Who is the most important/influential LGBT historical figure?
Who is the most important/influential LGBT historical figure?
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schlomo shekelstein
Frederik the Great
Hadrian for ones we know were gay with certainty I'd guess
No memeing around Alexander and Frederik
A face only a mother could love.
Jesus Christ
*tips fedora*
*tips menorah*
Anybody who says Christ is gay is just virtue signaling.
Hernan Cortes. Not gay but he was Bi like Alexander the Great.
it's called being open minded
Alexander the Great
Mehmed the Conqueror
Leonardo da Vinci
Christopher Marlowe
William Shakespeare
Shah Abbas
Friedrich the Great
Oscar Wilde
Alan Turing
Yukio Mishima
Holy shit, are heteros even trying?
open minded to silly shit
>mehmed the conqueror
>Mehmed the Conqueror, the Ottoman sultan living in the 15th century, European sources say “who was known to have ambivalent sexual tastes, sent a eunuch to the house of Notaras, demanding that he supply his good looking fourteen year old son for the Sultan’s pleasure.
>Another youth Mehmed found attractive, and who was presumably more accommodating, wasRadu III the Fair, the brother of the famous Vlad the Impaler, “Radu, a hostage in Istanbul whose good looks had caught the Sultan’s fancy, and who was thus singled out to serve as one of his most favored pages.”
Dude was at least bi
Mehmed trolled ol' Vlad by plowing his his brother's boipussy on a daily basis.
Bailey Jay
Not gay
>Alexander the Great
>William Shakespeare
>Leonardo da Vinci
No factual evidence for any of them.
oscar wilde
no meming here friend, they both loved cock
Socrates, Alexander, Leonardo, Shakespeare, Abbas should not be in list.
Julius Caesar
Ernst Rohm - the Fuhrer who never was
If you were open minded you would accept that there's no need to portray historical figures as gay.
Bi at the very least. And if you're so progressive and open minded you should accept that conventional western sexuality didn't apply to his culture ie fucking boipussy wasn't gay.
He fucks men and she fucks women.
Adolf Hitler!
LGBT are modern identities that didn't exist in the past.
>Alexanders male lover isn't proof of him being at least bisexual
What about William and Leonardo then?
That guy called Gaylord
>the absence of the cultural phenomena of LGBT identities means that such labels (man who is attracted to men, etc) are not useful to describe the sexual behaviours and preferences of historical figures
king james i of england/ vi of scotland
This thread is pure historical revisionism. No evidence for William Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Shah Abbas, Socrates, Julius Caesar and Plato besides modern interpretations.
>William Shakespeare
Michelangelo probably was but there's no definitive proof unlike da vinci getting arrested for sodomy
What about them? Isn't it enough realizing that you were wrong about Alexander the greek homosexual?
No ancient historian claims that Alexander was homosexual. And yeah, most of these figures in this thread were not homosexual but debates about them being homoseual started in last couple of centuries.
i'm not sure about the specifics of any of these figures, but the argument seems to be that because fucking boys wasn't seen as a 'gay' (as we perceive it today) act. when really, a man engaging in sexual acts with another man is, by definition, homosexual, regardless of the modern or contemporary meanings of the word 'gay'
I am not sure that is the argument here. Problem is that there is zero fact to claim any of those figures were indeed homosexual besides modern journalists or historians basically playing with ideas of them being homosexual. Give me scholars who lived in times of those figures and did claim they were homosexual, then we can talk.
this guy, and it's not even close
The Emperor of Rome Nero.
That is a glorious faggot right there.
Would totally leave my family and wife to fight for him
You’re probably a faggot yourself, usually only lgbt degenerates are obsessed with their psychotic sexualities this much and will keep asking related questions.
Probably this.
Or this.
Maybe you're eager to meet them already.
Without Alan Turing Nazis would rule the world. This guy really changed the course of history.
Wendy Carlos, composer of the A Clockwork Orange soundtrack pioneered early electronic/ambient music.
Turing literally only broke the naval enigma, the guy didn't do shit in world war two. That being said, his other achievements are quite remarkable.
That one eunuch that helped kill off the western roman empire
Adolf Hitler i guess.
100% serious.
Hitler, the Nazis and the holocaust, their persecution of anything "degenerate" has horrified the following generations so much that we bend over backwards 200% to accommodate all LGBT and races no matter what, out of fear of another Hitler rising. I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all, but the Nazis are the entire reason the 21st century is so accepting.
>"Finding himself seated on a couch with Socrates and Agathon, Alcibiades exclaims that Socrates, again, has managed to sit next to the handsomest man in the room, Agathon, and that he is always doing such things"
>"Socrates therefore advises that those seeking to be prudent and moderate not kiss those in the bloom of their beauty. But Charmides jokingly calls Socrates a hypocrite, and that he had seen Socrates himself lusting after Kritoboulos. Socrates replies in feigned indignity and playfully warns Kritoboulos not to touch him until the young man grew a beard"
Socrates was gay as fuck.
> 60 posts until someone finally said Turing
into the trash this board goes
Alan Turing was a national hero, and his treatment is a stain on our nation's history.
Your transsexual dady.
Now fuck of to /lgbt/.
>Make D-Day possible
>Get drugged to death for being gay
Who by the way is the proof that if Gay people actually focused their energies on something other than buttfucking, they'd be far more productive.
Alexander had a male lover called Hephaestion. He saw himself as Achilles and Hephaestion as Patroclus (Achilles' cousin and bum buddy in Homer's Iliad). When his forces first landed in Anatolia, Alexander and Hephaestion literally frolicked around the beach nude. And when Hephaestion died, Alexander became extremely depressed and his alcoholism got even worse. However Alexander was almost certainly bisexual, as he had three wives and multiple concubines.
Leonardo had a male lover/assistant named Salai and no known female lovers.
Shakespeare though? Yeah that's total bullshit
Sir Roger Casement is perhaps not one of the most influential gay men in overall world history, but certainly the most influential in the history of colonialism and Ireland (as well as entomology, actually).
He visited Peru on behalf of the British colonial service and reported on the horrible conditions of native mine workers there. He also caught a few rare butterflies and may have discovered a few species. He was best known for exposing the brutality of Leopold II's regime in the Congo, for which he earned his knighthood.
His experiences in Peru and the Belgian Congo led him to sympathise with the plight of colonised peoples, and in 1916 he was crucial in recruiting help from the German Empire for an insurrection in Ireland. However due to poor planning and bad luck (neither of which was Casement's fault) the German help never came and the insurrection failed. He was captured by the British, had his knighthood stripped from him and was hanged at the tower of London for treason.
Is it just me, or are the only good British men in history gay?
Like, bisexual and homosexual Englishman prior to the 21st century all seem to be the most upstanding of their country. Is it a coincidence?
>Historically influential
Dead-end religious nut has pretty much no impact on history after they sluaughter his ass and ship his rock back to Persia or some damn where.
Not a bad answer at all.
This is the gay "WE WUZ" list?
Literally any Roman Emporer apart from Diocletian or Claudius?
Any classical greek statesmen?
>Julius Caesar
Evidence that Caesar was gay or practiced gay sex comes from one allegation of one incident to which there could be no possible witnesses among the accusers.
That's some weak sauce, there, especially when you consider how common aslur effeminacy was in Roman politics.
The erastes/eromenus relationship in Greek culture was not the same thing as a sexual orientation at all, and might not even involve the sexual component (though it often did).
>Alexander, Socrates and Leanardo should not be on the list
Do their recorded male lovers or homosexual encounters not count as evidence?
>Leonardo had a male assistant named Salai and on no evidence I'll say they were lovers because gays want to WUZ too.
But something tells me Hamilton was...
>Sir Roger Casement
Inventor of the window?
I didn't make it up dude, look it up. I should have said they MAY have been lovers; fair enough.
>because gays want to WUZ too
I'm straight