I'll try to answer your questions about muh country's history from 1071 to Turkish war of independence

I'll try to answer your questions about muh country's history from 1071 to Turkish war of independence.

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Why is your countries history full of killing others?

Why didn't the Ottoman empire conquer the rest of Europe? Did they fear the christian warrior?

The Turks were pretty much a warrior people, and it was combined with jihad culture after 10th century.
Well actually they didn't have the resources for that but Mehmed II tried to conquer Italy then he suddenly died in his tent.

Why do people feel the need to LARP as Turks either here, /int/ or /pol/ and shitpost just to give you guys a even worse rep than you already have?

i'm sorry but whoever uses that word is always an underage.
you have to be over 18 to post here.

Tell me about based maghrebi pirates

İttihad mı Abdulhamid mi?

>he doesn't LARP

Basically marine version of Turks. They raided a lot of ports, coastal cities and christian ships. Instead of killing them, Ottomans kept them as vassals.
yaşasın hürriyet kahrolsun istibdat

Why do you play yourselves off as le poor, brown victims when you were the conquerors of white peoples for centuries?

Why were the köçekler so popular, far more so than actual women dancing/stripping?

balkan savaşı niye kaybedildi?

Osmanlı ordusunun kalitesizliği
It's a part of our Iranian culture, see Bacha Bazi. It was also common among Central Asians till Russians told them to stop. Afghans still love Bacha Bazı.

Had the weather been better, the Ottomans take Vienna. What would be most likely the next objective?

3-5 tane götüboklu balkan zencilerine savaş kaybetmedeki neden farklı

Give me a quick rundown on Köksal Baba, why does Erdogan bow before him?

>Be Ottoman Empire
>state system is so messed up you have a Albanian ruling over Egypt

Why was the way you ruled your empire so autistic and never modernized.

O balkan zencilerinin ordusu bizim 2 katımızdı bu arada.
Siege of Vienna was not related to weather. Kara İbrahim was a retarded albonigger. Ottoman Army failed to take Vienna because of him.
Also this is alternative history, if the Ottomans actually managed to take Vienna, there would either be a huge crusade against Ottomans or Ottomans would go for Austria.

Since when are Turks Iranians?

We are culturally more related to Iran than to Greeks or Europeans or Arabs

What do you mean? Are you talking about multiculturalism of Ottoman Empire or something else?
Also there are many reasons, Uleman, Islam, incompetent sultans, anti reformist janissaries and so on so forth

Here in America whenever someone sees a crescent and star, the usual thought is "Islamic symbol", and some conspiracy theorists even use it to justify their theory that Islam is some kind of secret moon cult, but I've heard somewhere that it was originally a national symbol of Constantinople, or something like that, that only became associated with Islam over time due to the Ottoman empire. Is this true, and what's the average thoughts in Turkey about the crescent and star? Do most Turks think of it as a symbol of Islam or a symbol of Turkey?

Crescent and Star predates Islam or Byzantines. Persian Shahs themselves also used star and crescent (pic related)
>Here in America whenever someone sees a crescent and star, the usual thought is "Islamic symbol", and some conspiracy theorists even use it to justify their theory that Islam is some kind of secret moon cult

Islam is not about moon or something like that. Original Islamic flags were either plain black or green. With some Arabic script on them.
When the Ottoman Empire adopted star and crescent as their flag, other muslim countries, including muslim colonies under ottoman rule also adopted it and it became a muslim symbol.

notice the stars and crescents

Thank you. To clarify, I don't think that Islam is any kind of moon religion. Some Americans may think that, but not the majority. Conspiracy theorists think all sorts of crazy things that aren't actually true.

Also, why are images of wolves commonly used by Turkish nationalism?

>Also, why are images of wolves commonly used by Turkish nationalism?

Legend of Ashina
i'll tl;dr it for you

>Chinks or some Mongol tribe win against Turks and start to genocide them
>Only one boy with no arms and legs survive
>One she-wolf called Ashina saves him
>Takes him to a cave and feeds him there
>Years later, the boy impregnates the she wolf
>The wolf gives birth to 9 men and they rebuild their empire
that's all

Oh and in the epic of Oghuz Khagan, a gray wolf leaded Oghuz Khagan. The gray wolf was actually Tengri Himself in a wolf's body.

What was going on during the 1700 and 1800's when countries like Spain and France were colonizing the new world.

Ottoman Empire was declining hard. and Nader Shah was being a pain in the ass.



We don't

Any good books on them? Or really coastal maritime Arabs in general?

why did you shoah muh people.

Say the plague in the 14th century had wiped out 90% (instead of the estimated 40-50%) of the European population, would it be realistic for the Ottoman Empire to conquer and colonize the entire area between the Rhine and the Carpathian Mountains?

Also, why recruit white Christians as your elite force?

Sorry don't know any books about them
Which one?

>Say the plague in the 14th century had wiped out 90% (instead of the estimated 40-50%) of the European population, would it be realistic for the Ottoman Empire to conquer and colonize the entire area between the Rhine and the Carpathian Mountains?


>Also, why recruit white Christians as your elite force?

It's a Turkish tradition. Our ancestors Seljuks also used to kidnap/train Persians and train them as Ghulams (similar to Janissaries but they're cavalry), Viziers and bureucrats.

Not OP, but the Janissaries, like the Ghulams in Iran, were created because the central governments of that region in those time often relied on Turkmen tribes to supply troops. These Turkmen tribes often had their own motives and fucked things up because of their infighting, so the central government rectified this by creating a new class of soldiers loyal only to the state.

Thanks for the answers.

What are some typical examples of "great" inventions in the Turkish empire between the 1400's and 1700's?

Something which played a role in changing the course of history.

>What are some typical examples of "great" inventions in the Turkish empire between the 1400's and 1700's?

>questions about muh country's history from 1071
turkey ddt exist in 1071

It technically did after battle of manzikert.

Say the Ottoman Empire would still exist and would have maintained its dominant superpower position it had back in the day, would it have been as suspectible to different cultures and religions as the Western world is today?

Considering, even while the massive slave trade was happening, people from non-Turkish heritage could very easily climb the social ladder?

Why do Turks follow the most laid back interpretation of Islam?

I have Turkish friends (not from the coastal cities, in-land or northern hicks, hardcore Erdogan supporters) and you often get the feeling its more of a cultural than a religious thing with these guys.

>Say the Ottoman Empire would still exist and would have maintained its dominant superpower position it had back in the day, would it have been as suspectible to different cultures and religions as the Western world is today?
Ottoman Empire was pretty tolerant to other cultures and religions as long as you paid your jizya/taxes whatever
>Considering, even while the massive slave trade was happening, people from non-Turkish heritage could very easily climb the social ladder?

Ottoman Empire was barely a Turkish empire after 1453.

2 reasons, Turkish Islam and Ataturk's reforms. Turkish Islam was different from Arab Islam because Turks couldn't read and they made up shit, and most Turks were nomadic till 15th century. Turks didn't even know how to pray (i read some books about situation of Anatolia in 1920s) and most of them didn't go to mosques

>Ottoman Empire was barely a Turkish empire after 1453

Yet there was rarely a revolt in the non-Turkish majority lands. How did they do it?

Oh and some Turks unironically thought their prophet was Enver Pasha and he lived in Istanbul lol

pretty sure you just got memed, enver pasa is a huge meme over here

it's literally written in the book
>Bizim dinimiz nedir
>Hepsinin bir ağızdan, ‘Elhamdü-l-illâh Müslümanız’ diye cevap vereceklerini sanıyordum. Fakat öyle olmadı, cevaplar karıştı. Kimisi ‘İmamı âzam dinindeniz’, kimisi ‘Hazreti Ali dinindeniz’ dedi. Kimisi de hiçbir din tayin edemedi. Arada, ‘İslâmız’ diyenler de çıktı ama ‘Peygamberimiz kimdir?’ deyince, onlar da pusulayı şaşırdı. Akla gelmez peygamber isimleri ortaya atıldı. Hatta birisi, ‘Peygamberimiz Enver Paşa’dır’ bile dedi.

"What's our religion"
"I expected them to say 'alhamdulillah we're muslim' but they all said different things like 'we belong to religion of Imam-ı Azam' some said 'we follow Ali' and others said nothing. Some said 'we're islam' but when i asked 'who's our prophet', they couldn't say anything. One of them even said our prophet is Enver Pasha"

there was no reason to do so. and ottoman empire was strong.
however, Turkish revolts did happen and it turned Anatolia into a war zone mostly caused by "muh taxes" and nomadic turks refusing to pay taxes/settling down

>Turks couldn't read and they made up shit, and most Turks were nomadic till 15th century
this is just flat-out wrong and i would love to see you try to back it up with sources and shame yourself

>people from non-Turkish heritage could very easily climb the social ladder?

>No distinction is attached to birth among the Turks; the deference to be paid to a man is measured by the position he holds in the public service. There is no fighting for precedence; a man's place is marked out by the duties he discharges. In making his appointments the Sultan pays no regard to any pretensions on the score of wealth or rank, nor does he take into consideration recommendations or popularity, he considers each case on its own merits, and examines carefully into the character, ability, and disposition of the man whose promotion is in question. It is by merit that men rise in the service, a system which ensures that posts should only be assigned to the competent.

>Each man in Turkey carries in his own hand his ancestry and his position in life, which he may make or mar as he will. Those who receive the highest offices from the Sultan are for the most part the sons of shepherds or herdsmen, and so far from being ashamed of their parentage, they actually glory in it, and consider it a matter of boasting that they owe nothing to the accident of birth; for they do not believe that high qualities are either natural or hereditary, nor do they think that they can be handed down from father to son, but that they are partly the gift of' God, and partly the result of good training, great industry, and unwearied zeal; arguing that high qualities do not descend from a father to his son or heir, any more than a talent for music, mathematics, or the like; and that the mind does not derive its origin from the father, so that the son should necessarily be like the father in character, our emanates from heaven, and is thence infused into the human body. Among the Turks, therefore, honours, high posts, and judgeships are the rewards of great ability and good service. If a man be dishonest, or lazy, or careless, he remains at the bottom of the ladder, an object of contempt; for such qualities there are no honours in Turkey!

>Busbecq, a Fleming, was the ambassador of the Holy Roman Emperor at the Sublime Porte (the Turkish Sultan's court in Constantinople) from 1555-62.

>flat-out wrong
most Turks were ignorant as fuck.
read şevket süreyya.

That sounds like a perfect meritocracy.

But did it actually work like that in practice? No one buying their way into a special position?

>şevket süreyya
using late 19th-early 20th century examples for the formation of turkish sects in 10th-14th centuries is again flat out wrong and retarded

>No one buying their way into a special position?
It got fucked later but it worked pretty good for a while. It was far from perfect though as it was vulnerable to corruption.

that was the situation from 13th-16th century, the golden age of the empire
the meritocracy quickly turned into nepotism after that unfortunately

>No one buying their way into a special position?
obviously there were always corrupt officials in any kind of system, but overall the system was quite meritocratic

How would the army deal with an uprising?

Also what were slaves mainly used for, and how were they treated?

what was the difference between a Turk in 19/20th century and 10-14th century Turk? Were Turks back then more educated?

>How would the army deal with an uprising?
What kind of an uprising are we talking about here? A civil uprising or a military uprising?
>Also what were slaves mainly used for, and how were they treated?
Devshirmes were either trained to become soldiers or bureucrats.

You have better working system in place back in the 10-14th centuries since it was the glory days of the empire compared to the 19-20th century where it was rotting away. The sufis comes to mind as they were numerous and popular with the peasants.

Civil, a village or city in the Empire's perimeter.

the busbecq turkish letter if anyone wants to read


the seljuks used persian as the official language of commerce and education. actual ethnic turks were tribal migrants to anatolia which maintained a nomadic lifestyle until the ottomans forced them to settle down permanently which resulted in the shahkulu rebellion.

What was ultimately the biggest reason for the downfall of the Turkish Empire?

Usually the rebels and the army met in a battlefield and they fought each other. Ottomans usually won

However, when Turkmens chimped out for too long (Jalali revolts), a Croatian Pasha was assigned to deal with Turkmens and he murdered like more than 100.000 Turkmens in Eastern Anatolia including children, babies, women and so on.

Why is it that throughout its history the Ottomans did well at adapting to European tech so as not let themselves fall behind until around the 1800s where industrialisation was in full swing for Europe meanwhile most of the Ottoman empire was formed of agrarian socities?

Surely at some point then Ottoman leaders knew that an econony that revolved around war was not sustainable and ideal for development.

Lead poisoning

Ulema, Islam and degeneracy>the seljuks used persian as the official language of commerce and education. actual ethnic turks were tribal migrants to anatolia which maintained a nomadic lifestyle until the ottomans forced them to settle down permanently which resulted in the shahkulu rebellion.
that's right. Persian was also the language of the court in Seljuks
it's pretty amazing how Persianized were Seljuks, they also named their kids after mythological Persian heroes like Kaykubat, Keyhüsrev etc.

Also if you can, recommend some books on the Ottoman economy pls

>Why is it that throughout its history the Ottomans did well at adapting to European tech
>1800s where industrialisation was in full swing for Europe meanwhile most of the Ottoman empire was formed of agrarian socities?
Again, Ottomans were pretty much a backwards country.
>Surely at some point then Ottoman leaders knew that an econony that revolved around war was not sustainable and ideal for development.
I doubt. Most of our sultans were retarded.
Selim III realized that shit was going down then the Janissaries took him down lmao

Bad leadership and corruption.

Why is that the British and French threatened Mohammed Ali Pasha when he rebelled against the Ottomans and conquered Syria? It wasn't for them nothing was standing in the way of Pasha and Istanbul

>Why is that the British and French threatened Mohammed Ali Pasha when he rebelled against the Ottomans and conquered Syria? It wasn't for them nothing was standing in the way of Pasha and Istanbul
stability of ottoman empire was important. Or else Russia would get much more powerful in Balkans, Anatolia and eventually middle east.

Why let a lucrative market that you have exclusive rights to collapse. Also they didn't want russia to get too powerful same with the crimean crisis.

Austria and Poland stopped the Ottoman expansion in the west, Muscovy and later Russia stopped it in the north.

What stopped their expansion to the south and east?

From it's inception to about the 1700s the ottomans was on par with the major european powers

>What stopped their expansion to the south and east?

there was nothing there and administrating deserts was hard. Ottomans retreated Yemen for a reason.
Azeri Turks and Turkmens fought against Ottomans pretty well.

But Ottomans didn't get their technology from Europe. East was just more advanced than West back in the day. And Ottomans technologically started to decline in the beginning of 17th century.

To where the fucking sahara? The worthless arabian peninsula? The extremely mountainous and arid lands of ethiopia which is again worthless.

there was the zagros mountain in the east and beyond that the savafids which even invaded the ottoman lands sometimes

Why do Western countries still pay their dues to this day for the part they played in slave trading, while Turkey's incredible large (2 million Slavs from Crimean raids, at least 700.000 Southern Europeans and 5-8 million Africans from the Arab and Barbary areas) part is rarely even mentioned today?

anatolia wasn't as backwards as it had become in 19/20th century
back then it was bustling up with trade and cultural advancements. more turks knew how to read/write and the whole period is essential in turkish culture&identity

everything that was listed before+minorities

iranians(back when they were lead by turkic leadership&army)
there wasn't anything of worth down there
death of mehmet the conqueror canceled the plans of capturing italy

Mountains were not the primary reason. Ottomans had no problem annexing Azerbaijan and large parts of Iran when Safavids fell. Then Nader Shah came and wrecked shit.

>(2 million Slavs from Crimean raids, at least 700.000 Southern Europeans and 5-8 million Africans from the Arab and Barbary areas
source for these numbers?

Because you see my man first of all western countries are extremely euro centric and don't care about the rest of the world and further more the ottomans didn't work their slaves to death in plantations in squalid conditions.They were turned into servants, whores, soldiers or administrators.

>back then it was bustling up with trade and cultural advancements. more turks knew how to read/write and the whole period is essential in turkish culture&identity
maybe. i'm not sure about literacy rate of turks though. literally all of them were nomads back in the day.

>literally all of them were nomads back in the day.
Not literally all of them, the sultan was trying to settle them down and he managed it with a success.

I thought we were talking about Seljuk era Turks.

What was the position of women in the Ottoman Empire?

I only know that being able to keep your wife inside (Harems etc.) was seen as a very positive thing.

Well 14th century is kinda ottomans? But yeah when talking about seljuks they still had some settled turks around isfahan.

>What was the position of women in the Ottoman Empire?
same as in every islamic country.
women in Ottoman palace also had some political powers. they had connections to viziers, janissaries and mothers of padishahs were influential (like Safiye Sultan for example)

>keeping your wife in an harem
Nigga what? Only the sultan had a harem and they were in principle all married to the sultan. I never heard of married women getting in to the harem, I'd like some source if you have them.


14th century was a massive clusterfuck actually. Ottomans started to control Anatolia in late 1400s

source is Emett Scott, a historian(!) that has absolutely no qualifications or original research
he is one of those (((christian))) authors who make up shit as they go along using blog posts by 70 iq (((christian))) preachers&wikipedia pages who are then used as sources(!) by zionist retards like spencer

>i'm not sure about literacy rate of turks though
not all turks during this period(or any period really) were nomadic
actually quite a lot of them were settled people. in anatolia there were a large number of civil organizations(even one for females) as well as military brotherhoods(ghazis)

this era is bustling with turkic islamic philosophers, doctors, scientists etc
any turk should read on the seljuks of rum and the anatolian beyliks desu

iranian is not an ethnicity. can mean anything from a azerbaijani turkmen to kurd

terribly low for city/town folks
better in the higher echelons of society
and people in the country-side or nomads didn't really have to time or manpower to oppress women

As opposed to the Europe where no one was killed ever.

Meme answers.

It was because Europe discovered the Americas and gained a huge economic advantage over the Ottoman empire. The Ottomans collapsed economically way before they collapsed militarily. They considered themselves invincible in the 17th century and turned lazy while Europeans were conquering America and all that gold.

Because European slavery and Ottoman "slavery" is not the same thing.