How did France not snowball and curbstomp all those tiny states every time they had the chance?

How did France not snowball and curbstomp all those tiny states every time they had the chance?

Just look at the size of that massive country. And you know it's not even 1/3rd of it and it's all prime fertile, densely populated lands.

They should have been able to field 10 times what Prussia could field easily.

Other urls found in this thread:

Germans are united in their hatred of the French, it's the one thing they all agreed on

Perfidious Albion.

>I hate krauts who disagree with me but I hate other countries even more
t. Otto von Bismark.

jesus what a clusterfuck

They didn't think like Total War players.

And if they suddenly started conquering German areas without any justification, the German Princes would not be amused and would support the Holy Roman Emperor. And an united Holy Roman Empire was a much scarier entity than France.

Look it up. If there was a war in Europe at the times you're talking about, it was fought partly in Germany.

They were immune to invasion before the Prussians and Habsburgs centralized them.

>And an united Holy Roman Empire was a much scarier entity than France.
total demography of the empire is less than France. And overall the land yields less per square meter.

They did
But then they invaded Russia and lost, which cancelled all their previous conquests...

Couldn't they have been harsher during the Treaty of Westphalia?

Should have just waited 5 years, rebuilt a massive fleet and invaded England first instead.

Napoopleon was a gigantic retard.

Yea if only he was as smart as you

It feared the Germanic warrior.

History isn't an eu4 game. They had no reason to take them out.

The HRE was a lot stronger than most give it credit for, mostly because in the case of war declared by an outside power, the Emperor generally had no problem getting the various duchies and princedoms to contribute to the war as they all had incentive to defend the emperor and their privileges given by the HRE.

A Holy Roman Empire was quite a fearsome force once said contributions made it to the field, with Austria and the princedoms fighting off the Ottoman Empire at the height of their power under Suleiman.

It wasn't until the Reformation erupted into the 30 years war did the HRE become too divided among itself to effectively project power, but this was parallel with the rise of Brandenburg-Prussia and the strengthening of the Austrian Empire. With the Prussians taking advantage of the divided empire to attempt uniting Germany, and ironically, France's dissolution of the HRE after Austerlitz only German unification more achievable without the Imperial system keeping them in check, later leaving the Prussian/German steamrolling of France a few decades later.

exactly. Too bad he wasn't. retard.

Which is why half of them kept going at war with the emperor and not listening to him nor pay him any taxes.

Well yeah but a total war between them would be disastrous for both.



>having a good old war with your bros every now and again is a bad thing

Get a load of this guy.

HRE was big.
France was strong.

So no, I don't think it was 'scarier'

The what?

>They didn't think like Total War players.
Someone couldn't handle the banter.

But they did that. Look at the 30 years war, it's France bullying the Habsburgs without even declaring war for most of the time.

what are you talking about? The peace of Westphalia was more or less a status quo ante bellum, who would have enforced what on whom? No block was powerful enough to win the upper hand

Same thing tbqh