The true flippening is upon us

The true flippening is upon us

BCC will hit peak FOMO when it hits 1k midnight EST.

You really think so? I feel like we're pretty much at the peak fomo already..

I don't know how people are going to believe enough to keep buying into this shit at these prices

its unbelievable.

I wish whoever does this loses all his money

Wouldn't be the first time normies bought BCC at 1k


>sold all of mines at 400
I cashed out way too early. Literally did not expect two chink pumps.

there are 400.000$ buy orders on BIttrex. I know one person who could blast that alone right now 10x

Many seppuku happening tonight

Stop larping. This is a fake chink pump and wont be sustained.

Wow, thats super cool

why would they dump before their mining profits go up? They want this to sustain at this price.

>thought about buying at 300 because of segwit being implemented
>still crying

Because they already did this, few weeks ago, when they pumped it to 0.4

It's a pump and it's fake.

Crashing and dumping is not good for the bitcoin eco system. All they see (miners) = bitcoin (chain1+chain2) = 5000 if they crash bitcoin they make less money

thanks m8 my friends are really rich

fkn koreans!!

Lol de dump was fake

>BTC still plumetting


looks like i'm not getting any sleep tonight
don't even have btc/bch (i'm an eth bagholder)
but from the outside looking in, holy fuck this is an exciting horse race:

1. bch is more profitable than btc to mine and based in china where all the miners are (which means the btc chain will literally stop working)

2. segwit is fucking terrible and the reason i'm all in on eth. i held 133 bitcoin for years and years, being a maximalist, but segwit2x was THAT bad that i bailed for eth. also r/bitcoin censorship really put the nail in the coffin for me, being a libertarian and free speech advocate

3. btc's entire market cap since $900 is spoofed from fake tether, and that double top...

4. still salty about core ruining bitcoin with segwit. REALLY salty.

What's a good amount of BCH to have and hold for the foreseeable future?

Nothing is going to replace bitcoin. Steady those hands lads lest you want to be floundering in davy jone's locker.

Your fantasies are cool, but BTC is king and BCC will drop back where it belongs, to $200 bucks or whatever, later on tonight.

>tfw you sold at 0.08 a few weeks ago

Someone screenshot this and laugh.

yeah, but btc literally can't function without miners
question: have you ever met a chink? it's more profitable to mine bitch coin at the moment, meaning bitcoin's hash power is going to drop rapidly and the network will literally die without ANOTHER hard fork

Same bro, i got back in at 0.1 but lost out on a lot more profit i could of had chasing this pump


You guys really don't get it do you? Do some reading, understand the btc vs bcc debate and why bcc wins.

>have you ever met a chink?

What the heck does this have to do with BCC? Also, pic related this shit is entering a thing us traders like to call "freefall for getting REKT".

Enjoy. Hold tight to your BCC.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and I can't wait to laugh at
>$200 bucks or whatever, later on tonight.

You're an embarrassment

i don't even have any bitch coin, which is why i call it that. basically, chinks are like jews. they'll murder their family for an extra 1%. they get a lot more money for mining bcc. they control all of btc's hash power. they can switch in about 30 seconds.

btc can't function without those chinks. literally confirmation times would take weeks if just a fraction switched because of the current scaling crisis. this was timed perfectly lol

Just made a few hundred bucks. Thanks Cashfags.

Cute story bro.

Is that true? What is the combined hashing power outside of China?

solid argument turd bucket

I don't need to argue with some random faggot on Veeky Forums you have no power or influence and I want to see you fail


level with me.

Is this going to make me lose money on my BTC?

>BCC stops climbing after I buy it

yes mr. us traders, tell me more

suspicious how its raising as there is bitcoin uncertainty. this is the ETC equivalent to ETH. sell it asap and don't look back

Sell it goyim

You mean the uncertainty where everyone realized they just got completely jewed and want to reset?

lol this, had a sell order at 170 that was like $5 from hitting then nosedived, every time.

no you mongoloid

this man gets it

No. Bitfinex is doing that all on their own by issuing USDT that isn't backed by actual US Dollars in order to prop up the price of BTC.