etc.
>only my sources are right
>specially the really old ones
This is like when /pol/ justifies claims by linking to or some shit lmao
pretty sure the Y DNA was reanalyzed with a more up to date Y-DNA haplogroup predictor and was assigned to the Eurasian E1b branch more common in modern Egypt
those are some cool tattoos desu
>SSA crackpot
>everyone you quoted just dismissed that theory on race as old and busted
Unless you have a better proof that in fact, black people came only from SSA, it's a invalid defense
SSA hasn't been invalidated.
does anyone give a shit what race they were??
Seems pretty legit
I'm black and I don't care about Egyptian's race.
They were Egyptian, that's all.
The concept of race in society is scientifically incorrect, I call myself black because people consider me as black, but with underlying genetics, with cluster, we can have thousands of race
I just said that I'd bang the woman in OP's pic. Idgaf about le racewar
Not at all. Besides the damage control, people in the thread seems be more interested in knowing how they looked like, which is a entirely different question. In fact that's why many of those researches are made, to begin with. But the funny part is that every time a important historical group gets depicted as non-white in features and color, people just go crazy, acting like there's a conspiracy going on. That's when the political stuff enters. Why is so terrible to imagine Egyptians as black in color? Well, that way the racist 101 theory about the irrelevance of black people goes down the drain, since there's a common knowledge in how impressive the pyramids were. In our education many important black countries, empires and culture got mysteriously ignored, again being conniving with the racial superiority theory. So every time some obvious things get addressed, like the skin color of Egyptians, the Zulu empire or how Greek gods and myths had African origins, those people enter in panic, screaming damage control in WE WUZ fashion.
In that regard I'm always accepting depictions of ancient cultures as people of color. It's not only more accurate, but also kicks out old (and persistent) racist claims out of common sense.
I know, I'm waiting for Shakkas new album and he just keeps pissfarting around on here
> Sudanese and ethnic Egyptians are virtually indistinguishable
Why don't you post it on /pol/, then?
*pulls sagging pants up for the fifth time*
*lights a blunt*
*pours one out for treyvonte johnson*
*yells at movie theater screen*
that's nice but here's an actual paper published in an actual peer reviewed journal which says that based on 151 ancient egyptian mummies, ancient egyptians had less subsaharan african admixture than egyptians today do.
so no, egyptians never looked negroid. they were always predominantly a west eurasian people
I swear every fucking week we get a new study posted here saying Egyptians were black or Egyptians were white.
>can trust a place called eurogenes
>cant trust a place that is based in Africa.
Make up your mind Veeky Forums
Both are stupid.
Are you serious?
>based on 151 ancient egyptian mummies
> we successfully obtained complete human mitochondrial genomes from 90 samples and genome-wide SNP data from three male individuals passing quality control.
It's only from three male individuals.
We all know there is no way those 3 male individuals could of been outsiders or the exception.
It's possible but unlikely that this whole site was full of foreigners. It should be added that these three individuals came from different time periods.
>as we all know the Nubian were not what is considered "ancient egypt".
It's autism. A permanent ban by filter might be in order desu.
They don't. Many people living in Egypt today, particularly lower Egypt are not ethnic Egyptians. The same way that most people living in America are Europeans and not ethnic Americans.
Black and Arab have a lot of ethnic overlap.
Pic related is a Saudi general.
Those are south Sudanese. The pitch black people Ancient Egyptians used to depict.
The time periods are irrelevant. It was potentially an ethnically exclusive grave spanning generations. Like how in America there are Jewish cemeteries.
Because /pol/ is a white safe space from which I am banned.
why do faggots always fall for this bait
>> we successfully obtained complete human mitochondrial genomes from 90 samples and genome-wide SNP data from three male individuals passing quality control.
>It's only from three male individuals.
That's wrong you dipshit.
It's saying that they were able to test the mitochondrial dna of 90 of the ancient mummies and do genome-wide tests on 3 of the mummies.
It literally says it right there in the same fucking sentence you quoted. are you really so ideologically compromised and butthurt that you're unable to read?