Just about ALL of our portfolios are getting fucking slaughtered out there. RED text on every fucking alt imaginable. You might be thinking "is this the end? Do i let my frail hands drop all my bags at a 25%+ loss?"


we must endure the pain of loss to reach the promised land. he who HODLs and BELIEVES in his investments will be rewarded. once this war between BTC/BCC has come to an end, you will see a bull run the likes of which has NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE. your entire portfolio will triple in value (unless you bought into scams like bancor or DGB or some shit lul)

HODL for dear fucking life, take this opportunity to buy any alts with good products and teams. We're all gonna make it

>to the inevitable fuck who comes in and brags about BCC gains fuck off here nobody gives a shit

Other urls found in this thread:

Hodling is a meme.

my cock is rock steady right now

The only two coins I hold are DGB and BNT. Not even joking. I got 60K split up amongst them. Blow me OP.


Holding some alts, Wings just dropped like a rock but Bitbay is actually rose like 28 fucking percent after being slaughtered for a month, what the hell?

Dude just get onto BCC is hasn't even come close to the end

Bro I hope you're fucking right. This FOMO is killing me right now. I could have made like 100k if I went balls deep when the run started but I was too much of a pussy.

Fuck i don't wanna be a bag holder

FUCK IT, whatever im trying to do right now just makes me lose more money. Im turning off my computer and going for a walk

Im gonna HODL until the end. I already spent all i can to become an OMGMarine so i cant get in on the dip. Feels bad man.

Thankfully most of my portfolio is in BN B, 0x, and DNT
Comfy gains

I need a break anyway, I'll hodl that piece of shit, btc needs to crash and burn


>i'm too much of a pusy /retard to cut my loses pls don't sell!!!
got it

Hodl until the end lads.

its like a fucking heroin addiction lads. i know it will be better if i wait but Everytime i refresh my blockfolio i want to rip my hair out

Good choice m8, have a nice walk

It doesn't fucking make any sense though, how the hell would bitbay be affected by this?
It's clearly a pump, but by whom?

all in on BCC motherfuckers

>there are people itt that have red coins
Hahahahahaha why? Do you hate money?

Reminder to buy IOC because this bear cycle is probably the last time you'll be able to get it cheap
It made me 500% on ANS lol

if you are holding solid coins, then any decline in price is an opportunity to buy more at a discount. You are tracking moving averages, right user?

how does this guy do it ? what is this meme magic ?

you should be buying NEO right now retards

op is nonBanc
see you next year looser

WE will HODL for OUR dear LIVES user