Is this the new hot shit on the block?

Is this the new hot shit on the block?

etherdelta has proven to be the hotter shit


UA scums must not prosper

Both are fucking horrible to use

can't sign up-

can't bring myself to transfer btc over to this site...seems really sketchy....but sucks missing out on some early moon missions ugh

Is OP the new hot shit on the block?

Is hitbtc legit tho anons?

Transfered around $1k worth of LTC and BTC there a few hours ago. No issues.

Use chrome

waiting for ZRX withdraw for 4 hours now. I would advise anyone considering depositing large amounts of money to Liqui TO STAY AWAY. No help from staff, no communication, mods laughing at me in troll box. Ridiculous. Assuming I finally get my ZRX off of there I'm never trading on Liqui again.

Shit UI, slow response, got hacked once, tried to withdraw money le "cannot verify address so GO FUCK YOURSELF"

Dont do it.


3 hours later and I'm still waiting for them to (((process))) my withdraw my zrx out of that shit hole.

do you have a transaction ID yet??

Yeah, it's a steaming pile of elephant shit


I created a customer service ticket. Lets see how long that actually takes

i hate liqui
they dont offer csv or shit.
i cant really do taxes because of this and might get in trouble

4 hours here too. fucking cunts

fuck I don't even have a tx id yet. How fucked am I biz bros?

i don't have one either


Just calm down. Their shitty DSL connection is probably getting lambasted with withdrawal requests right now.

this exchange is fucking awful. it freezes constantly forcing me to refresh the page, loads slow as fuck, i have to manually type out all my orders because you cant copy/paste or even fucking erase what you've typed, and now it has my zrx in stasis trying to withdraw to myetherwallet.

im just gonna stick to etherdelta from now on if given a choice, its barebones but at least it functions

sauce please