Hey Veeky Forums. How do you justify morality without God?

Hey Veeky Forums. How do you justify morality without God?

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By basing it on observed consequences of actions and whether those consequences are desirable or not.

>"Do I want someone to do this to me some day? No? Then I won't do it."
And vice versa.

You don't.

However, moral and ethics are different things that gt confused way too often

Non-Ethical behavior can be easily noticed, with or without god , Could not care less about the morals.

If i don't agree with your assessment, i don't have to follow you. Your basing human reasoning on morailty? I can reason to kill you and a whole demographic. I can reason to prefer to have sexual relations with an animal. You cant observe the same consequences i conditioned myself to believe is true. Morality doesn't come from any of us, dummy.

God is the original edgefag who does stuff like kick puppies/egyptians. Only weak cucks worship him.

That's no less fallible than "morality originating from God" since humans lack the knowledge to distinguish real gods from false ones, or to even determine if a "real god" has our best interest in mind.

Well basically there's an implied social contract you must follow in any society and there's law enforcement who will (to their best efforts) preserve said contract.

I like to think that the social contract with the addition of Culture, any country/tribe/etc. will automatically define what should be considered moral or not through the laws they establish. Then you have the grey area where you can do lots of things that are legal but since there are so few cases, it's dismissed as being unlawful, but it's still viewed with disgust by society! (can't think of anything sorry).

What does this image even mean?

A society (of any size, from 2 guys to 2 billion) with a code of ethics that prevents infighting and crime does better as a whole than a society that does not, all other things being equal. That's really all there is to it.

It's largely determined by the social relations engendered by the mode of production of society.

they do have a way of reasoning which God is true, its called scrutiny. No one can debunk Catholicism, everything else does not hold up or borrows something from Catholicism

If you honestly think you NEED to believe in something to refrain yourself from murder, rape or theft then something is wrong with you and you either need help or you need to be put down.

Its everday bro, youtube jake paul, hes the real life bart simpson
why would anyone follow your ethics user, i have my own
a convulated way of saying human reasoning is full of shit

Not help you dummy, I'm RECOGNIZING that there is an inherent law in nature and spirit of man. Something that holds us to a sustainable standard


>law of nature

Gee sure is spooked in here

Also 'sup

If i don't agree that god is real, i don't go to hell

You could say the same about most other animals since they know when is something acceptable and when is it not.

My claim is that if their is a person whom stakes his sanity and "humanity" over a higher entity whom is watching him then it would only be a matter of time before he cracks.

if you legitimately are not convinved you won't go to hell, you would have to warrant hell, which is ACTAULLY a self imposed exile from God, thats what hell is, God is love, Hell is a place or condition when someone fully rejects God,


Daily reminder that the foundations of Morality all came from religion ( the thing you keep on bashing)

You can at least seperate the good from the bad?

I dont think you understand bud. There is a natural law which you have evidently observed in animals. Now humans are on another plane of consciousness, a higher state, spirutal state, they are subject to the laws of spiritual purity, and the best part is that since the creator created nature as well, the spiritual laws are the base of physical reality, so spiritual laws actually make literal sense in our world

these mongoofs don't understand that NO CHRISTIANITY = NO WESTERN CIVILIZATION

Nice trips dude, God Bless

>the creator created

But god isn't real so all that is not true

>HURR I get my morality from God!
>DURR no silly I don't speak to god, I mean I get it from the Bible!
>HERP no of course I don't stone adulterers, kill my children for talking back to me, or kill people for picking up sticks on the sabbath!
>DERP lol why are you atheists so immoral?


"If everyone in society were allowed to do this, could society continue to function?"

Killing? No.
Prostitution. Sure, why not?
Drugs? Maybe, but I doubt much would get done with everyone high as fuck.
Stealing? God, no.
Urinating in public? Yes, but it would be a disgraceful, smelly society.

Et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

First Cause, historical Jesus, rise of Christianity, western civilization, approved miracles that defy science, human institution lasting this long and being this powerful
what are you trying to say autist?

Public urination is a health issue. So is unregulated prostitution and drug use.

What part of my very clear post are you having trouble understanding? I never claimed to follow your disgusting god, but you do and yet you ignore his commandments! Do you think he will be happy with you?

>Hey Veeky Forums. How do you justify morality without God?

God is real, but you don't need to know that to know right and wrong more or less.


Sexual liberalization is a disaster that spawned rape, infertility, divorce, sex addiction, magnified narcissism and jealousy in society, lack of trust in relationships, and rampant objectification and deterioration of the family, secular society was doomed essentially by this all the other topics are too asinine to consider

how is he disgusting

He commands his followers to commit atrocious acts, and is by his own admission vain, boastful, prideful and intolerant.

The Bible is thousand of years old. it is a slow revealing process over time to understand the nature of God. You can't explain to people thousands of years ago evolution, physics, biology, chemistry etc. You can't prove God the father through scientific method. He is the first cause. Reality is contingent on his existence and his command. He IS existence. You cant observe and prove EXISTENCE. God howeevr took human form and died a crucifixioon death under the command of the romans and mysteriously dissapered from his tomb, then thousands of followers and martyrs erupted in numbers and quickly spread all over the empire and world in time. Peasant people or anyone for that matter don't risk thier lives for a hoax. You don't spend your whole life and die brutal deaths unless you have a hundred percent certainty that you have witnessed God. This also the power of the holy spirit, that elimnated thier fear and filled them with power and courage. You should watch more of Bishop Barrons videos he has a bunch of videos on numerous topics

Old Testament is parrell to the level of barbarianism at the time and is written by men interpreting Justice which was clearly elaborated on when God showed his true nature in the new testament, which was MERCY, humans fail time and time again understanding Gods nature

Jesus clearly stated that the old testament still applies to his followers. And since Jesus was God, this proves that God is a-okay with all the barbarism in the OT.

>muh schizophrenic word salad

People died over this retarded shit.

Yet all of those things went on in ancient Babylon and they did fine for hundreds of years. Being very bad for isn't the same as suicide. It's the different between smoking and setting your head on fire. Prostitutes are like smoking, bad for society but you can function a very long time with it around. Legalized murder is the society equivalent of jumping down a smokestack into the ass of a steel mill.

I didn't say murder was okay, I simply said there is a perfectly good secular reason to want to ban public urination and to regulate drugs and prostitution. Regulate, not ban: The idea of banning these things is rooted in theistic moral infantilism.

Yes the LAW applies, but he ameliorated it by revealing God's true nature which is love and mercy and displayed his full nature on the cross, he even forgave his torturers and killers, do you not understand the human psyche and its slow intelligence user?
i dont think you are mentally equipped to be here bud

that will not sustain a productive society, the moral fiber will break eventually TRSUT. in a matter of time gay marriage will look like orthodox culture when people start getting real creative with pushing the boundaries of society

>Yes my law is a rambling mess of vile wickedness and pure evil
>But my nature is love!
>Don't believe me? THEN BURN IN HELL, FAGGOT!

"People" like you need to be killed. Such a disgusting anti-human attitude can only come from religion.

when did i say that?
what of anything i said is anti human

You think people can't be trusted and need to be controlled, this is classic theistic thinking and is anti-human.

>First Cause, historical Jesus, rise of Christianity, western civilization, approved miracles that defy science, human institution lasting this long and being this powerful
That's not proof?

>human institution lasting this long and being this powerful
You're a moron if you think Christianity didn't change a fucking lot over the Millenia.

you're free to do what you want, what i said is if you are listening is that morality is not subjective and that it is in fact OBJECTIVE and it comes from God.
there is an element of faith which is obvious but its reasonable faith, this can all be verified
ITS STILL THERE, obvisuly it evolved you GOOF, it hasnt been abolished and is the king of rome. Christianity reigns supreme and the once great roman empire that hovered over it is never to be seen again

How do you justify it with God? God is a psychopath from his test for Abraham to giving children cancer. The Old Testament also attempts to justify slavery and claims women to be inferior.

>this can all be verified

start with this user
i love you


watch any of his videos, guaranteed hes covered any topic you've dribbled on, i love you

fine but you start with this

Chinese did it with Confucianism for several thousands years. They believed in spirits and gods, but they didn't really get their morality from them.

>Believing in the great whore of babylon


Morality doesn't exist.

he didn't debunk anything, its funny the bishop whose channel that i sent you enjoyed Christopher Hitchens, he even had videos about him, look em up

eggs because dinosaurs laid them long before there were chickens which of course all dinosaurs later turned into.

>believing in sola scriptura aka anti intellectual biblical reading

this is more honest than athiests who claim morality isnt absolute

Well I said start with, you could read God Is Not Great if you want a fuller experience

A bishop enjoying hitchens sounds like a pretty dense guy to me.

he appreciate and respected his craft, hitchens was a brilliant and persuasive writer, however he misunderstood theology completely, its known nearing his death he eased up on his stance

he talks about that book lol

Catholicism is unfalsifiable.

>"If everyone in society were allowed to do this, could society continue to function?"
That's nonsensical, as it would imply that choosing not to engage in agricultural labor is immoral.

>He is the first cause. Reality is contingent on his existence and his command. He IS existence.
Which doesn't prove that the Biblical God exists, merely that there does exist a "first cause" such that the universe took the form it did. But that doesn't mean that this "God" is anything like what the Bible says.

>you're free to do what you want, what i said is if you are listening is that morality is not subjective and that it is in fact OBJECTIVE and it comes from God.
So could God make it so that it was moral to eat babies?

NO. that's why he says its not moral, thats his nature, morality is a principle not a creation, theres no diversity in morality, like true and not true. The three Abrahamic religions believe in the same God. However, only one correctly identifies God as Jesus Christ and fully understands God's nature and instruction, and the Catholic Church is specifically the church Jesus founded.

How do you justify morality with god? It's not a true altruism, just fear of punishment

that's why different people have different moralities

And going by the logical "If it doesnt harm anyone, it isnt immoral" kind of morality, having sex with an animal is certainly less immoral than cheating on your wife/husband

Just like having sex with your biological mom if she's single is less immoral than having sex with your step-mom while she's married to your father

How does Confucius justify morality without God? How do you justify laws without morality?

>Morality doesn't exist.
This crap is as stupid as "muh 3.1416 genders" bullshit.

Morality basically is indication of "right and wrong" in human minds, saying morality doesn't exist is like saying you don't know what's right and wrong.

>Just like having sex with your biological mom if she's single is less immoral than having sex with your step-mom while she's married to your father

Literally no one ever said that except some sick degenerated perverts.

It's the truth though
Having protected sex with your mom if she's single is objectively less immoral than cucking your own father

Christianity is merely a front for a demonic cult. Those who haven't figured it out can fall on its hands and worship literal demons instead of a religion of light proper.
The true religion opposes christianity and the real actual God is draconic.
Christianity sells itself as a religion of caring for the poor and doing good deeds, but behind this masquerade you actually would be worshiping demons.
Notice how most christians don't behave anything at all like jesus? They know pretty well what's up, they merely roleplay the godly person.
No person has original sin, as people have enough trouble with living in a world populated by the sons of darkness, the true religion is all about experiencing God personally.
Do not get baptized, do not accept their law, you should take good notice how none of them are keeping the commandments, the rats know how to avoid what brings disgrace, even if by your character you don't do these things do not accept it as law, it's not about good vs evil, but rather about who is your god and master, and if you accept the law as a divine thing, you fall in the hands of the lord of darkness.
Lastly the true religion is unknown to man, but you probably can figure out that if certain things are naturally evil to you it is for a reason, as nobody taught you those.

>"God exists for so and so reasons"
>*lists logical proofs of Gods necessity*
>*proceeds to mutilate baby penises and devour pieces of God's flesh every Sunday*

I feel satisfaction helping people and doing "good" things. That's all.
Pretty egoist desu.

It might have a religious foundation in today's society but at its core, it's simply rules of conduct created by men to make sure society works as it should. It's simply a set of unwritten rules agreed upon by society. A higher power may have been used in the past to scare people into playing by the rules but that's it. Whether or not a higher power exists, it has no effect on how people conduct relations in society.

Actually,that is facist thinking

But who created God? How can God justify his morality without Super-God?

>you're free to do what you want
>HURR you can "freely" choose to follow your own nature, but you'll burn in hell forever for it!

Thanks God. You created me in such a way that I'm unable to believe in you, and then you're going to burn me for my "choice" to be created this way.

There's a reason fascism took off in highly religious societies like Italy and Germany and not in secular ones like France and Britain. Fascism hijacks the same mental patterns of servility that theism cultivates.

OK fellas let me explain. Forget punishment, you guys seem to have a fetish for that. God is Love, sin is anti love. God's nature is anti sin so he will not tolerate it. If you choose to go against God, it's a consequence when he respects you and leaves but technically a punishment in itself. Same way you steal and the "punishment" is shame. You did it. You take responsibility. No one goes to hell unless they want to, no matter what any prottie tells you. God is showing us the way, the truth, and the life. Join now or forever hold your peace. Aha jk but legit join

OK now don't be surprised when everything you love about society is deteriorated and you have a chaotic self serving society

> God is love
> Decides to let you burn in hell anyway
It isn't like that works, buddy. No loving parent ever would allow a child to suffer from their stupid decision because of >muh free will. God could as well be the parent to us being supposedly much smarter and everything.

Did you READ, no one experiences hell (which is the absence of God) unless they absolutely WANT it. Listen to your conscience once in a while, your mind is a messy place from time to time. Try a prayer.

But punishment is the only condition. Even in the Bible, God punishes people for going against him and the Bible was written by people.

I am not going to join any religious movement because I am an agnostic, I cannot be convinced without actual proof of the existence of an actual higher power. That said, I do not oppose the existence of an actual higher power but religious people alone telling me to convert are not going to convince me. What do you not understand?

read this

do us a favour eh

I have yet to see any proof that anything in the Bible is true. Why should I believe that one religion among countless is true?


hmmm i dont know, maaaaaybe ask God to help you out in your research? if it doesnt pan out, move on

I don't want to go to hell, but I also cannot believe in God. My brain just doesn't work the way yours does. So, it seems I'm destined for hell no matter what I do.

social contract

watch this link comfy too bro God Bles

Nobody wants to experiences the suffering that is hell. The fact that God allows people to do that by tricking them by hiding evidence, not allowing the change to change mind and other dirty tricks that shouldn't be necessary proves that he doesn't act out of love at all.

>muh contraction of std
yea ok bud, why should i keep it?

God exists, but morality isn't relative to religion, but rather innate, this is how you know there is a God.

Oh what, doesn't match your religion? Not my problem.