Tfw you realize NEO is God tier crypto

tfw you realize NEO is God tier crypto

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>tfw you hold 11.5k NEO

How much NEO to fuck her?

That's a god tier hoolding

fuck off anime poster

Hodl until next month to see $70 price. It's only luck for this coin to reach $100 as it's not worth on that value yet. If you miss ETH, hodl NEO for at least 2 years.
Nice user. I've got 3333 NEO. Wish I bought more around $4-5, but I decided to split my investment between STRAT and NEO.

lol fuck off bitch. NEO is already worth more than ETH, and the public will realize it soon en masse.

God damn. I'm holding 1500 and I'm still sad it's not enough. I bought in at the June ATH and easily could have had double the amount if I had just waited. And I'm too scared to day trade in fear of losing coins so hodl til 1000 per NEO it is!

>NEO is already worth more than ETH
Jesus Christ. Even 0.2 ETH is worth more than your little dick. NEO is x50 worth more than LTC, but NEO is still far ahead when it comes to the tech ETH has. I woud like to know where you got the basis of NEO > ETH

everyone's in the same position man. no matter how many awesome NEOs we have, we think "man if only i bought more" lol

>tfw sold at 330k sats
>can't even bring myself to hate myself

Yea I've just come to realize you can't be greedy. It's money you could not have otherwise, and with the GAS you're always accumulating more, little by little.

1925 Neo's here. I hope it gets on more exchanges. Also GAS too!

>tfw not one single person has said what it does other than "muh chinese eth"

we're breaking 1 million baby


It moons, baby

Read and learn

Anime coin when

It exists already