What the fuck?

These are the fearsome rivals of the Romans?


Pick up a book.
Carthage produced more wheat, this wheat was cheaper and flooded the Roman market. Rome went to war for protectionist needs.

This is the only niece piece of Punic architecture I found, from Nora in Sardinia.

Does anybody have anything else?

>flooded the roman market

Italia hadn't been able to support the local population for centuries. Food isn't a luxury good.

CArthaginiboos btfo!

You see. The rich landowners didn't care about the local population. They wanted money. Overall, everyone benefits from free trade. But those who cannot compete with foreign goods would have you believe otherwise.

>Burn down the city,
>Complain they didn't have any architecture.

Yeah it's not like there were dozens of other punic and phoenician cities, right?

what's a punic?

sorry, I don't think that culture exists

yeah looks like trash doesn't it?

Then show us a picture of a building NOT destroyed by the Romans. You can do that can you?

The Pantheon was constructed LONG after Carthage had already been annihilated.

What is that contraption?

a dock


>makes desert
>calls it peace


The Panetheon was constructed in 118 - 128 AD and Carthage was destroyed in 146 BC. So Rome and Carthage weren't even rivals at that point. Carthage had been out of the game for over 200 years. Not gonna lie, modern society would be much better off if Carthage had won.

>Not gonna lie, modern society would be much better off if Carthage had won.
It would be utterly unrecognisable.

I don't know, late Rome pretty much acted like Carthage anyway.

>Not gonna lie, modern society would be much better off if Carthage had won.

Carthage wouldn't have done even a fraction of the work civilizing barbarians up north like Rome did. In fact Carthage would have sat on it's port putting trading outposts here and there and never do anything of worth with Europe until it collapsed from something else while germanic tribes continued to nig about on their swampy forests for hundreds of years more.

Lets be honest, Romans were the only culture capable of both conquering all their neighbors and spreading enlightenment to them.


Those I've posted were not destroyed

Nice loose reconstruction

Are you retarded?

Carthage had an empire, and cities under Carthage's rule had Punic gods, funerary costumes and structures

Carthaniggers had never achieved anything of note.