Im not trying to get rich, i dont give a shit about exotic lavish lifestyles

im not trying to get rich, i dont give a shit about exotic lavish lifestyles.

i just want to get to the point where i never have to work a day in my life for somebody else, i want everythign in my life to be a choice.

this is just a good luck and have a safe trip message for anyone else out there who is not going for lambo land and has experienced the same miserable wagecuck poverty as me

What are you holding, OP?

same as you OP

we're all gonna make it

Unfortunately that's not how our brains work. When the gains start flowing in you'll want more and more.

Build a business doing something you love, you will be happy and rich.

You're a 0 in society, and will continue to be until you create value. If you ever do create value you will find that more appealing than just drawing breath on this earth just for the sake of it.

BTC,ETH+ the free BCC

have some more i move around the shitcoins trying to catch moon missions though the study and info mining has slowed down of late as ive been spending more time online tryign to find new ways to make money out of crypto that have lead nowhere.

I know what you mean. I used to think people on game shows were dumb for not taking the money they won instead of trying to win more at risk of losing what they already won. Though still dumb, I'm starting to understand why people do it now. It's addicting.


Yeah same op, i just want financial independence. I dont really want a lambo or a big car. I just want to escape the misery of endless shigt work, depending on other, often incompetent parties to support my continued existence.

i am not above this, its called winners tilt, sadly all too common.

when you dont consider the profit as part of any natural variance and think its free, it becomes very easy to gamble with.

Good investments.

Stay away from the shitcoins shilled on Veeky Forums and you'll do alright.

ive actually done OK out of some of the shillcoins.

i feel like im pretty competent at TA and juding value, have a background in sales, its not an especially rare skill but i can tell the difference between a good sales bitch and a shit tier one very quickly. some of the memecoins on here are worth riding the waves on, you never expect them to go anywhere long term of course.

being in the right discords, telegrams etc also helps weed out the nogainers

Yep, wealth is a strange thing. First it gave me just confidence, now that I'm starting to get more and more money I unconsciously start acting more like an arrogant asshole to people. It doesn't help that I'm doing pretty wel in med school also. I often feel like people are slowing me down, so I get mad at them. Sometimes I need to tell myself that I need to chill the fuck out.

>"Th-they just don't get it, Marshall, you know? They get so upset when someone they consider an idiot gets rich, and-and they just keep saying to themselves 'Why isn't it me? Why isn't it me?' And they just don't...just don't get it."
>"Adam, I don't-"
>"No, l-l-let me finish, I've kept this to myself for too long and I need to get it out before I f-fucking lose my marbles. So they keep s-saying how it's unfair that they're not rich or whatever, but they don't get that it's not that the dumb people are lucky or gifted or anything, it's just they're not scared to lose. The guys who stay stuck in their shitty nine to fives are too scared to take a risk or go into something headfirst because they don't want to lose their money, they think they'll die if they give up anything that's not a sure bet."
>"There's no such thing as a sure bet, though."
>"Exactly! They won't start a business because that business could fail, they don't demand more money from their bosses because they might get put on a shit list and get fired, they won't even buy a lottery ticket because they're afraid of looking like some idiot hick with dreams of getting rich quick. I just want to shake these people and tell them to stop being so god damn scared, I want them to know that they'll stay stuck in the mud until they die if they play it safe all their lives. I just...I wish they understood what I do now, is all."

I feel the same way. I just want a small house with some property to farm on.


just eat some shrooms and tabs and youre fine

whats the message here? go chuck all your energy, accumulated measly wealth and hopes at one project and if it fails kys?

you know for every massive business success theres an army of unseen failures who risked it all, people who were dreamers and dived into something without fully knowing the risks

there has to be middle ground

Yes, and what happened to those failedvdreamers? Did losing a boatload of their money cause them to contract money cancer and die? No, they picked themselves up and either tried again or shrugged and said "at least I tried".

There is a middle ground, yes. But too many people use that as an excuse to just give up, to say "Well I did the middle ground thing, I did my research and it seems like it's too much for me, so I'm going to abandon the idea altogether". Many people are people of extremes, and when push comes to shove they'll stick to the safe, shallow water where no success can be found, rather than risk the dangers of the deep end.

The message is to stop worrying about failures that haven't happened yet which stop you from trying things that may lead you to a better life.

>I can't start a business because it may fail
Wasn't this literally in the quote?

If you do nothing, your chances of success in business are ZERO.

>i just want to get to the point where i never have to work a day in my life for somebody else, i want everythign in my life to be a choice.
That's called being rich.

Found the poorfag

>TLDR i lived in a tent for a month, never again!

alright some real talk story time.

dont laugh at me as i was very young and this turned out to be probably the most traumatic thing ill experience in my life but when i was younger (6 years ago) i went 'all in' on a dream that backfired totally.

i was earning a low wage, renting an apartment with a friend and miserable at 20 years old having dropped out of college. my get rich quick plan was to go live in a tent and pan for gold, earn enough to move to the cost and set myself up as a fisherman tour guide, i would take people out on a boat all day in the sun and then fry up the days catch at sunset, it was going to be wonderful.

or being on welfare.

the res tof my story is goneĀ¬

alright i cant be bothered writing out my life story again but the point is i was dumb, tried some scheme that was always doomed to fail after getitng a lot of poor information and ended up sleeping rough by an old abandoned mine in the hills 100 miles away and eventually on the streets of a new city, surrounded by crackheads and gangsters... DREAMING of the wagecuckl life again, 70% rent, shitty food, poor health, low happiness etc

anyway that was all a few years ago and since then ive had a few other business schemes fail on me due to other people backing out, money falling through or ideas just being shit but its also why youll never hear me advocate going all in on any old shit dream and why i always question people posting these meme motivational pictures. i was fucking retarded and did it without having a clue what the risks were, i still havent recovered any real relationships with old friends and some family years later after going a full year awol, nevermind the fact that at the time i ended up spending 2/3 weeks in the wilderness alone (not as tranquil as you might think when theres no end date) and risking my life in slums by just being there.

having a dream doesnt mean fucking anything without some experience and people throwing everything at it is retarded, there are real consequewnces to failure assuming you dont want to go to jail or die.

Hold knpd

As a thirdworlder, my goal is 80k. That's a regular house in the capital or a nice one in the boons. Heck, even 30k would be enough for the down payment. That's pretty much everything I need in life.

>people not realizing most successful people in biz are risk averse
>bill gates was a trust fund baby, was going to be rich even if he had failed

>i was fucking retarded and did it without having a clue what the risks were
user, when people worry about the risks of starting a business they're usually concerned about not finding clientele or running out of money before they can actually get their product shipped, not fucking bear attacks and getting shot on the street.

But look at you now, you obviously survived and you're here posting with us. You are the proof that it's possible to survive even a cataclysmic failure, and even if it left a sour taste in your mouth at least you tried (and I'm trying very hard not to be judgemental, but your business plan began with being a fucking prospector?)

Deal or no deal was a funny show because anyone how knows how to do simple expected value calculations would realize that after a certain point the deal the bank offered was honestly better than the chance of winning big from the suitcases.

Yfw you realize you won't find the motivation to succeed. You will grind until you get lucky or are forced to work harder just to get by. If you're ever successful later in life, you'll tell people you had the motivation to persevere. If not you'll be a charity case until then.
>your enemies wonder why you haven't killed yourself yet lel

This, just want to be debt free before i'm 50

really good comparison.
its important to get to the stage where you realize it hurts more to see something go to -20% rather than watching it go +100% after you got out with a profit.

hard to control greed though and even i do it still after nearly 2 years of crypto.

any tips on other ways then crypto?

just a mill would do,

buy a couple of appartments, houses and get 5000 euro a month renting them out that should make me independent but not rich you know, so i can travel but don't start the lavish lifestyle

yes a prospector!

gold had ooned recently and i had what i thought was an edge over the market, i had some good info about land that had never been worked for gold because it was previously considered unprofitable. geologically it seemed to have all the hallmarks of an easy few ounces of gold.

consider at this point in my life, i had never slept in a tent more than 1 night, never panned for gold, never attmepted to live off biscuits and tinned food and the fisherman goal was even more insane as i had never even been on a boat before, much less actual fishing or hosting fishing parties lol.

theres a lot of dumb motivational shit posted here and elsehwere, reddit especially is hilarious. sadly to make it in life you need more than motivation and dreams, i had both and the condidence to risk EVERYTHING for it but all i ended up doing was being the only white boy in the homeless shelter.

the conclusion ive come to is we are either approaching or currently in the peak speculation phase of the first crypto bubble.

the tech will change the world, BTC will be a real currency, blockchains here to stay etc etc... im in this the same as everyone
but all these ICO's and shitcoins being worth hundreds of millions when NOBODY is using them is pure FOMO, its specualtion and we've seen it all before during the dot com bubble. even the likes of did more for the world than NEM shitcoin does and NEM is worth 3billion almost lol.

on a deeper level, the demand for decentralisation and a new currency is the product of a society that knows too much but has no escape from what we all consider wage/poverty slavery, thats not going to change regardless of cryptos future as a money making scheme. its that dis satisfaction that needs to be tapped into if you want to make money long term beyond the shitcoins

i have a few ideas myself, easiest is probably to not even try to inovate and just ride the ICO waves, just start 10 a month, sure one will hit.