Why people choose atheism if the belief is a winning move?

Why people choose atheism if the belief is a winning move?

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So... What is winning move here?


The only move is not to play.

My great grandparents, my grandparents and all of my uncles are devoted believers in chinese buddhism, worship their ancestors every single day, go to different temples at least 30 times a year and do rituals every week.
Are they going to have eternal joy when they die if they're right??
Or will it just be nothing if they're wrong?

But they wouldn't believe in god because they accept him but only out of fear of going to hell which will probably mean they will go to hell anyway

But what if god were atheist amd wanted every religionfag to suffer?

Believing in god without religion.

Instawin while christians go to hell.

>believe in a god
>it's the wrong one
>eternal suffering ensues

you may as well choose to be atheist instead of picking a god since the chance of any particular religion being correct is basically nil

Wow, so extremely hard, I lost my testicles, half my dick and the intestine with the strenth I had to use up for the effort of concocting this idea.

>Atheism rewarded
b y w h o m

you're not reading the chart right, it says that according to atheism no matter what your beliefs nothing happens after you die

if you follow atheism along the Y axis it's saying what would happen to a professed atheist according to all the different faiths listed at the top

Next to/below atheism there's an "Atheism Rewarded" belief, but who would reward atheists?

>if the belief is a winning move?

Only if you ignore all the other religions thst might be true.

Nice bait tho

Atheus, who killed all other Gods.

>belief is a winning move?

>All knowing, omnipotent god knew that you believed just to "win."
>Off to hell with u.

What if I don't want to play along with a jerk who will make me suffer eternally just because I didn't believe in him? No need to boost his ego.

The belief that if there was even a god he would reward atheists since they are the only ones to not belive it isnt a large amount of people

>not being a based p a g a n

But according to this belief, the people who believe in it will not be rewarded, as they are not atheists.

The wager might make sense if Christianity was the only religion. It isn't, there are thousands of possible choices, any one of which will damn you if you're wrong.

correct. the point is that it's a theoretical possibility, the same as christianity

Anyone who actually understands biology cannot believe in a human soul or biogenesis by divine plan or fiat (and therefore whether an atheist or not essentially is as far as human interaction with God is concerned), and within my natural lifespan biology, neuroscience, robotics, and computer science are completely capable, with enough work, data, and money invested in them, of extending my lifespan (and thereby prolonging even hypothetical damnation) indefinitely and ending any suffering I might experience (and in fact rewiring my brain to experience eternal joy if that is what I so desire). There is far greater evidence that this is possible in my lifetime than there is that God exists and is interested in what I think, and so I am making a wager of my own: instead of devoting my brain's processing power to prayer and my money to the church I'm working on a degree in neuroscience at an elite university and investing my money in gene-engineering firms. Tip all the fedoras you want, I will have all the time in the world to study theology once I achieve amortality.

Cause I care about truth.
And in any case, if somehow the Abrahamic God turned out to be real, it would not be worthy of worship anyway, so from a principled point of view it would be more righteous to go to hell than submit to it and go to heaven.

Stoicism. If Gods exists they will reward you for a virtuous life. If Gods do punish you for simply not worshiping them even though you have been good in life, then they are not Gods worth revering

Is this pasta?

What the hell does that mean though? Who determines your principles?

>Why people choose atheism if the belief is a winning move?

Atheism is the better choice in a world where God has been defined as a genocidal terrorist from the Levant.

I fixed your image.


Belief alone doesn't get you anywhere, you also need to practice the religion. And that's where atheism wins because if atheism is right you've wasted that one life you have by wasting time with some arbitrary nonsense, not eating certain types of food, etc.

My conscience. And according to my conscience, the Abrahamic God, if real, would be a cruel murderous psychopath.

You would choose your conscious for eternal suffering? That's the same as saying I'd rather listen to my talking banana instead of X authority figure.

>You would choose your conscious for eternal suffering?
Well, I think that my conscience is aligned with the well-being of the world a lot better than the Abrahamic God is... so I should hope so. Would I in reality? Don't know. Maybe I'm not strong enough. But it would be the right thing to do. I am a much much nicer person than the Abrahamic God is.

Do what you want man. Alternatively pick any religion and be a goof person.

>be a goof person

Objective completed

Its the idea that a higher being might exist and reward Atheists for not having blind faith in unproveable religions. Mostly theoretical since believing in a pro-atheist god implies you are going to be damned.

>be a goof person
absurdism achieved

>But it would be the right thing to do
A psychopathic serial killer thinks what he's doing is right. Does that make him right?

No, but niceness can be objectively measured to some extent. I objectively cause less suffering to other sentient beings, relative to my power level, than the Abrahamic God would relative to its power level.

You can't choose belief.
You can't just decide that you now think the sky is green.
How did people ever fall for this shit?

>Mostly theoretical since believing in a pro-atheist god implies you are going to be damned.

There are atheist prophets (e.g. some of Joss Whedon's work) - so I guess God likes some atheists - but it probably depends on the athiest. I was an atheist for a decade until I found out I am a god. I'm sure atheists are more popular with the gods than Mosaic monotheists.


>There are atheist prophets (e.g. some of Joss Whedon's work)



Humans don't even believe the truth when it's put in front of them because the truth unsettles their self-importance.


that can be t urned around and switched oppositely with a differetn question about life and the world lol

>I am a much much nicer person than the Abrahamic God is.

pretty funny on several different levels

you are dead set the most insane cunt i have ever come across on the whole of the internet

>nicer than literal embodiment of good and source of all morality
sure thing buddy

>Nicer than a blood hungry, worship demanding, genocide committing wrathful deity
It's not that hard, really. I'd be more surprised if there was any human less deserving of worship than the Abrahamic God.

I wish I could reroll and be a devote christian with no doubts of this life or the afterlife. The Mormons seem happy, it'd be nice to be one of them.

If God is so great and forgiving, he will accept that I was wrong for nt believing in him.

If he doesn't exist, I was right and nothign will happen.

Faith needs to be genuine. You can't just choose to believe in god out of fear of being punished in the afterlife.

This so much.

That was exactly what Christianity is founded on though

They will have eternal joy if you keep worshiping them. Have you not listened to them at all?

Exactly. I'm pretty sure god as an omniscient being could tell who didn't really believe but went to church as 'insurance'

But in the chart it says that according to "Atheism Rewarded", people who believe in "Atheism Rewarded" will be rewarded.

African folk religion.

Because belief is something you can't consciously choose. I'm an atheist and that means I'm not afraid of hell because I know it doesn't exist.

Pascal's wager assumes there's only one religion

Egyptians used the metric system and made the exact same errors when calculating the distance from the equator to the north pole?

I don't want to believe in a god for this exact reason. I don't want to believe in a god that is so inherently petty, evil and merciless.

I don't want to believe in a god that chooses your fate based on if you believe in him or wait till having sex before your married rather then if your a good person who lived their lives in kindness and generosity.

If god really is so loving and wise then why should he care if you believe in him or not? Shouldn't he look past that and judge you by your character? Why would he cast people to an eternity of torment if he supposedly loves us?

I get the whole "punishing evil" thing but why does a being so wise and kind like god consider people that believe in another god, have no god, are gay, trans, have sex, drink etc. on the same pedestal as murderers and rapists?

A truly loving and all knowing being should look past all of that shit and judge them on their morals and how they treat others.

Also, if he's all knowing, doesn't that mean he already knows the layout of someone's entire life and knows if their gonna sin or believe in him or not? Why does he allow such things to happen and condemn us anyways? Why do we suffer for God's inherent inactivity or carelessness?

It's impossible to think that God (if he's real) is so loving and caring considering all the shit that goes on in the world. Stillborns, children dying, his own followers like the Westboro Baptist Church telling people how angry and evil he is.

And why would God intentionally allow people to believe in another god or religion like Islam, the Japanese etc. if he's so loving then why does he allow billions of people go to hell because of their different beliefs or no beliefs at all?

What exactly is so "loving" about that?

Sorry if I'm going an such a tangent but I'm going through an existential crisis right now and I needed to get this off my chest real bad.

I've asked churchgoers and a pastor about this. Pastor told me almost verbatim "it's so the glory of God will be revealed" (literally ended the discussion at that, then accused me of not having faith), other churchgoers basically said God is loving because he gives a few people a way out, but basically did not comment on the fate of the other people at all, as if they were trying to dodge the issue. These are their responses btw, not mine, but I suspect any Calvinist church will give you the same answer. On the other hand there are followers of Arianism who believe that everyone has an actual free choice in their faith and God essentially cuts his losses.

Personally I like universalists' and annihilationists' point of view much better, but of course nobody can actually verify what happens post-mortem. On the other hand if I go with the mainstream point of view, I'm not sure at all how people are commanded to love God but at the same time commanded to love people God hates, it seems really contradictory.

>stripped of all human emotions
>live a boring existence where everyone is nice all the time
>eternal suffering, but you'll probably get used to it eventually, so it'll stop being suffering
>things there are interesting, at least

Everything surrounding God is contradictory. One of the reasons I'm trying to move away from religion is that I'm sick of playing cosmic guessing games and mental gymnastics.

I've come to the conclusion that if there is a God, he is a corrupt and evil bastard. It's simple as that and I don't want to hear any of that "he works in mysterious ways" bullshit.

Not anymore.

I can understand your frustration with churchgoers, but I think you should ask yourself if you've really lost faith in your church or if you've lost faith in the actual teachings. I think there's genuine value to some of the teaching found in scripture.

Personally reading the following gave me a more hopeful outlook on this matter:
It's written by a universalist theologian who seriously tried to tackle this issue without any of those guessing games, so I found it more philosophically consistent. Give it a try.

The teachings of Christianity are good, at least most of them are but what bugs me is that God apparently doesn't practice what he preaches.

I was taught that god is loving and kind and all that but then you get to the parts where God condemns people who don't believe in him to hell and will do the same if you're gay, have sex before getting married, masturbate etc.

God can't be a forgiving and all-loving being if he will condemn people to a lake of fire for such irrelevant things.

Again, some of the things that christianity teaches are fine and I'm not even angry at christians, at least the ones who aren't extremists but there seems to be two sides of God. The wise and loving being who taught us these morals and the hateful and petty monster who only wants your devotion to him instead of practicing the teachings he supposedly made.

>i don't understand christian afterlife: the post

Yeah, from what they teach in many American protestant churches you would think that there are fragments of God that are conflict with each other. Obviously this cannot be the case for a perfect entity, but I'm not sure what's the correct answer to resolve this question. I suggest you read up on theologians (if not the one I linked to, then others) to try to resolve your question, and you should try to come to some firm conclusion rather than saying "I give up".

In any case I do sincerely hope that your afterlife doesn't suck because you misunderstood some religious matters. I'm not just saying this as a platitude either; I'm pretty sure I don't know all the correct answers myself.

>I was taught that god is loving and kind and all that but then you get to the parts where God condemns people who don't believe in him to hell and will do the same if you're gay, have sex before getting married, masturbate etc.
>God can't be a forgiving and all-loving being if he will condemn people to a lake of fire for such irrelevant things.

Remember that same book tells you that "blasphemy" is possible to do.


>actually believing in souls

Holy shit, you get internet in heaven? What's it like there?

Honestly, though, reading Dante that is pretty spot on.


God does exist. God is an idea and a symbol created by man, so god exists because we created god. God did not create us. If God doesn't exist how can god affect our lives on a daily basis? Also, if God doesn't exist what're we talking about right now?

If you are a brain dead then yeah, the chances of any particular religion being correct is null because you can't get to the right one by process of elimination

>Calling God jerk
>Thinking people go to hell for not believing in God

Did you chose to be an ignorant or it's a birth defect of yours?

>Thousands of possible choices

lol that sure will be a great argument for you to use in the day of judgment

>Anyone who actually understands biology

says someone who has absolutely no idea of how biology works

>choose athiesm
>choose belief
Not only but saying you "choose" your beliefs, especially when you're talking about religion, is disingenuous as fuck. You're supposed to be good for the sake of being good, not so God can give you a cookie or so he won't put you in hell. Engaging in Pascal's wager is an exercise in sin for a theist, and an exercise of futility for an atheist.

If you cared about the truth you'd believe on Jesus, the only fool you deceive is yourself.

>God turned out to be real, it would not be worthy of worship anyway

People have actually turned this detached from reality, to go as far as to say such a thing.

>you are dead set the most insane cunt i have ever come across on the whole of the internet

At least 1/1,000,000 chance I'm insane.

> if he's so loving then why does he allow billions of people go to hell because of their different beliefs or no beliefs at all?

You ever tried forcing someone to love you if you love them?


introducing pascal's mistake:

>you can't be sure that any one particular religion is correct relative to others, so by subscribing to one you're sending yourself to hell in every other outcome

>If Gods do punish you for simply not worshiping them even though you have been good in life

God doesn't send people to hell because they don't worship him, if any of you lazy-ass fedoras where to actually do any research, you would know that people go to hell because the sins that they do, if someone doesn't sin God has no reason to send that person to hell.

>Good in life
Good as in if you are better than a serial killer or a rapist? As long as you don't kill anyone or rape anything you'll be alright because God almighty sure has a very low standard for what counts as being Good.

"And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God:"

You're the one detached from reality if you don't think God has some explaining to do for the shit he lets go on around here.

Why do you post these dumb fucking videos

>Why do you post these dumb fucking videos

To bring public knowledge to the wasteland!


jupiter doesn't real, don't waste your time, just pick out any good ideas you find and run off to go live your life

>Belief alone doesn't get you anywhere, you also need to practice the religion.

Says the fedora that has never even read a bible.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

"what must I do to be saved? and they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house"

According to the bible faith alone is what gets you into heaven, believing that faith + x is what gets you into heaven gets you to hell

"Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

What is the will of the father you may ask?

"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."

What is repentance? to turn away of whatever false salvation you may believe in. The only true salvation that men can find is that salvation that comes from the blood that the Lord Jesus Christ shed on the cross.


You can't really decide whether you believe in something or not. You can pretend to believe but God is supposed to know whether you believe or not. People form their opinions and beliefes based on their experiences and the information they've received so if God really loves people, he would try to convince people into believing him, if it is really the faith that grants the eternal joy. God supposedly gave us free will, knowing that we're not perfect and our beliefs are shaped by the environment. Hell, there are even people who have never heard of God and Jesus.

>Yea, well like, I believed you, so it doesn't matter if I didn't follow the right religion, right?
>Lose the wager

If I don't need to practice the religion to gain salvation in the end then I might as well ignore it.

Not to mention that the various Christian faiths have very different opinions on that matter so "reading the bible" can get you very different results. Refer to Calvinist pre-determination doctrine for example.